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  1. #1
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Up coming cycle ??'s

    Age: 32
    Height: 5-9
    Weight: 183
    Bf%: 13-14%
    Experience: going on I would say 6 yrs training. First couple just doing the movements. The last 3.5 yrs dieting and learning. Was at 189 at 10% one point.
    Cycle exp: test/deca , test alone, test/dbol . All test was E. tried prop once not sure if it was the prop batch or just me being a ***** but couldn't handle it. Plus wrong time to try first quad inject so it only last 2.5 wks. All cycles ran proper pct. but no hcg then. First cycle I was the typical friend gave me test/deca and I just took it. Into wk three of that cycle I found this board. Now I have studied and knowledge is better.
    Goals: all n all just strength and tighten up. I know gear won't get me cut up, but just got engaged and need to step it up again for the wedding.

    Been 1.5 years since a full cycle.

    Upcoming plan:

    Dbol 50mg Ed 1-4wk
    Test E 500/wk, split mon/thurs pin 1-12wk
    Deca 300/wk split same way. 1-10wk

    Wanna try whinny in there but should I drop dbol or deca? I know above is a bulk. But thought whinny at the end would help tighten up some.

    AI: liquid dex for arr at .25 eod from the start if I take dbol. If not wait two weeks.

    Hcg: 250 twice per wk. 3-14 wks


    Nolva: 40/20/20/20 14-18wks
    Clomid: 100/50/50/50 14-18 wks

    Question now are:

    1: how long before cycle for blood work?
    2: how long into cycle for blood wk?
    3: and after? ( never did blood before, I know )
    4: is there a thread for what to ask and check for in blood work?
    5: will a doc do blood on first visit ever?

    Hard to see my entire post since I'm on my phone. But if I left anything out let me know ad if any questions. I tried to be as detailed as possible.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    obscured is offline New Member
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    what do you mean how long before cycle bloodwork? if you havn't been on in a while then i assume anytime before is fine

    i'd wait atleast 5 weeks+ into cycle make sure everythings kicked in and levels are stabe

    4 weeks after PCT i'd say your safe for work

    and i think you ask for a CBC/CMP/LIPID/FREE T3/TSH, or just a panel of your bloodwork

  3. #3
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Not sure why you want bloodwork done. Bloodwork usually isn't necessary unless the user has some underlying health issue, is using a compound that is hard on the liver (if you add winstrol , then the deca / winstrol mix would indeed be hard on your liver), or if you are just super-vigilant about monitoring your test / estrogen / progesterone levels.

    I have never taken winstrol, so I cannot comment on its effects. It is supposed to be more of a "cutting" compound, helping users attain increased definition, and your propsed cycle of dbol , test, and deca totally conflicts with the purposes of winstrol. The first three compounds are typically used for gaining muscle mass, while winstrol is most definitely a cutting steroid . I think you have to decide what you want to achieve and go from there. Remember that bulking doesn't always mean the opposite of cutting, because if your diet is good, you will be gaining plenty of LEAN muscle mass.

    On the other hand, if you already think you have enough muscle and want to work on getting ripped and reducing your BF%, winstrol would be part of a completely different stack.

    So it's up to you to decide: If you want to gain lots of muscle mass and strength, the Dbol, test, deca cycle is the way to go. If you feel you're already big enough and simply want to sculpt the muscle you already have, then the previous cycle doesn't make a lot of sense. I don't know much about cutting cycles, but I think you would want to look into tren , anavar , and masteron in addition to winstrol as possible compounds to stack with.

    It really depends on what kind of gains you're looking for.

  4. #4
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yeah I understand they conflict each other. I will have to do more research cause I really don't know much about masteron and tren . I just know tren a is very advance cycle. So was staying away from it.

    And blood work I thought everyone did a before and after. To see about your recovery basically.

    Another question would be if my cycle is going to start in let's say 3 months time. Would my diet now be my exact for cycle? Or build up to my total calorie intake ?

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by goode80 View Post
    Yeah I understand they conflict each other. I will have to do more research cause I really don't know much about masteron and tren . I just know tren a is very advance cycle. So was staying away from it.

    And blood work I thought everyone did a before and after. To see about your recovery basically.

    Another question would be if my cycle is going to start in let's say 3 months time. Would my diet now be my exact for cycle? Or build up to my total calorie intake ?
    blood work before is good so you know if you have any issues with anything and have baselines readings
    i dont ussually do bloodwork on unless there is some sort of issues going on
    4 weeks after pct is good to do bloodwork to see if you recovered and where everything is.
    you will only see physical changes from winny if your already lean. If your 15% your not going to notice a difference in the mirror

    Your diet should always be changing on or off cycle. You eat for your goals. As your weight and stats change you will keep having to adjust your diet. The only time you really dotn change your diet is if you are jsut trying to maintain where you are at
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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