Originally Posted by
Forget steroids
No offense but your very skinny fat i.e no muscle and lots of fat
Stop drinking
Start joggjng
Check out our nutrition section because your diet is clearly terrible
Check out our workout section because again its clearly terrible, baseline power/hypertrophy routine is good place to start
Again forget steroids, you have no clue how to train or eat so do you honestly think steroids will help?
Think of it this way, how will your muscles grow if you dont train or eat correctly and clearly you don't
Steroids arent magic
Sorry if I sound like a prick but its the truth, you need to hear it and will thank me in the long run
Next step is post diet and workout regiem in relevant sections and I will help you sort it out,if I see you putting the effort in then I will PM a couple staff that I respect (you would too if you seen their pics) and I will personally make sure that you get the best advise that we have available here
Best of luck and hope to see your threads soon