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My issue with "test flu" is that there are confounding variables making it difficult to rule out cause and effect of any one variable. Sure, if you develop PIP, become febrile, and have swelling or redness at an injection site, I would attribute this to a local infection due to contamination from gear or the injection method - but I wouldn't call that test flu and I doubt few in fact would.
The symptoms often ascribed to influenza are fever, body aches, chills, changes in GI motility and appetite, fatigue, dizziness, etc. So called "test flu" produces the same symptoms but keep in mind, people using gear are the same people who frequent one of the most communally infected areas - gyms/fitness centers. These places are vectors for contamination because few people clean the equipment they touch between users. This is the confounding variable I mentioned. The more you frequent a gym, you increase your odds of contamination from someone who was a carrier of a virus. Add to this the possibility that gear may be slightly immunosuppressive (there are supporting and contradicting theories on this) and you have an environment ripe for contamination.
So....is it test flu or just good old influenza? I'd lean toward the latter, but in either case, it just plain SUCKS!!!! Lol