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Thread: newbie in need of help

  1. #1

    newbie in need of help

    Hi guys. Im planning to start a 10 week cycle (bulking) but need some help on pct. (Still learning everyday!)please feel free to comment and critique on my plan)
    Im planning on doing dbol/test e/ var or stano(been told by a friend who says stano is better then var?still researching)
    30mg of dbol per day(1st -5th week)
    500mg of test e per week(1shot)
    Var 80mg/day or 30mg stano per day (5th-end)
    Im 24. Trains hard. Diets hard
    Im 1.76m 98kg bf% 18.2
    Please advice. Thanks!

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Mar 2012
    Cialis, Texas
    Hey BB,

    First thing you should do is maintain your friendship with your buddy, but refrain from taking any advice from him/her what so ever. He/she is clueless.

    1st cycles should be Test only. You don't want to combine several compounds for a 1st cycle. This will confuse you when you're trying to identify what compound is causing the sides. It's like eating several exotic foods and getting food poisoning. No telling which one caused it.

    Your current BF% isnt terrible, but it wouldnt be a bad idea to drop that to 15% or lower before you run anything.

    To lean up a little, you have to fix your diet. I would wait at least another year, drop body fat, fix your diet (in our nutrition forum) and continue research.

    Best of luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Is this your first cycle? If so drop the dbol and var and run test only.

    - what are u planning on running test at? 400mg/wk?
    - I didn't see an AI
    - PCT should be standard novladex and clomid 2 weeks after last pin.
    - HCG?

  4. #4
    Thanks all. This is my 1st cycle with test e.
    I did try a 4 week dbol only cycle
    A clen cycle (2 on 2 off twice)
    A stano only cycle ( got a feeling i got screwed there. )
    Ive been training for 2 years. Still reaearching. Hence i need advice

  5. #5
    Fllifter. Im doing 500mg/week on test e

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I would consider what Austinite said about getting your diet in check and dropping body fat.

    Good luck !

  7. #7
    I would take into deep consideration about everything said here thanks. Afterall i have to learn from somewhere. So i should learn from the veterans

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Cialis, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by BBsg24 View Post
    I would take into deep consideration about everything said here thanks. Afterall i have to learn from somewhere. So i should learn from the veterans
    Good to have you on board.

    Check out all the sticky threads in the educational section. Lots of valuable information there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BBsg24 View Post
    Hi guys. Im planning to start a 10 week cycle (bulking) but need some help on pct. (Still learning everyday!)please feel free to comment and critique on my plan)
    Im planning on doing dbol/test e/ var or stano(been told by a friend who says stano is better then var?still researching)
    30mg of dbol per day(1st -5th week) Drop this
    500mg of test e per week(1shot) This should be split between 2 seperate injection 3.5 days apart 250 mg per
    Var 80mg/day or 30mg stano per day (5th-end) Drop this
    Im 24. Trains hard. Diets hard
    Im 1.76m 98kg bf% 18.2 Get this down a cpl points looks like you are holding some water
    Please advice. Thanks!
    I would run the test E 12 weeks not 10 after you have got that diet in check and BF down

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Good to have you on board.

    Check out all the sticky threads in the educational section. Lots of valuable information there.
    Definitely. Im just wondering why my friend told me to stack dbol with stano....i found it quite weird as dbol is bulking n stano is essentially used for cutting. (my friends a ex national bodybuilder. So i did consider following his words but i was in doubt. Hence this post)

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    I would run the test E 12 weeks not 10 after you have got that diet in check and BF down
    I was 120kg n with a bf%of 36%previously. guessing that is excess stretchy skin...haha

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