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Thread: 1St cycle ?s

  1. #1
    mrraider75 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2012

    1St cycle ?s

    Looking to gain some lean quality Muscle & strength. Looking at tren 75. I am getting the new Intek test booster. How long of cycle is best? Post cycle? Other supplements? I have used Tribol "tren" & other pro hormones before. I always supp w protein creatin & nitric oxide. Looking for more. . .

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Just read the instructions on the bottle.

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Make sure your diet is in tune w/your goals. That will make the difference.

  4. #4
    wannabe_ninja is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete
    Make sure your diet is in tune w/your goals. That will make the difference.
    Ain't that the truth. If you don't have your diet wired tight then you'll just be pissing money away.

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