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Thread: About to start third cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    About to start third cycle

    Am 29 218 5'11" about 15 bf and about to start y third cycle. I am wanting more of a cutting cycle, so I am thinking of test prop anavar and then winstrol. Does anyone else have anything better or with faster results? I have had no side effect with anything that I have done in the past so I am willing to try new things. I can get y hands on some hgh for a decent price. Anyone ever taken this. I heard that taking it too late in your age is not good. Am I about the right age to run that. I would run a 15 week per pack. I have done a little research and I haven't really heard anything bad about it at all other than you shouldn't take it at a late age.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Compounds don't cut weight diet does. The compounds will help you preserve muscle while you are on a calorie deficit but the compounds them self will do nothing for cutting. How is your nutrition?

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    HGH is worthless unless run for long periods. Jim is right about the diet.

  4. #4
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    I am on a constant diet, I would say the worst thing about my diet would be on Sundays during football drinking beer, burning keep my calories around 1800 or less, drink about a gallon of water a day and low carbs. I am wanting to run test p because on test e I retained a lot of water last time. I actually liked my results better when I got off cycle than when I was on it. So I am trying to run something that won't bloat me but help me gain the muscle faster and not plateau.

  5. #5
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    My first cycle was with sus 250 and winny. I liked that cycle but my provider stopped getting it because no one really ordered it but me. Which is why I was actually looking for some alternative compounds that I can look up and read on. There is so many out there it's hard to read them all and remember all definitions and affects alon with the name which is usually hard enough to say let alone spell

  6. #6
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    again the bloat can be controlled by diet. If you are eating lots of sodium and drinking beer what do you expect?
    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisCGT View Post
    I am on a constant diet, I would say the worst thing about my diet would be on Sundays during football drinking beer, burning keep my calories around 1800 or less, drink about a gallon of water a day and low carbs. I am wanting to run test p because on test e I retained a lot of water last time. I actually liked my results better when I got off cycle than when I was on it. So I am trying to run something that won't bloat me but help me gain the muscle faster and not plateau.

  7. #7
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    Diet dictates this. An AI will help also. and you should be using that anyway.

  8. #8
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Stpete and Jim are right. Diet is key here, low sodium and less beer for starters. Also running an AI would help with bloat.

  9. #9
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    What would you recommend as an ai? I may start with the sust 250 as a base what else do you think?

  10. #10
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    I know beer is bad for you but it's my one thing that I use to keep sane from all the work that I do. I don't have a problem really losing weight too much, I can easily lose and gain 10 pounds in a week, its the 6 pack that I am really striving for, and i get compliments on how good my body is all the time I just want to get a little more chiseled... For me

  11. #11
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    Well HGH isnt really for the young.A older person will benefit from it more.And like they said diet is key.And if you want that six pack sounds like you may have to diet harder.

  12. #12
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    Ok I understand the diet part but the question is whether anyone has any recommendations to use other than test e? And what would be a good stacker? I was thinking the norm which is anavar and winny but anything else that it's do harsh on te liver?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisCGT
    What would you recommend as an ai? I may start with the sust 250 as a base what else do you think?
    Wait. This is your THIRD cycle and you're asking what is a good AI!?! What did you use on your first two cycles!?!?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Wait. This is your THIRD cycle and you're asking what is a good AI!?! What did you use on your first two cycles!?!?
    My question too ^^^^^^^^^^!

  15. #15
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    I used nolva my last cycle but I didn't use it through my whole cycle I was told that I wouldn't have to really start to use it until about week 6 of my 12 week cycle, but I actually couldn't get my hands on it until about week 7. I didn't have any sides other than maybe a little sex drive loss, I still got hard but I actually caught myself not really caring if I got some or not. Should I have used it throughout, was nolva the right choice? I have seen others talk about some that attach to the receptors... I can't think of it right now, but nolva was the ai that my supplier recommended for a novice. Sorry guys in really bad at remembering all the technical terms and names. I am actually horrible with people names as well.

  16. #16
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    IMHO I don't use nolva till PCT. I wouldn't use an ai on cycle unless you need it. Your body needs a balance of estro and test. Use the nolva and clomid for pct and use an ai only if needed during the cycle.
    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisCGT View Post
    I used nolva my last cycle but I didn't use it through my whole cycle I was told that I wouldn't have to really start to use it until about week 6 of my 12 week cycle, but I actually couldn't get my hands on it until about week 7. I didn't have any sides other than maybe a little sex drive loss, I still got hard but I actually caught myself not really caring if I got some or not. Should I have used it throughout, was nolva the right choice? I have seen others talk about some that attach to the receptors... I can't think of it right now, but nolva was the ai that my supplier recommended for a novice. Sorry guys in really bad at remembering all the technical terms and names. I am actually horrible with people names as well.

  17. #17
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    Well the real question is that I want some suggestions for a third cycle for cutting a little more. I would like to get a little more technical. I would like to use test p as a base and either teen or winny or masteron. Can you please give me some suggestions for a decent third cycle or what you have used in the past for a cutting cycle, along with your suggestions of ai and what your recommended pct. I am still learning and trying to get all the different combos and it's a lot to learn but that's what this forum is for right. Thanks guys!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    to get the chiseled look its more diet then drugs. You can get chiseled on anything
    nolva is a serm not an ai
    you can control bloat with diet and an ai.
    I would start reading the educational threads again. It seems you forgot alot of the basics
    Why dont you post your diet up
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  19. #19
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    ^^^^Post up diet. Andas far as an AI goes, I have used liquidex and have liked it. I am ordering some extremstane right now just to have, and if research shows in favoritism of it, I may switch over to it. And my 2 cents, I wouldnt run anavar and winstrol side by side during a cycle. I would personally run winny for 4-6 and finishout with the var. It could add extra stress on your liver either way, but it seems that separating might help a little bit. I dont know though since it will be ran longer if separtated. I would ask on that as well and let these guys help you there. Either way, go to AR and get you some UDCA, as it is better to be safe than sorry. Good luck!

  20. #20
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    As far as diet I stay with a lot of lean protein like chicken and turkey, I eat 5 times a day and usually my snack is a peanut butter and jelly, or crackers And tuna. Take multivitamins amino acids and liver support daily. The only cheat I have is usually Sundays during football which is beer, that's if I'm not working of course. I was thinking about running a test p, anavar and winny cycle.

    Week 1-12 test p 200mg 2 times a week
    Week 1-6 anavar 75 mg a day
    Week 7-12 winny 50 mg pill a day or 100 mg pin eod

    Nolva and chlomid as pct

    Now i have never ran test p I that about the right amount to be pinning? And as far as liquidex, how much were you taking and how often. Also I see a lot of people post using hcg and a lot of other support supplements, are these recommended? And which ones. I'm really trying to do this right. And I have read up on a lot of this but as far as doses I don't want to mess myself up in the future. Thank you

  21. #21
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    no prop needs to be injected eod
    i would not run 12 weeks of orals.
    dude psot yuor exact diet up. what you consider alot of lean protein may not be the correct amount of anything. You need to have your diet right if you want to meet your goals. All the steroids arent going to change you if you arent eating correctly. Stop worring about getting the cycle perfect and post your diet
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    post proelia praemia
    the prop needs to be pinned eod i.m.o so try 150mg eod or stick to test e/c or sust if you want to pin bi weekly

    start the liquidex at .25mg eod and run to start of pct

    you can run orals up to start of pct also

    if you run the prop then your pct will start 3 days after last pin

    best of luck

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