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Hi guys. Im planning to start a 10 week cycle (bulking) but need some help on pct. (Still learning everyday!)please feel free to comment and critique on my plan)
Im planning on doing dbol/test e/ var or stano(been told by a friend who says stano is better then var?still researching)
30mg of dbol per day(1st -5th week) Drop this
500mg of test e per week(1shot) This should be split between 2 seperate injection 3.5 days apart 250 mg per
Var 80mg/day or 30mg stano per day (5th-end) Drop this
Im 24. Trains hard. Diets hard
Im 1.76m 98kg bf% 18.2 Get this down a cpl points looks like you are holding some water
Please advice. Thanks!