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  1. #1
    buff trucker is offline New Member
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    Would it hurt to combine Cyp and E in the same injection?

    I am prescribed 200 mg per week of Cyp for my hypogonadism, I also take 600 mg per week of enthate. I perform these split up twice a week. I'm wondering if it would hurt to put the 1ml of E in the same injection with the .5 ml of cyp? Thanks for the help!

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    no problem

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    So you're running 800mg every week? Why would you do that? Mixing them isnt an issue, but why the high dose?

  4. #4
    buff trucker is offline New Member
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    My buddy who competes heavyweight has been on a 950 cycle and he grew like a weed. We are both about the same height he has a lot more muscle. But this is what he recommended. Plus I am prescribed the 200 cyp just to get my level to normal due to my condition. So technically I'm only 600 over normal Test production. I do not produce testosterone on my own any more

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff trucker View Post
    My buddy who competes heavyweight has been on a 950 cycle and he grew like a weed. We are both about the same height he has a lot more muscle. But this is what he recommended. Plus I am prescribed the 200 cyp just to get my level to normal due to my condition. So technically I'm only 600 over normal Test production. I do not produce testosterone on my own any more
    Neither do I. Your buddy should refrain from giving advice to anyone. How many cycles have you ran in the past?

  6. #6
    buff trucker is offline New Member
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    I have been on prescribed cyp since march. this is my first actual cycle. Do you recommend something different?

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff trucker View Post
    I have been on prescribed cyp since march. this is my first actual cycle. Do you recommend something different?

    First cycle should consist of 500mg of Test E or C per week, for 12 weeks. 950 is outrageous for a first cycle. Not even a second, 3rd or 4rth.

    Are you taking an estrogen blocker? If so, what and what dose?

  8. #8
    buff trucker is offline New Member
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    One thing we have to keep in mind is we need to not even think about the cyp. Guys with normal test production are doin 500 mg cycles so I'm only 100 over that. I am taking an estrogen blocker prescribed by my doctor as it is tested with the test level. Anastrozole .5 mg a day. last estrogen test was low side of normal. after my next test in 3 months my Dr. is goin to 6 month testing so I will be able to cycle either a deca or and anadrol . Haven't decided yet.

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff trucker View Post
    One thing we have to keep in mind is we need to not even think about the cyp. Guys with normal test production are doin 500 mg cycles so I'm only 100 over that. I am taking an estrogen blocker prescribed by my doctor as it is tested with the test level. Anastrozole .5 mg a day. last estrogen test was low side of normal. after my next test in 3 months my Dr. is goin to 6 month testing so I will be able to cycle either a deca or and anadrol. Haven't decided yet.
    huh? cyp is pretty much the same as E. Whatever you inject is replacement anyway. You can't dismiss cyp's 200mg because you don't produce. A guy that produces and uses 500mg is replacing test, just like you. The guy producing gets shut down.

    You probably should research ALOT more before you run a cycle. I dont mean any offence by this, I'm merely trying to help you avoid getting hurt.

  10. #10
    buff trucker is offline New Member
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    it's always much appreciated, I have done much research. during a 12 week cycle the body takes approx. 8 to 10 weeks to recognize the extra test and then begins to shut down it's own production. Therefore from what I've found that for 8 weeks minimum they are running synthetic as well as natural. I'm not saying I'm completely correct but that is what i have come across. It kinda makes sense with the cycling process so you bring natural production back up. My buddy was just telling me what worked for him is all. I appreciate all advice for I am new to this.

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
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    Best of luck.

  12. #12
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    I have cycle tren 4 times and still would think twice about that amount of test. It seems like a waste really. Your are knocking on the door of pro BB type amounts of test. Are you one of those???

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Best of luck.
    Austin pick up that towel you just threw!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Austin pick up that towel you just threw!
    it's late. I'm leaving this one for you. I do wish the OP good luck though, sincerely.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    it's late. I'm leaving this one for you. I do wish the OP good luck though, sincerely.
    I will probably ending up being rude then it all goes down hill. Next thing ya know....banned!

  16. #16
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Look, what others on here haven't yet touched upon is... Are you now working out regularly and on a steady diet for training? Or are you just taking all the extra test thinking that just by taking it you will get huge like your buddy? Because if it is the latter of the two you are just wasting both test and your time. In order to put all that test to good use you need a good plan and program to get the results you are really wanting. You are definitely in the right forum for it. Just please read up on everything you can on doing cycles so you wont be either hurt or disappointed.

  17. #17
    buff trucker is offline New Member
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    so in your opinion what should i drop to with the test. keep in mind im running nothing else until my next blood test in november

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Look, what others on here haven't yet touched upon is... Are you now working out regularly and on a steady diet for training? Or are you just taking all the extra test thinking that just by taking it you will get huge like your buddy? Because if it is the latter of the two you are just wasting both test and your time. In order to put all that test to good use you need a good plan and program to get the results you are really wanting. You are definitely in the right forum for it. Just please read up on everything you can on doing cycles so you wont be either hurt or disappointed.
    Profile: Since high school, just got back into it after a 6 yr hiatis. Been back at it for 3.5 yrs

  19. #19
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    As Austin said There is nothing essentially diff. between Cyp and E. Ru n one or the other or both bu stick with 500mg per week divided by 2 shots 3.5 days apart. Make sure you have an AI and since you are on trt there is no reason for a PCT.

  20. #20
    buff trucker is offline New Member
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    most the time due to my over the road schedule i do 4 on 3 off. i train all body parts in the 4 days then heal over the 3 while Im on the road. i have a good diet. kinda high on carbs but it helps with 2 body parts at the gym.

  21. #21
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    I notice you own/operate trucking Co. I know it's tuff to have aconsistant routine and diet while trucking. Not impossible just tuffer. You ar 6'2" 260ish. Are you sure about your BF%? How have you had it checked. Are you trying to make a diet out of doing steroids ??? Just asking.

  22. #22
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    Personally I'd recommend you drop back to your TRT dose of 200mg per week and seriously study more into it all to make sure you dont hurt yourself as at high doses like that your blood does thicken up as your body builds much more red cell production causing you to end up with thick blood which could lead to stroke or heart attack if you don't compensate for it and know when it is getting that way by blood work frequently to see what is constantly going on while on cycle. This is serious business....Many guys have to go in and donate blood on a regular basis like every two or three months and in addition take aspirin to help keep their blood thin enough to be in the safe levels. Just be safe!

  23. #23
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    my bad.. wrong thread
    Last edited by MickeyKnox; 09-10-2012 at 10:53 PM.

  24. #24
    buff trucker is offline New Member
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    i had a bf test last month. i'm not worried about dieting in the sense of ripping. The steroid choice was a long researched n thought out decision. As i age adding size has become more and more of a struggle. it seems some of my research obviously is not matching the knowledge of other people. I will take you guys advice n lower. what does everyone recommend as an additive? deca , anadrol , etc.

  25. #25
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff trucker View Post
    i had a bf test last month. i'm not worried about dieting in the sense of ripping. The steroid choice was a long researched n thought out decision. As i age adding size has become more and more of a struggle. it seems some of my research obviously is not matching the knowledge of other people. I will take you guys advice n lower. what does everyone recommend as an additive? deca, anadrol, etc.
    Nothing. Your first 2 or 3 cycles should always be test only to assure you can handle and identify any sides.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    you guys know this is a troll, right?
    Please share....why???

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff trucker View Post
    i had a bf test last month. i'm not worried about dieting in the sense of ripping. The steroid choice was a long researched n thought out decision. As i age adding size has become more and more of a struggle. it seems some of my research obviously is not matching the knowledge of other people. I will take you guys advice n lower. what does everyone recommend as an additive? deca, anadrol, etc.
    How was your BF tested. Why don't you post a sample of your entire daily diet...

  28. #28
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    you guys know this is a troll, right?
    Well just in case it's not troll time at the forum corral, at least he knows he can eff himself up if he doesn't do it right. And I'm turning it over to you all as it's bedtime for bonzo...

  29. #29
    buff trucker is offline New Member
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    Would you mind telling me why I can't get educated advice without being called a "Troll"?

  30. #30
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Please share....why???
    wrong thread lol its' late..

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Well just in case it's not troll time at the forum corral, at least he knows he can eff himself up if he doesn't do it right. And I'm turning it over to you all as it's bedtime for bonzo...
    Sweet dreams sweety

  32. #32
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff trucker View Post
    Would you mind telling me why I can't get educated advice without being called a "Troll"?
    It seems mickey was in the wrong thread. No one thinks you're a troll. Glad to have you on board.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff trucker View Post
    Would you mind telling me why I can't get educated advice without being called a "Troll"?
    Mickey is a premature ejacutroller lol

  34. #34
    buff trucker is offline New Member
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    As you pointed out being over the road my diet changes so much. I do have a regular route tho to the east coast n back. so i leave on sunday afternoon and return thursday morning. I understand what you say about the cycles however I have been doing my TRT since march. Do I count that time or just this as my first one because of the elevated amounts?

  35. #35
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff trucker View Post
    As you pointed out being over the road my diet changes so much. I do have a regular route tho to the east coast n back. so i leave on sunday afternoon and return thursday morning. I understand what you say about the cycles however I have been doing my TRT since march. Do I count that time or just this as my first one because of the elevated amounts?
    TRT is not considered a cycle. Anything above your TRT dose would be the start of your cycle. Then you go back to your TRT dose when you're done.

  36. #36
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff trucker View Post
    As you pointed out being over the road my diet changes so much. I do have a regular route tho to the east coast n back. so i leave on sunday afternoon and return thursday morning. I understand what you say about the cycles however I have been doing my TRT since march. Do I count that time or just this as my first one because of the elevated amounts?
    please satisfy my curiousiy and post an example of a daily diet for you while working. And how was your BF tested???

  37. #37
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    please satisfy my curiousiy and post an example of a daily diet for you while working. And how was your BF tested???
    I'll tell you what... after using bod pods, I threw the calipers away.

    PS, if diet isnt fixed, results will be disappointing.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I'll tell you what... after using bod pods, I threw the calipers away.

    PS, if diet isnt fixed, results will be disappointing.
    I wish that the closest one for me wasn't an hour away!

  39. #39
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I wish that the closest one for me wasn't an hour away!
    Here Lunk, Im too tired to be rude. Please go here for me...

  40. #40
    buff trucker is offline New Member
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    Lets take today for instance, breakfast oatmeal n protein shake, pre workout was carbo force 20 min before and no explode beginning and during, post workout shake then ran some errands so grabbed subway foot long chicken breast double meat. salmon for supper 10 oz (I think) then Ill have a shake or MHP pudding in middle of night. The did the pinch test. And my blood pressure has been 117/79 the last 4 times

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