I was just curious about a few things. I have been lifting in the gym for the last 2-3 years. I'm just not happy with my size or strength gains and have been thinking about starting a cycle of just test e. I have done my own reading for about 6-8 months and for the most part I know what to expect but I wanted the opinions of people who have actually used test e. I'm 28 years old and currently 200lbs. I'm planning to hit cardio , exercise and diet like crazy for about 6-8 weeks before I start the cycle just to cut down on weight and bf % .
I guess my question is what should I expect / look out for when starting my first cycle? What kind of mass gains can I expect , loss of BF etc? Also have any of you used testaplex? also, is a pct necessary or could I just slowly lower the dosage of test over the last few weeks?
Any information you all could provide would be greatly appreciated.