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Thread: First Cycle Critique.

  1. #1

    First Cycle Critique.

    Hey guys, I'm 18, 170lbs at 12% BF. 1 Years lifting experience.
    Been researching for 3 months now everyday and I think I am ready.

    Here's my macro's for the diet I will be on when I start the cycle;
    333.5g Carbs
    77.4g Fat
    306g Protein
    3204.5 Calories

    Aiming to lean bulk, maybe even drop a bit of BF whilst also adding muscle.

    My Training split will look like this..

    Monday - Chest + Calves
    Tuesday - Legs + Shoulders
    Wednesday - Rest - 1 hour Cardio; Slow inclined walk. + Forearms
    Thursday - Shoulders + Tri's
    Friday - Back + Traps
    Saturday - Legs + Calves + Upper Chest.
    Sunday - Rest

    Possibly the weirdest split you guys have ever seen, but the bodyparts I'm training twice (Upper Chest, Legs, Calves and Shoulders) are all lagging horrifically, So I will be training them more so whilst still giving them time to recover and repair. You may notice I'm not hitting biceps directly - My biceps seem to grow quite quickly and overpower my tri's at the moment. I have added in forearm training aswell, they need to catch up with bi's and tri's since I have noticed a little bit of tendonitis occuring.

    As for my cycle, this is what I shall be running: -

    Week 1-10
    Test Enanthate 500mg per week, 250mg pins on Monday and Thursday.
    Week 1-4
    Methandrostenolone 50mg ED
    Week 1-12
    Arimidex 0.25mg EOD
    Week 12-15
    Clomid 100/100/50/50.

    Any feedback is appreciated.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Welcome evannn,

    read this article please..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Starting at that age will damage your body. It can/will damage you for the rest of your life. Your test levels are at the highest levels, use them!

    25 is a good age to start.

  4. #4
    Why do people say they research when they obviously haven't. 18yrs and 1yr lifting experience? Stop researching about steroids and read about diet and lifting.

  5. #5
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I know you think your ready but I promise you, you can add a lot more size to your frame naturally. Looking back at the point from when I had been lifting a year to now, I have blown up. I put a lot of focus into my diet and training and and stayed consistent. I'm 6ft, 230lbs, and sub15% BF. I'm still NATURAL. I've been waiting for a while to cycle. Its not that bad. Once you learn about your body and start to see changes, you get pumped and time flies. Don't risk problems that could arise later to look a little better now. Its all about hard work and dedication. If you don't have that, then a cycle will do you no good.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg
    Starting at that age will damage your body. It can/will damage you for the rest of your life. Your test levels are at the highest levels, use them!

    25 is a good age to start.
    ^ this

  7. #7
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Don't screw yourself up for a few pounds of muscle that will disappear shortly after the cycle. With one year of training there is no way you have a base to build upon.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I agree with everything above Bro!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Southern Ontario
    Your main problems are that you're 18, and you've only been lifting for 1 year.

    Lots of people on this site started taking steroids too early, and the reason you get so many people telling you not to take them until about age 25 or so is that we've all seen and read the first-hand accounts of the life-altering side effects caused by taking steroids at too young an age. I won't get into the specifics, but there are tons of horror stories right here on this site told by the people who started too early and suddenly found their bodies had changed in very negative, permanent ways.

    At your age, your natural testosterone is so high that a good diet and training regimen will be more than sufficient for the next 7 years to give you great gains. If you're not happy with the results you've see over a year of lifting at 18, you must be doing something wrong. If you get diet and training dialed in, by the time you're 25 and ready to do your first cycle (provided you're consistent in your training) you'll already be a beast.

    Head over to the Diet Forum to see how many calories you should be consuming each day based on your height and weight. You will also learn how to eat 'clean' so that you don't get fat eating so many calories.
    Then head over to the Lifting Techniques Forum to develop a good beginner's training regimen based on your individual needs. Always read and search before you post.


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