Hey guys, I'm 18, 170lbs at 12% BF. 1 Years lifting experience.
Been researching for 3 months now everyday and I think I am ready.
Here's my macro's for the diet I will be on when I start the cycle;
333.5g Carbs
77.4g Fat
306g Protein
3204.5 Calories
Aiming to lean bulk, maybe even drop a bit of BF whilst also adding muscle.
My Training split will look like this..
Monday - Chest + Calves
Tuesday - Legs + Shoulders
Wednesday - Rest - 1 hour Cardio; Slow inclined walk. + Forearms
Thursday - Shoulders + Tri's
Friday - Back + Traps
Saturday - Legs + Calves + Upper Chest.
Sunday - Rest
Possibly the weirdest split you guys have ever seen, but the bodyparts I'm training twice (Upper Chest, Legs, Calves and Shoulders) are all lagging horrifically, So I will be training them more so whilst still giving them time to recover and repair. You may notice I'm not hitting biceps directly - My biceps seem to grow quite quickly and overpower my tri's at the moment. I have added in forearm training aswell, they need to catch up with bi's and tri's since I have noticed a little bit of tendonitis occuring.
As for my cycle, this is what I shall be running: -
Week 1-10
Test Enanthate 500mg per week, 250mg pins on Monday and Thursday.
Week 1-4
Methandrostenolone 50mg ED
Week 1-12
Arimidex 0.25mg EOD
Week 12-15
Clomid 100/100/50/50.
Any feedback is appreciated.