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Sorry to clutter the board, but is the deca durabolin 300mgs/1ml a decent compound to bulk in conjunction with Test C for 16 weeks? I was thinking about running test for 4 weeks, then Deca for the 5-12 weeks. Then the last 4 weeks just go down typical TRT doseages. So its really a 12 weeker, but was unsure if the Deca canbe ran all 12 or not. I hear it is a oncea week becasue of the extremely long ester it is attatched too, but I also hear 300 mgs was not enough to bulk. I thought I would run the test for 4 weeks before just so it wil be in full speed for when the deca comes into play. What do you guys think? Was origianally going to runtestony @ 500-750mgs a week,but now since the deca, I though of going at 500mgs andtrying to figure out the best way to go about this. Sorry to clutter with this, I just feel likeI am PMing some of you guy and it is getting you annoyede at me. Anyways:
I got TestC @250mgs/ML (PLENTY) AsmuchasIneed, I got it.
And I got the Deca @300mgs/1ML(As much as you guys think I should order. I got a bottle as a freebie a few months ago. I know I need more than 1 vial.)
Going to take 1 tab of caber per week as well as liquidex @ .25mg E3D. It seems to work better for me that way. I will adjust it if need be.
How would you guys run these compounds is what I am needing becasue Deca is totally newto me, and I donttrust the profiles on some of these things. Thank you guys inadvance!