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  1. #1
    bosh1911 is offline New Member
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    Clen/Albuterol NO SIDES WTF


    I looked all over the place and couldn't find anything regarding my experience. And sorry if this is the wrong place to ask.

    Anyway, 2 weeks ago I started carb cycling, I am the most strict I can, counting every gram of everything I eat. And I decided to take albuterol. First dose I kind of lost my precision with my right hand (no shakes) for about 30min and my heart rate went up to 100bpm. I took 4mg. Next dose I did was 8mg and had absolutely no sides. I was told that if don't have any sides it doesn't necessarily mean its not working so I kept on taking it, 12mg x3 a day and nothing, no sides at all. Then one day I took 16mg at once and that one time I had my hand shaking for about 1min with a 10min headache and that's about it. So no sides, and in almost two weeks (two weeks on Monday) I have lost 1.5kg. considering carb depletion, water loss and the dosing of albuterol is not much weight at all. ALSO I have been taking CLA (4.5/5g a day). And on this second week I lower my calories from 2200 to 2000 on low carb day and from 2800 to 2600 on high carb day. I am 5'11 and weighted 81.5kg/179.677lb one day before diet and now I weight 80kg/176.37 lb.

    Well, Today is supposed to be my last cycle day and decided to take clen instead, to prove if there was something wrong with me or with the albuterol. I took 80mcg of clen and again, NOTHING, NO SIDES AT ALL.

    The albuterol is research grade and the clen is claire gel clen (pharmaceutical grade, the one for horses lol I am from Australia). And this is the first time I have ever taken albuterol or clen in my life.

    One last thing. I was told that there is a chance that my receptors are low. The question is why were they low if I haven't taken anything before.

    Anyway, what do you guys thing, should I just patiently take 2 weeks off and try again? should I take ketoifen/ketotifen, benadryl or something? I will take 100-120mcg of clen tomorrow to confirm all this again.

    Thanks, any comments will be appreciated.

    EDIT: just took out the source. sorry about that, I just read the rules. I posted it because I saw this source on MANY threads, so thought it was ok. But I am not taking risks.
    Last edited by bosh1911; 09-21-2012 at 08:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    B2 agonists suck anyway and are not worth the cardiovascular stress, IMO.
    But from what you said, it sounds like they're working just fine.

  3. #3
    bosh1911 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    B2 agonists suck anyway and are not worth the cardiovascular stress, IMO.
    But from what you said, it sounds like they're working just fine.
    what do you mean they are not worth the cardiovascular stress? And do you reckon I should take simply take 2 weeks off or do you recommend me ketotifen or bendrayl? Thanks for the reply

    yes my bad, stress* lol (my english not that great I get confused a lot)
    Last edited by bosh1911; 09-20-2012 at 11:52 PM.

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bosh1911 View Post
    what do you mean they are not worth the cardiovascular strength? And do you reckon I should take simply take 2 weeks off or do you recommend me ketotifen or bendrayl? Thanks for the reply
    He said stress. Try ECA.

  5. #5
    bosh1911 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    He said stress. Try ECA.
    If my second cycle doesn't get any better I will try it. thanks

  6. #6
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    I love ECA. Clen just makes me feel like shit. I feel like my lungs can hold 2x as much on ECA. It's great for cardio.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bosh1911 View Post
    what do you mean they are not worth the cardiovascular stress? And do you reckon I should take simply take 2 weeks off or do you recommend me ketotifen or bendrayl? Thanks for the reply

    yes my bad, stress* lol (my english not that great I get confused a lot)
    If you try to use something to up regulate b2 receptor use ketotifen ..benadryl does not work. Keto is cheap as hell from ar-r anyway.

  8. #8
    AD's Avatar
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    Op. Did you try counting your pulse?

  9. #9
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Have you ever researched anything on clen ? Its not about having sides.

    Check your body temp and increased heart rate.

  10. #10
    bosh1911 is offline New Member
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    not sure what happened here, my reply below.
    Last edited by bosh1911; 09-21-2012 at 08:53 AM.

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bosh1911 View Post
    Yes thanks for the information, unfortunately I just got Diphenhydramine 50mg, not benadryl but its what is supposed to regulate your receptors. Anyway, at least I can take some every now and then for a good night sleep. My only question about Diphenhydramine (different topic) is about the people how don't know that it doesn't and take it AND it seems to work for them. how? placebo? nvm lol
    Yes placebo.
    Ronnie Rowland has a thread here explaining exactly why benadryl is useless for this purpose. It a myth started by Anthony Roberts founded on BS speculation.
    Anyway it will help you sleep..thats about it.

  12. #12
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    Any reason why your resting heart rate is 50? Just a wild guess: if you have a condition that is causing your bradycardia, that may also be the reason why the stimulants are not working.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    Any reason why your resting heart rate is 50? Just a wild guess: if you have a condition that is causing your bradycardia, that may also be the reason why the stimulants are not working.
    Nice to have you here man. Appreciate that kind of knowledge and insight.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup

    Nice to have you here man. Appreciate that kind of knowledge and insight.
    Bro, you're making me blush. Just trying to live up to my new

  15. #15
    bosh1911 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Yes placebo.
    Ronnie Rowland has a thread here explaining exactly why benadryl is useless for this purpose. It a myth started by Anthony Roberts founded on BS speculation.
    Anyway it will help you sleep..thats about it.
    Yeah, found it. tried to post it but realised I'm not allowed : /

    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    Any reason why your resting heart rate is 50? Just a wild guess: if you have a condition that is causing your bradycardia, that may also be the reason why the stimulants are not working.
    I have no conditions that I am aware of and have no idea what bradycardia is. It was 50 probably because the I first thing I did when I woke up was to check it, then immediately took albuterol (I was a bit excited, so I took first thing in the morning). My heart rate at this moment is 88bpm, I went to the gym 5 hours ago and did HIIT for 15min.

    I usually have a very low resting HR, but a pretty bad cardiovascular performance.

    Thanks for the support again guys : ) I just contacted my source asking if they can do express shipping. Gonna get ketotifen and maybe T3. which is the other one that's proven to up regulate your receptors. I am getting a bit impatient, I know. Its just that I feel I lost money (used more than half a vial of albuterol) and that these two weeks have been in vain.

  16. #16
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    50 may be a bit too low, especially when its not due to extreme fitness. Might be a good idea to just ask you doc to do some checks the next time you visit the clinic. Brady is just a long word for slow heart rate.

  17. #17
    Kwasnick's Avatar
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    I was just wondering why people take Clen in the first place. Is it soley for fat loss purposes to get BF% down? Or does it do something else for bodybuilders/during a cycle?

  18. #18
    bosh1911 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwasnick View Post
    I was just wondering why people take Clen in the first place. Is it soley for fat loss purposes to get BF% down? Or does it do something else for bodybuilders/during a cycle?
    From what I have read I THINK that clen is overrated. but most people who have tried both clen and albuterol say that clen is a stronger fat burner and clen is "anti-catabolic". From what I know, albuterol is too "anti-catabolic" as well as a fat burner, BUT it also increases your anaerobic and aerobic performance, makes you stronger. At least while on it. I would post the links with the actual research (scientific studies) on them but I can't post links yet : (

    What I like about albuterol (apart from what I already mentioned) is that its not as harsh as clen, you don't get as many sides and the sides you get are not as bad as with clen. All of this is why I chose albuterol over clen. And the biggest reason that I DIDN'T want to take clen is because there are some scientific studies that say that your heart will grow, or not necessarily grow, but some bad stuff happens to it (can't remember the words used) but I think necrosis was one (actual tissue of your heart dies). And your cardio performance lowers because of that and other reasons. And this is not reversible and it can happen in just about one cycle (2 weeks). Although it doesn't mean you will feel any of these. The effects of these may appear in 40 years when you are older.

    If anyone can say otherwise please say so. IF ONLY I COULD POST LINKS!!!! to prove what I say. And BTW I am not trying to scare anyone, tho I am scared myself of clen.

    My English is not so good so sorry about that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kwasnick View Post
    50 may be a bit too low, especially when its not due to extreme fitness. Might be a good idea to just ask you doc to do some checks the next time you visit the clinic. Brady is just a long word for slow heart rate.
    I will, thanks.

  19. #19
    AD's Avatar
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    i like albut cos its actually a medicine meant for humans. clen is for

    (just my personal opinion)

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    i like albut cos its actually a medicine meant for humans. clen is for

    (just my personal opinion)
    You calling me a horse??

  21. #21
    Kwasnick's Avatar
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    Well I guess my main question is because I see like EVERYONE taking Clen . If it were just solely for fat loss purposes then why Clen and not one of the other billions of fat loss supplements out there? I mean it even seems to be pretty harsh on your body.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    You calling me a horse??
    nah, you're a pony...KIDDING!!!!!

  23. #23
    bosh1911 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwasnick View Post
    Well I guess my main question is because I see like EVERYONE taking Clen. If it were just solely for fat loss purposes then why Clen and not one of the other billions of fat loss supplements out there? I mean it even seems to be pretty harsh on your body.
    More effective? Anti-catabolic? Thermogenic effect? (you can walk around in winter without a shirt and be sweating lol)

  24. #24
    bosh1911 is offline New Member
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    That's it, this morning I took 120mcg of clen and again NOTHING!!!!!!!! D: gonna order my ketotifen right away and take 2 or 3 weeks off. I have one question tho. Will having my receptors f*d up affect my weight loss??? I am relying purely on my carb cycling diet and training.

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