What is the longest cycle of sust 250 that any one should ever do ?
What is the longest cycle of sust 250 that any one should ever do ?
To many variables to answer that question directly. What are your stats, experience, goals....
All things being the same I would NORMALLY suggest 12 weeks!
Healthy diet high protien and veggies
doing 12 week cycle now. Im 5'7 191 lbs
just want to know the bad side of a cycle lasting16 weeks fallowed with tamo
Those are not really stats. BF%, Age, Goals, Lifting experience, Real diet not...it good I eat meat and veggies.
If you go 16 i would use hcg and clomid and novaOriginally Posted by noon
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
16 weeks is not looonggg but you do run a higher risk of sides the longer you are on and gains tend to decrease so it comes down to weighing benifit vs risk. For me 16 is probably my max.
Ok so here is the short story. i know some one who stacks his cycles
one cycle right after another for months at a time
he looks great but i have never known this to be common practice
is he hurting himself long term
he does a variety of tests in all of his cycles mixed with d boll
Without straight fact I couldn't say. He may be blasting and cruising...
Not smart. If this is done, you are prolonging your natural testosterone production for a long time. The risk is very highthat you will never recover to 100%. One cycle doesnt mean you can fully recover either,but its better to get yourself normalized before you continue. Just a tid bit of what Ive learned from these guys. You dont want TRT for the rest of your life.
That sounds like sound advise
is tbe blast and cruze method common/ safe
About 10 years ago i ran test for 6 months. Also had d-bol at the beginning and deca i ran from start for about 4 months. When i came off i was a mess. Used up all my vacation time at work, didn't leave the house. Hell, i barely used the phone and once went 3 or 4 days without a shower. Took me 3 weeks to get the energy to get to work. And that was only cause i would have lost my job. Took me longer to fully recover. And i stayed off AAS for a while.
I don't think it hurt me long term as i've had all kinds of check ups and blood drawn and my doc says i'm one of his healthier clients. but it did mess me up for about 2 months. your buddy should have an aggressive PCT set up is all i can say.
I wouldnt go longer than 12.But I like my 8 weekers just fine.
There's no cut and dry answer to the question. However, the type of testosterone you're using really doesn't matter. You could find the answer you're looking for to be the same with all the basic testosterone compounds.
More directly to the point, there are clinical studies using supraphysiological doses of testosterone for 20wks, 10wks and everything in-between. Regardless of the total length or total doses, which normally range from 200-600mg/wk the overall findings are generally the same. The point, will 12wks versus 16wks make that big of a difference when it comes to side effects? There's no logical reason it should.
How many cycles have you ran in the past?
Which weeks did you start responding?
Which week did you see a slow down and stop making gains?
whats the most mg per week have you done?
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