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  1. #1
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    Anavar - Cardio and Dosing.

    I am planning on running an Anavar cycle (60MG) but I've heard that many people experience intense back/shin pumps when working out or attempting to do cardio. Considering Anavar is great at losing those bodyfat percentages and gaining hardness and vascularity, I would assume that it would be essential to do cardio during the cycle. I will be working out five times a week (four day split but working shoulders twice a week) but I'm not sure what sort of cardio I should be doing. I usually workout around 10:30AM and finish around midday, so I was thinking if I did cardio three times a week in the early mornings (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) on an empty stomach around 7:30AM then that could work well? If you can still lose bodyfat just by working out on Anavar and without cardio then great, that would save me heaps of time and energy.

    One more thing, I was planning on splitting the dosing into three a day eight hours apart at 20MG each. Is three separate doses alright? I'm just not too keen on one or two doses only because I have never used Anavar before and I'm not too keen on experiencing any potential sides.

  2. #2
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to say it, but starting a new thread won't change the advise you'll get. For your convenience I've copied and pasted my response from your previous thread.

    At 20 ANY gear is a bad idea, that includes prohormones. It's like songdog says, your endocrine system isn't finished developing yet. Nobody on this site will recommend going forward until you're 25. That's the bad news. The good news is that you have 5 years to perfect your training and your diet, and this website and it's patrons to help you along the way. Post your stats, and start learning. By the time you're 25, you won't have to ask for advise for your first cycle , and you'll have developed the habits necessary to make a cycle worth doing. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    So instead of helping someone you'd rather them do it incorrectly? Miring your morals bro.

  4. #4
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharmthetics View Post
    So instead of helping someone you'd rather them do it incorrectly? Miring your morals bro.
    I am trying to help you. You're on this site asking for advise, and that's what I'm giving you. It's the same advise that everyone else here will give you. I'm sorry it's not what you want to hear, but I wouldn't be doing you any favors if I did that. I understand you're upset, but you've read others horror stories from cycling at a young age. Morally, I can't tell you to do that.
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 09-19-2012 at 03:02 AM.

  5. #5
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    I am trying to help you. You're on this site asking for advise, and that's what I'm giving you. It's the same advise that everyone else here will give you. I'm sorry it's not what you want to hear, but I wouldn't be doing you any favors if I did that. I understand you're upset, but you've read others horror stories from cycling at a young age. Morally, I can't tell you to do that.
    It's an Anavar cycle man, it's not going to kill me.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharmthetics View Post
    It's an Anavar cycle man, it's not going to kill me.
    Famous last words. It's your body, do what you will.

  7. #7
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    Famous last words. It's your body, do what you will.
    Correction - famous last words will be you mirin son?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharmthetics View Post
    Correction - famous last words will be you mirin son?
    I dont even know what mirin is. That sentence makes no sense.

  9. #9
    sharmabrah is offline Banned
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    i'll be mirin brah, get shredded as fuaark from some var.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharmabrah View Post
    i'll be mirin brah, get shredded as fuaark from some var.
    I don't even know what language this is. I'm not interested in a hip hop pissing contest. I genuinely hope that you come through your cycle unscathed. Good luck.

  11. #11
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Use taurine to counteract pumps, also a baby aspirin and / or ibuprofen may help before cardio as it thins the blood.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    Use taurine to counteract pumps, also a baby aspirin and / or ibuprofen may help before cardio as it thins the blood.
    Aspirin doesn't thin the blood, it's an antiplatelet, and ibuprofen is an NSAID. But they would help wih pain.

  13. #13
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    OK Ill chime in. Its not about morals as I dont care what you do at 20. BUT WHAT WILL HAPPEN is this. You will be damaging your body for life at that age. Your penis will not work like before, "There is a thread up right now from a 19yr old kid who did what you want to do right now sadly". We have full stickies on here as to what and why gear hurts you at that age.

    At your age your test levels are at the highest they will ever be natty. Use that shit lol.

    What are your stats? goals? and diet?

    Hope you think this through and make the right choice for healths reasons.

    P.S why is there two threads for the same question?
    Last edited by t-dogg; 09-19-2012 at 07:49 AM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    OK Ill chime in. Its not about morals as I dont care what you do at 20. BUT WHAT WILL HAPPEN is this. You will be damaging your body for life at that age. Your penis will not work like before, "There is a thread up right now from a 19yr old kid who did what you want to do right now sadly". We have full stickies on here as to what and why gear hurts you at that age.

    At your age your test levels are at the highest they will ever be natty. Use that shit lol.

    What are your stats? goals? and diet?

    Hope you think this through and make the right choice for healths reasons.

    P.S why is there two threads for the same question?
    There are two threads as he didn't like the answers he got in the previous. There's also another half dozen he tried to hijack with the same purpose. He won't give his stats, and wont change his mind, let's just hope we don't see him in the TRT forum this time next year.

  15. #15
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    There are two threads as he didn't like the answers he got in the previous. There's also another half dozen he tried to hijack with the same purpose. He won't give his stats, and wont change his mind, let's just hope we don't see him in the TRT forum this time next year.
    It's an Anavar cycle mate, it's not like I'll be injecting or blasting and cruising.

  16. #16
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharmthetics

    It's an Anavar cycle mate, it's not like I'll be injecting or blasting and cruising.
    And your still suppressing or shutting down tour natural test.

  17. #17
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    And your still suppressing or shutting down tour natural test.
    I understand that, but many people in the past have commented on here saying they didn't do a proper PCT - some were lucky to recover, others weren't. I will be taking all the necessary precautions (PCT, liver support, good supplementation). I will have minimized the risks significantly. It's summer soon in Australia and I need to get hard, vascular and shredded.

  18. #18
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharmthetics

    It's an Anavar cycle mate, it's not like I'll be injecting or blasting and cruising.
    That's the point...

    I'm going to reply as if age wasn't the main issue here.

    You're going to be shutting down your natural testosterone production while producing minimal results. Your buddy more than likely got Turinabol or Dianabol , an entirely different compound than what he anticipated.

    Anavar alone isn't common to produce 15 pounds of LBM, it is mostly used for muscle hardening, strength gains, and reducing fat.

    It's apparent you aspire to be like Zyzz, you do realize he ran Test Prop and Tren Ace, correct? He didn't obtain his size running ****ing Anavar...

    If you're afraid of injecting, you're wasting your time...

  19. #19
    Sharmthetics is offline Banned
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    My buddy? Who are you referring to? Do not understand/10. I'm not looking for heaps of lean body mass in one cycle - I'm looking for proportion, balance and a good solid base to start with. I don't aspire to be like Zyzz at all, he's an inspiration not an imitation. I know he cruised all year round on Tren and Test - his physique is pretty much unattainable. I'm not a nutthugger like most fan boys out there, but I can appreciate his size and proportion.

    So you are telling me that an Anavar cycle (60MG) wouldn't improve my physique AT ALL? It wouldn't help me achieve improved proportion? I'm mainly looking to cut around my abdominal area (stubborn fat) and gaining a few KG's of LBM would be great for me. The strength gains that come with it would surely help my natural progress after the cycle finishes too? At least tell me the possible benefits of an Anavar cycle as opposed to just telling me the negatives.

  20. #20
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharmthetics
    My buddy? Who are you referring to? Do not understand/10. I'm not looking for heaps of lean body mass in one cycle - I'm looking for proportion, balance and a good solid base to start with. I don't aspire to be like Zyzz at all, he's an inspiration not an imitation. I know he cruised all year round on Tren and Test - his physique is pretty much unattainable. I'm not a nutthugger like most fan boys out there, but I can appreciate his size and proportion.

    So you are telling me that an Anavar cycle (60MG) wouldn't improve my physique AT ALL? It wouldn't help me achieve improved proportion? I'm mainly looking to cut around my abdominal area (stubborn fat) and gaining a few KG's of LBM would be great for me. The strength gains that come with it would surely help my natural progress after the cycle finishes too? At least tell me the possible benefits of an Anavar cycle as opposed to just telling me the negatives.
    Nevermind, I read another thread where some guy's roommate gained 15 pounds off of Anavar and he wanted to run it also.

    Yes, I'll be honest, Anavar would improve your physique. Anavar's fat loss benefits are exaggerated.

    You will gain a few pounds, provided your diet is in check. The gains provided from Anavar are slow and quality, it is highly likely you'll keep them after cycle.

    But back to the reality, you will shut down your natural testosterone production at 20 years old which has shown diminishing returns. The back and shin pumps from Anavar sound brutal and cardio sounds almost intolerable.

    I know I can't stop you, and just know the benefits you'll receive off Anavar are without a doubt obtainable naturally...

    Make sure you have an outstanding PCT, you'll need it...

    Good luck.
    Last edited by Shsm; 09-19-2012 at 04:50 PM. Reason: Typo

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