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Thread: "test flu"-where do you stand on this issue in 2012?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    "test flu"-where do you stand on this issue in 2012?

    asking because i've just googled the term and the entire first page is nothing but contradiction.

    "there is always a fever"-"there is never a fever"

    "it's always test prop"-"it's only ever due to test e"

    "it doesn't exist, you only have a normal flu"-"i get it every time i pin test"

    etc etc

    now i'm 5 weeks into a test e cycle and it was going great until three days ago when i got hit hard by flu like symptoms. spent all day sunday lyind down, couldn't eat, certainly couldn't exercise. i do have lots of kids though and since a few of them are in kindergarten and primary school they are always coming home with a cough or fever etc so it is very likely i've just picked up a bug from them. i'm normally quite healthy though, haven't had any cold or flu symptoms for nearly two years now, probably the last thing i had was dengue fever which is common around here.

    anyway, since i have just been lying around doing jack shit i figured i would google it and see what came up, so all of the contradictions i found led me to ask the experts here for an opinion on the matter.

  2. #2
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    Jun 2012
    I know for a fact that Prop andCyp will give it to you. Basically, what you experiencewith the flu, its real close to that. I felt really, really bad after 1 shot. Nausea, headache, fever, chills, sweats, squirts, you name it. Only lasted about 24 hours. I took in lots of water and gatorade. Took some asprin and rested once I got off work. Felt back to 75% the following day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I got nothing to add...I have never had it but heard lot's about it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    I know for a fact that Prop andCyp will give it to you. Basically, what you experiencewith the flu, its real close to that. I felt really, really bad after 1 shot. Nausea, headache, fever, chills, sweats, squirts, you name it. Only lasted about 24 hours. I took in lots of water and gatorade. Took some asprin and rested once I got off work. Felt back to 75% the following day.
    i don't have any headache or fever, just nagging aches and pains everywhere, mild mostly dry cough and legit lethargy. it came on bad on saturday night and now it's tuesday and still going strong. it's killed my appetite and though i'm constantly drinking water and green tea, i'm sure i've lost over 2kg since sunday.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I got nothing to add...I have never had it but heard lot's about it
    google links took me back to early 2001 and now 11 years later there appears to be no conclusive data. puzzling.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I got nothing to add...I have never had it but heard lot's about it
    same here

  7. #7
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    btw i've got no signs of infection at any pin sight. can get any antibiotic i want no problem but would never take them casually.

  8. #8
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    I wouldnt use anitbiotics for test flu, if that is in fact what you have. The "real" flue seems to be going around my part of the country lately. I had all the basic flu like symptoms and it sucked. I didnt know what the deal was, but I do know it was my first shot. Stay hydrated and pop an asprin. rest up and take it slow till you get better. The aches and pains are soonto be gone and youll be back to normal. That is, if it is test flu and not AIDS. Good luck!

  9. #9
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    maybe you got sick it is possible lol

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    I wouldnt use anitbiotics for test flu, if that is in fact what you have. The "real" flue seems to be going around my part of the country lately. I had all the basic flu like symptoms and it sucked. I didnt know what the deal was, but I do know it was my first shot. Stay hydrated and pop an asprin. rest up and take it slow till you get better. The aches and pains are soonto be gone and youll be back to normal. That is, if it is test flu and not AIDS. Good luck!
    i don't take antibiotics without a clear bacterial infection. not a wise thing to do.

  11. #11
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    double, not sure if i can delete?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    maybe you got sick it is possible lol
    ya i did mention that as a possibility in my OP. just wanted some 2012 discussion really because there's a lot of older conflicting info online

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    I know for a fact that Prop andCyp will give it to you. Basically, what you experiencewith the flu, its real close to that. I felt really, really bad after 1 shot. Nausea, headache, fever, chills, sweats, squirts, you name it. Only lasted about 24 hours. I took in lots of water and gatorade. Took some asprin and rested once I got off work. Felt back to 75% the following day.
    sorry, i didn't catch the bolded text first time around. i'm in my 5th week now, so probably 9 or 10 previous pins with no problems. not sure if that is evidence of a real bug over "test flu" or not

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    I know for a fact that Prop andCyp will give it to you. Basically, what you experiencewith the flu, its real close to that. I felt really, really bad after 1 shot. Nausea, headache, fever, chills, sweats, squirts, you name it. Only lasted about 24 hours. I took in lots of water and gatorade. Took some asprin and rested once I got off work. Felt back to 75% the following day.
    sorry, i didn't catch the bolded text first time around. i'm in my 5th week now, so probably 9 or 10 previous pins with no problems. not sure if that is evidence of a real bug over "test flu" or not

  15. #15
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    A rock & a hard place
    My issue with "test flu" is that there are confounding variables making it difficult to rule out cause and effect of any one variable. Sure, if you develop PIP, become febrile, and have swelling or redness at an injection site, I would attribute this to a local infection due to contamination from gear or the injection method - but I wouldn't call that test flu and I doubt few in fact would.

    The symptoms often ascribed to influenza are fever, body aches, chills, changes in GI motility and appetite, fatigue, dizziness, etc. So called "test flu" produces the same symptoms but keep in mind, people using gear are the same people who frequent one of the most communally infected areas - gyms/fitness centers. These places are vectors for contamination because few people clean the equipment they touch between users. This is the confounding variable I mentioned. The more you frequent a gym, you increase your odds of contamination from someone who was a carrier of a virus. Add to this the possibility that gear may be slightly immunosuppressive (there are supporting and contradicting theories on this) and you have an environment ripe for contamination. it test flu or just good old influenza? I'd lean toward the latter, but in either case, it just plain SUCKS!!!! Lol

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    My issue with "test flu" is that there are confounding variables making it difficult to rule out cause and effect of any one variable. Sure, if you develop PIP, become febrile, and have swelling or redness at an injection site, I would attribute this to a local infection due to contamination from gear or the injection method - but I wouldn't call that test flu and I doubt few in fact would.

    The symptoms often ascribed to influenza are fever, body aches, chills, changes in GI motility and appetite, fatigue, dizziness, etc. So called "test flu" produces the same symptoms but keep in mind, people using gear are the same people who frequent one of the most communally infected areas - gyms/fitness centers. These places are vectors for contamination because few people clean the equipment they touch between users. This is the confounding variable I mentioned. The more you frequent a gym, you increase your odds of contamination from someone who was a carrier of a virus. Add to this the possibility that gear may be slightly immunosuppressive (there are supporting and contradicting theories on this) and you have an environment ripe for contamination. it test flu or just good old influenza? I'd lean toward the latter, but in either case, it just plain SUCKS!!!! Lol
    from all of the conflicting reports and disagreements from a google search of this topic, i think the bolded above is perhaps the only thing everyone will agree to.

    i have a home gym btw, but lots of kids so that will almost certainly be the deciding factor in my case. snot nosed bastards are walking disease carriers. it's a good thing they are so cute and loveable otherwise they'd be intolerable haha.

  17. #17
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by kmms

    from all of the conflicting reports and disagreements from a google search of this topic, i think the bolded above is perhaps the only thing everyone will agree to.

    i have a home gym btw, but lots of kids so that will almost certainly be the deciding factor in my case. snot nosed bastards are walking disease carriers. it's a good thing they are so cute and loveable otherwise they'd be intolerable haha.
    I go to a public gym, have a 13 month old in day care (who just got over coxsackie virus), a 5 year old in kindergarten, and I spend my day surrounded by sick patients. Basically my life is one big infested Petri dish!!!!!

  18. #18
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    there should be some sort of immunity conferred upon you for dealing with all of that. i've got 5 kids that i know of but that's not as bad as being around sick patients. that's just asking for trouble.

    i had dengue fever a couple years back, the only bright side to that is that i'm now immune to that particular type of dengue now, so only 3 more left and i'm good to go.

  19. #19
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by kmms
    there should be some sort of immunity conferred upon you for dealing with all of that. i've got 5 kids that i know of but that's not as bad as being around sick patients. that's just asking for trouble.

    i had dengue fever a couple years back, the only bright side to that is that i'm now immune to that particular type of dengue now, so only 3 more left and i'm good to go.
    Yes you would think my immunity would be higher and it likely is for many things. Problem is, the damn kids keep bringing something new home!!!! Lol

  20. #20
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    well i suppose all of that stuff your body is constantly fighting off helps build a very strong immune system. i have a friend here who is an old man now and will literally pick up his food off the floor and eat it, he'll put a slice of cheese on a very dirty table top while making his sandwich etc. he's just generally very dirty, and as a result quite healthy. i just can't stand the thought of doing what he does, makes me cringe.

  21. #21
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    After 5 weeks it's probably not test flu.

  22. #22
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    Australia, Melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by kmms View Post
    asking because i've just googled the term and the entire first page is nothing but contradiction.

    "there is always a fever"-"there is never a fever"

    "it's always test prop"-"it's only ever due to test e"

    I can assure you that test e is not the only steroid which gives you flu like symptoms. I have had severe prop flu and it wasnt pretty. Your best option is to take pain killers and work through it. It typically lasts between 1-2 weeks.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    After 5 weeks it's probably not test flu.
    the more i read elsewhere and posts here, the more i'm inclined to agree with you.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrJuice View Post
    I can assure you that test e is not the only steroid which gives you flu like symptoms. I have had severe prop flu and it wasnt pretty. Your best option is to take pain killers and work through it. It typically lasts between 1-2 weeks.
    1 or 2 weeks? that's a cycle killer. i don't think i've ever been sick that long before and if i thought it might take that long i'd probably seriously consider cutting the cycle short, run pct and then start over in a couple of months.

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