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  1. #1
    jay2pay is offline New Member
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    35 yo male. 6'0". 215lbs. Is Anavar right for me?

    Hello all,

    I'm a new member drawn here because I have a friend using Anavar and getting some results from it. I'm exploring the idea that it may be a good option for me.

    I'm 6'0" and 215 lbs. Probably 20% body fat. Maybe more.

    I've been in the gym off and on my whole life. Have been pretty committed the last 3 years, but cannot seem to break through my plateau and have had no success losing my belly. My diet is not bad, but admittedly not perfect (2500 cal per day, 50% protein). I have no interest in massive strength or size gains. I would however like to change my body composition down to sub 15% by and just generally get lean.


    1.) I'm considering 40-60 mg of var for 8-10 weeks. Ive read reports that this may help accomplish my goal of adding some lean muscle and shedding belly fat. is this accurate?

    2.) Also considering test along with it but here is where I get lost and need help. Exactly what do I need to take and how often?

    3.) Is there anything else I need to consider taking?

    I do not want to swell up or retain water. I do not want to add lots of muscle mass. Just want to get leaner with as few side effects as possible. I've been as committed in the gym as I realistically am going to be. I'm as strict with my diet as I'm realistically going to be. I'm NOT blessed with great genetics. I'm not a competitive athlete or bodybuilder. I just want to look and feel better.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Yes sir, you should consider your bodyfat. At 20% you will be more prone I sides, I.e. high BP, gyno just to name a few. Pulse you will be less likely to see results from a higher bf.

    I lost 5% bf in a month, it can happen.

  3. #3
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I would not run any aas unless your BF% id less then 15%. So right now, no.

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Welcome...Evaluating your diet and training are the first steps. What do these look like?

  5. #5
    jay2pay is offline New Member
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    I workout with a personal trainer 4x per week for a 1 hour session each time. We focus on super-setting deadlifts, squats, bench, chins, etc with crossfit/bootcamp style workouts. I eat paleo/zone but cheat more than I should.

  6. #6
    jay2pay is offline New Member
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    I understand that I should quit cheating on my diet and that I should do more cardio. My original question is still whether or not Anavar is right for me. Can it help me reach my goals?

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Agree. AAS will do nothing over layers of fat. Drop that down to 15% and you will see results. Diet & Cardio for now.

  8. #8
    havanakid's Avatar
    havanakid is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay2pay View Post
    I understand that I should quit cheating on my diet and that I should do more cardio. My original question is still whether or not Anavar is right for me. Can it help me reach my goals?
    You said it yourself buddy.You gotta STOP cheating on your diet and DO more cardio.Trust me you will see results.I was about 18% bodyfat last year.Took me only two months to get down to 14-15% bf.I was leaner then that three weeks ago like in my avatar pic.You can do it..afterwards you can get a nice test only cycle goin.

  9. #9
    havanakid's Avatar
    havanakid is offline Associate Member
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    Just to give you a little more encouragement....when I was leaning early last year I wasn't on trt or ephedrine or anything like that.Completely natural.Just cardio 6 days a week,light to medium weightlifting and my diet was 70Protein20carb10fat...just gotta have that will power.

  10. #10
    jay2pay is offline New Member
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    what is trt?

  11. #11
    havanakid's Avatar
    havanakid is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay2pay View Post
    what is trt?
    testosterone replacement therapy.

  12. #12
    jay2pay is offline New Member
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    Would TRT help me achieve my goals? Ive looked at androgel . That stuff sounds really appealing to me.

  13. #13
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    lololol what???? eh??? really?? Ok mate anavar is one of the mildest steriods u dont need test with it you wont need trt if you use if here and there itll put ur strength up and harden u up at 20 percent you can do it fine but the result wont be as good as they would be if you were at 15 -10-8 percent but thats just obvious id also be very very suprised if you get 1 or any sides on it what so ever so if it was me i do it but its upto you but half of what ive just read up there sorry guys what the fck are you going on about ?????

  14. #14
    havanakid's Avatar
    havanakid is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay2pay View Post
    Would TRT help me achieve my goals? Ive looked at androgel. That stuff sounds really appealing to me.
    NO.Not unless youre experiencing low t symptoms.For that you need bloodwork,counsel with a good trt doctor etc.....right now just focus on diet and cardio and once your bodyfat has dropped considerably then you can think about doing an anavar cycle therefore making it easier for the var to work for ya at a leaner weight.

  15. #15
    Patryn's Avatar
    Patryn is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay2pay View Post
    I understand that I should quit cheating on my diet and that I should do more cardio. My original question is still whether or not Anavar is right for me. Can it help me reach my goals?
    You will see some results with 40-60mg per day of Anavar . I would suggest 250mg per week of Sustanon 250 as well... never take Anavar alone. You won't see much bloat from that dose of Sustanon, and it will be enough to supplement your Anavar dose.

  16. #16
    bp2000 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay2pay View Post
    I workout with a personal trainer 4x per week for a 1 hour session each time. We focus on super-setting deadlifts, squats, bench, chins, etc with crossfit/bootcamp style workouts. I eat paleo/zone but cheat more than I should.
    Hey bud, steroids are not fat burner's! Only for building muscle. If you dont want that then they are not for you. Listen, you lose weight through your mouth. You just said it your not disciplined enough to eat right then your not ready

  17. #17
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by jay2pay
    I workout with a personal trainer 4x per week for a 1 hour session each time. We focus on super-setting deadlifts, squats, bench, chins, etc with crossfit/bootcamp style workouts. I eat paleo/zone but cheat more than I should.
    Your trainer is shite based on workout he advised you

    Read up in our workout section

    Forget steroids for a few months, keep reading, get proper workouts, form, diet and cardio

    Then consider super supps

    Your trying to run before you can walk mate

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