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  1. #1
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Big cycle vs. big dosage

    Could more gains be expected from a big multi compound cycle like Test/Tren /deca or from high dosage test alone cycles like 800-1000 mg of test? Please explain your answer...

  2. #2
    BeefCake41's Avatar
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    I'm in no way as qualified to answer this as most guys on here are , but I would have to say that the multi compound cycle would be more beneficial , especially if your stack is a variety of different releasing Esther's .. For example starting with a dbol and test C stack .. U will start to see/feel your gains sooner from the dbol, and then when the Test C kicks in your gains will accelerate even more .. Now if u just took the same amount of Test C you would have some "downtime" so to speak until the test releases into your system.. It's all a matter of learning the half life's of each hormone and designing a good stack.. Hope it helps

  3. #3
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    A lot of people talk about the benefits of keeping testosterone dosages to reasonable and safe levels. Whether it's other compounds or a combination of things like GH or peptides, it tends to be a bit preferred to massive test doses.

  4. #4
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    You know better than to run 2 nor 19's together

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    You know better than to run 2 nor 19's together
    Why not?

    You would run 2 test or DHT derivatives.....

    I never get this conclusion..... I for one will be running test,tren ,deca together.....

    If sides from tren get unbearable then why not add a mild hormone in like deca.....

    As long as u can controll the sides to both individually just compound your effort it controlling the sides when both together.... That's my take anyway....

    And OP, I think you will without a doubt get better gains from a mix..... Mainly because you will be able to run higher dosages with less sides.....

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I made tren a staple in a lot of my cycles over the last few years along with some other compounds and just got tired of the sides. And as you might know, i started a test cycle not long ago @the dosages you speak of. The test really just started kicking in and i feel great w/the only negative side is i'm a little more "edgy" i've been told. Now, the tren would have kicked in by now, but it still remains what the long term gains will be. i'm thinking it's going to be very productive and i will keep you posted. My log is in the appropriate forum.

  7. #7
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    From what I understand/know running higher tests doses will have a higher chance of sides compared to running multi compounds. Tren is what 5 times stronger then test, so you run less and get more results.

  8. #8
    DeadlyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg
    From what I understand/know running higher tests doses will have a higher chance of sides compared to running multi compounds. Tren is what 5 times stronger then test, so you run less and get more results.
    ^^^^ I agree, high doses usually mean more sides, imo its better to use multiple compounds at low doses .

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Why not?

    You would run 2 test or DHT derivatives.....

    I never get this conclusion..... I for one will be running test,tren ,deca together.....

    If sides from tren get unbearable then why not add a mild hormone in like deca.....

    As long as u can controll the sides to both individually just compound your effort it controlling the sides when both together.... That's my take anyway....

    And OP, I think you will without a doubt get better gains from a mix..... Mainly because you will be able to run higher dosages with less sides.....
    Because the 2 of them together would greatly improve your odds of getting bad sides! It was a hypothetical and I shoyuld have said Mast or maybe Dbol or something.

    My point was getting opioions on stacks vs big doses of TEST only!
    Last edited by Lunk1; 09-13-2012 at 01:34 PM.

  10. #10
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    In your last post you said big doses of tren only...I would assume you meant test only ( I hope )

    Anyhow assuming that is the case, yeah I like the gains from Tren with Test better than just doubling up on the Test alone. Also in your last thread you mentioned Mast, this is a cycle I really love Mast/Tren/Test with the quantities in that order.


  11. #11
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Because the 2 of them together would greatly improve your odds of getting bad sides! It was a hypothetical and I shoyuld have said Mast or maybe Dbol or something.

    My point was getting opioions on stacks vs big doses of tren only!
    I'd say you would experience much less sides from 500mg test, 500mg tren , 500mg deca than 500 test and 1000 tren....

    This is my point.... I don't get why people say tren and deca are a big no go together without knowing dosages....

    Tren is harsh for sides, so the less you take the less sides.... If u take 1500mg per week total and only 200mg of that is tren and the rest is from hormones with less sides then there is a lot of difference compared to say 1500mg total and 1200 of that being tren

  12. #12
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Because the 2 of them together would greatly improve your odds of getting bad sides! It was a hypothetical and I shoyuld have said Mast or maybe Dbol or something.

    My point was getting opioions on stacks vs big doses of tren only!
    Are u talking tren or test here.... Confused now

  13. #13
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Are u talking tren or test here.... Confused now
    Me too.

  14. #14
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Sorry...edited. Yes FFM I am ruuning that cycle currently. This is just a question I have wondered about.

  15. #15
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Why not?

    You would run 2 test or DHT derivatives.....

    I never get this conclusion..... I for one will be running test,tren ,deca together.....

    If sides from tren get unbearable then why not add a mild hormone in like deca.....

    As long as u can controll the sides to both individually just compound your effort it controlling the sides when both together.... That's my take anyway....

    And OP, I think you will without a doubt get better gains from a mix..... Mainly because you will be able to run higher dosages with less sides.....
    Have you done this before? If so what and results.

    So running test(any ester) tren a and NPP would be acceptable as long as the dose meets
    the individual?

  16. #16
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    personally i was my strongest on a very high dose of just test e.
    i've used plenty of stacks at high total doses but still didnt have the same strength lb for lb
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  17. #17
    songdog's Avatar
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    I think Lunk needs to start this all over.Beacuse even he is confused

  18. #18
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Have you done this before? If so what and results.

    So running test(any ester) tren a and NPP would be acceptable as long as the dose meets
    the individual?

    I have answered these question via PM but will double up here for the thread

    No i have not done this so am not talking from experience, more just a logical point of view...

    This is a bit off topic from where the thread began but I will clarify my above posts....

    You always hear the 'don't run tren and deca together' quote....

    I say why not..... Sides/suppressivness is determined by individual tolerances, duration and dosages of these compounds....

    If your total 19nor mg's per week was 1000mg I'm sure as hell you would see way more sides is it was all tren... Due to the sides that tren produces.... Simple

    If you were to run 1000mg of deca instead you will certainly get the 19nor suppressive sides, however the other sides (night sweats, anger, insomnia etc.....) that are associated with tren will certainly be less on this option.... Since deca does not produce these sides on a mg/mg basis to tren....

    My theory is simply that if u were to run 50/50 you will get less sides from tren (since the drop down from 1000 to 500 would be substantial) and since deca sides are much more milder anyway you would also cut those sides in half, whatever they may be... Suppressive sides may be similar since both posess that ability

    Unless someone can show how running different 19nors effect the HPTA with separate mechanisms and Synergisticly work together to shut you down harder than if each compound were just run at double the dose stand alone, I don't buy the whole 2x19nor problem thing.....

  19. #19
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    I think test alone in higher doses will have the most effect and sides!!!

  20. #20
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I think Lunk needs to start this all over.Beacuse even he is confused
    Driving a tractor and typing on a laptop at the same time lol. As my wife always says..I am not confused but I can be easily tricked lol

  21. #21
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    personally i was my strongest on a very high dose of just test e.
    i've used plenty of stacks at high total doses but still didnt have the same strength lb for lb
    What do you consider a very high dose?

  22. #22
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    It's interesting how there are a number of different views on this. Perhaps it's personal preference more than one protocal being more effective than the other.

  23. #23
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I have answered these question via PM but will double up here for the thread

    No i have not done this so am not talking from experience, more just a logical point of view...

    This is a bit off topic from where the thread began but I will clarify my above posts....

    You always hear the 'don't run tren and deca together' quote....

    I say why not..... Sides/suppressivness is determined by individual tolerances, duration and dosages of these compounds....

    If your total 19nor mg's per week was 1000mg I'm sure as hell you would see way more sides is it was all tren... Due to the sides that tren produces.... Simple

    If you were to run 1000mg of deca instead you will certainly get the 19nor suppressive sides, however the other sides (night sweats, anger, insomnia etc.....) that are associated with tren will certainly be less on this option.... Since deca does not produce these sides on a mg/mg basis to tren....

    My theory is simply that if u were to run 50/50 you will get less sides from tren (since the drop down from 1000 to 500 would be substantial) and since deca sides are much more milder anyway you would also cut those sides in half, whatever they may be... Suppressive sides may be similar since both posess that ability

    Unless someone can show how running different 19nors effect the HPTA with separate mechanisms and Synergisticly work together to shut you down harder than if each compound were just run at double the dose stand alone, I don't buy the whole 2x19nor problem thing.....
    Yeah sorry got impatient. You do have me thinking and looking deeper.
    The logic of it makes sense.
    Will talk to the others you suggested.

  24. #24
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I have answered these question via PM but will double up here for the thread

    No i have not done this so am not talking from experience, more just a logical point of view...

    This is a bit off topic from where the thread began but I will clarify my above posts....

    You always hear the 'don't run tren and deca together' quote....

    I say why not..... Sides/suppressivness is determined by individual tolerances, duration and dosages of these compounds....

    If your total 19nor mg's per week was 1000mg I'm sure as hell you would see way more sides is it was all tren... Due to the sides that tren produces.... Simple

    If you were to run 1000mg of deca instead you will certainly get the 19nor suppressive sides, however the other sides (night sweats, anger, insomnia etc.....) that are associated with tren will certainly be less on this option.... Since deca does not produce these sides on a mg/mg basis to tren....

    My theory is simply that if u were to run 50/50 you will get less sides from tren (since the drop down from 1000 to 500 would be substantial) and since deca sides are much more milder anyway you would also cut those sides in half, whatever they may be... Suppressive sides may be similar since both posess that ability

    Unless someone can show how running different 19nors effect the HPTA with separate mechanisms and Synergisticly work together to shut you down harder than if each compound were just run at double the dose stand alone, I don't buy the whole 2x19nor problem thing.....

    yes a little off topic but in a very good way. This is an interesting point of view base put you are talking about some huge doses of a cpl "ruff" compounds. Do you believe in this theorey at any dose? The problem I see with this theory is that a "normal" dose of tren migfht be 500-600mg per week and then you stack deca at another 500mg per week but run seperatly you are NORMALLY not anywhere around 1000mg of tren or deca...MOST ppl.

  25. #25
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    yes a little off topic but in a very good way. This is an interesting point of view base put you are talking about some huge doses of a cpl "ruff" compounds. Do you believe in this theorey at any dose? The problem I see with this theory is that a "normal" dose of tren migfht be 500-600mg per week and then you stack deca at another 500mg per week but run seperatly you are NORMALLY not anywhere around 1000mg of tren or deca...MOST ppl.
    Some people just have a high tolerance to these things.

  26. #26
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    What do you consider a very high dose?
    2 grams
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  27. #27
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Some people just have a high tolerance to these things.
    I love tren but I don't have any intention of seeing what 1000 mg a week feels like! It's all I can do to control my emotional issues at 600

  28. #28
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    2 grams
    Cycle results please!!!!

  29. #29
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Why not?

    You would run 2 test or DHT derivatives.....

    I never get this conclusion..... I for one will be running test,tren ,deca together.....

    If sides from tren get unbearable then why not add a mild hormone in like deca.....

    As long as u can controll the sides to both individually just compound your effort it controlling the sides when both together.... That's my take anyway....

    And OP, I think you will without a doubt get better gains from a mix..... Mainly because you will be able to run higher dosages with less sides.....
    more possible prog build up and gyno issues?
    you can use both, but i would just pick another, get maste and tren or deca and mast.
    you could run them. just be EXTRA carful.

    if your doing 300mgtren300mg deca in place of 600mg deca .. ok but if you are adding it in so its like 600mg tren and 300mg deca I would say be VERY careful.
    for me i just dont think its worth the possible hassle when there are many other options out there.
    stacking DHT comps i do not see the same way as 19-nor , other then MPB issues Id pick that over stacking 19-nor compounds

  30. #30
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    I'd vote multiple compounds over heavy dose single. The reason being that all compounds illicit their effects through different pathways, ie nitrogen balance, protein synthesis, increased nutrient uptake, affinity to the androgen receptors, increases to igf-1, effects on insulin sensitivity, increased hematocrit, and on and on. In my mind it seems that greater gains could be had by building a cycle using compounds that hit ALL aspects. But that's just what I think. All I really know for sure is that I stick a needle in my ass and get bigger...

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