Here is my cycle...
Week 1-4: 100mg/ml Testosterone Propionate EOD
Week 1-4: 10mg Dianabol every 8 hours (30mg ED)
Week 1-12: 300mg/1ml Testosterone Enanthate every 3.5 days
Week 13-14: 100mg/ml Testosterone Propionate EOD
As it takes around 4 weeks for the Test E to kick in I've decided to do Test P for first 4 weeks and as I can't start PCT until 2 weeks after last Test E shot I'm going to take Test P for the last 2 weeks, then start PCT 2 days after last Test P shot, so the Test P and Dianabol will kick-start my cycle nicely and the Test P will end the cycle nicely.
Question 1: I've got 1mg tablets and I was thinking 1mg every 3 days... what do you think?
Question 2: What week should I start taking Arimidex? I was thinking starting of week 2, but don't know what week I should stop taking the Arimidex... what do you think?
Question 3: Do you think it'll be fine me starting PCT 2 days after last Test P shot? If not when do you think I should start PCT?