09-18-2012, 09:49 AM #1
running a cycle while doing TRX/Cross fit Training
I couldn't decide which forum but i picked this over the lifting and workout forum.
Anyway, My wife wanted me to do a 2 month Crossfit/TRX class with her and we will be starting about the same time i want to start a test only cycle.
I am calling it a body recomp cycle where my goals are basically a cutting cycle with focus on fat burn while adding lean mass. cirrently i am at 5'10" 210 about 15%-16%. This wont start unitl Mid November so i am currently dieting down to get to sub 200lbs and closer to the 13% - 15%bf
my cycle is pretty simple
Wk 1-12 -Test E 250 mon & Thursday
Wk 3-13 - hcg at 250ius x twice per wk
Wk 1-12 10mgs aromasin
PCT start 2 wks after the last shot of Test E
nolva 40/20/20/20...clomid 100/50/50/50
running this with cycle
wk 1 - 4 4iu hgh
wk 4 - 8 8iu hgh or until hgh gone
wk 8 - 4-5 months after cycle 100mcg GHRP-2 with 100 mcg Modified GRF 1-29. 3x a day am/mid afternoon/bedtime
still dialing in the diet but basically a 60/20/20 with a 400 -500 calorie deficit.
For arguement sake since the wife want to do this lets face it i will be doing it. so i guess my question is woudl it be a waste of gear or would i be better served to use this to aid in the weight loss and start gear after and maybe consider a different goal upon completion
09-18-2012, 10:01 AM #2
It would certainly help. Are you looking for any critique on the cycle?
09-18-2012, 10:04 AM #3
i will take any critiques.
i guess my intentions were more whether it is good to run a cycle with that type traing based off the goals i outlined above
09-18-2012, 12:51 PM #4
I plan on running a very similar cycle + tb 500 while doing the same type of training. Curious to see how endurance is affected!
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