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Thread: First cycle. Thoughts?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    First cycle. Thoughts?

    Test E cycle for 10 weeks. 250 mg twice a week. = 500mg a week.

    Injecting Monday night and Thursday morning.

    AI is going to be adex. 12.5mg EOD and adjust if need be.

    PCT two weeks after last injection: nolva: 40/40/20/20
    Clomid: 50/50/25/25

    Only real question is do I run the AI during pct? I read that it should be ran 4-6 weeks after last injection, but also read that you shouldn't take it during pct.

    training for 5ish years. off and on due to injuries.

    I wanted to run it for 12 weeks, but going on vacation, so it doesn't work out.

    So perhaps my second cycle in the future would be 12 week test E ( maybe a higher dose, we'll see how i react with my first cycle) and var at 60-80mgs for the last 4 weeks. Who knows.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    Adex should be ran at the start of the cycle at 0.25mg to see how you feel if need be take it to 0.5mg and you don't run it through your PCT you are still a bit young to start a cycle , post your stats and post your diet out in the nutrition section , at your age food is the best steroid so post your diet and see where that takes you first before you cycle

  3. #3
    One thing you should know about cycling is that there's a really good chance, maybe a great chance, that you're gonna get acne. If you're going somewhere warm and plan on going to the beach/pool you should think twice. I had carpet of acne front and back on my first cycle. It took months to recover. Lots of cool muscles but too embarrassed to take my shirt off. That stank.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The cycle looks good with the Ai adjustment.And you dont need to bump up the dose on your test Bro.5oomg will be good for a while.And adding Var on the next one could be a good thing.Hows your diet? Have you had it checked out by our diet section? Good luck Bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I'm still debating whether or not I should do it. I would have to start the cycle in two weeks, so I would have enough time for the cycle + PCT before my trip. I wanted more time to plan my diet, trainining, etc, so I will probably end up starting the cycle in Jan. I switched the AI to aromasin, I heard better things about that. But I will start out at a lower dose and see how that feels, as recommended.

    I'm going somewhere cold... so I would have a sweater on 24/7 I only really suffer from bacne, so im sure I will break out.
    I have fairly good diet habits already, but I will make up a more permenant one and check out the nutrition section for sure.

    Thanks for the replies. cheers.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by diabolicsoul View Post
    I'm still debating whether or not I should do it. I would have to start the cycle in two weeks, so I would have enough time for the cycle + PCT before my trip. I wanted more time to plan my diet, trainining, etc, so I will probably end up starting the cycle in Jan. I switched the AI to aromasin, I heard better things about that. But I will start out at a lower dose and see how that feels, as recommended.

    I'm going somewhere cold... so I would have a sweater on 24/7 I only really suffer from bacne, so im sure I will break out.
    I have fairly good diet habits already, but I will make up a more permenant one and check out the nutrition section for sure.

    Thanks for the replies. cheers.
    thats good thinking bro.Wait a little longer and you can better perfect your diet, training habits and youll be even more educated on aas use.Good luck on your journey.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Time is on your side bro.Nothing better than having a good diet laid out before your cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    when you decide to start, don't forget to get some hcg

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