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  1. #1
    bigthug87 is offline New Member
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    May 2011

    Good first injectable cycle...

    Was thinking of going on my first injectable cycle in about 6 weeks when I return home from working abroad.

    Stats atm are

    Weight - 97kg and Height - 6ft
    1 rep maxes roughly - bench = 120kg, squat = 190kg, OHP = 80kg, Deadlift = 225kg, and BOR = 95kg/.
    BF% estimate is between 14-16% roughly.

    Been training about 4 years as an amatuer, been training solidly with good knowledge and nutrition about a year.

    Cycle I was thinking was

    2ml of test enanthenate (or cyp if not available) a week assuming its 250mg/ml for 10 weeks. Taking 2 injections a week monday and thursday.

    Once done taking Nolvadex 20mg tablets at 60mg for 10 days, then 40mg for 10 days and then 20mg for 10 days.
    Also about ( 10-14 days ? ) after last test injection start HCG at 250ui a day for 20 days.

    I am an amatuer and have never done this before so please be forgiving if wrong about something. I have tried not to be a noob and just jump right in and tried to research before doing anything, appreciate any constructive help and advice

    on a side note only ever done a 10 weeks stanzanol cycle before and about a year later a 10 weeks anavar cycle, both at 50mg ED. As Im aware its MUCH healthier doing this test cycle than those oral cycles ? thanks

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Cycling is not recommended until the age of 24 or 25 first cycle should only be test though.
    Quote Originally Posted by bigthug87 View Post
    Was thinking of going on my first injectable cycle in about 6 weeks when I return home from working abroad.

    Stats atm are

    Weight - 97kg and Height - 6ft
    1 rep maxes roughly - bench = 120kg, squat = 190kg, OHP = 80kg, Deadlift = 225kg, and BOR = 95kg/.
    BF% estimate is between 14-16% roughly.

    Been training about 4 years as an amatuer, been training solidly with good knowledge and nutrition about a year.

    Cycle I was thinking was

    2ml of test enanthenate (or cyp if not available) a week assuming its 250mg/ml for 10 weeks. Taking 2 injections a week monday and thursday.

    Once done taking Nolvadex 20mg tablets at 60mg for 10 days, then 40mg for 10 days and then 20mg for 10 days.
    Also about ( 10-14 days ? ) after last test injection start HCG at 250ui a day for 20 days.

    I am an amatuer and have never done this before so please be forgiving if wrong about something. I have tried not to be a noob and just jump right in and tried to research before doing anything, appreciate any constructive help and advice

    on a side note only ever done a 10 weeks stanzanol cycle before and about a year later a 10 weeks anavar cycle, both at 50mg ED. As Im aware its MUCH healthier doing this test cycle than those oral cycles ? thanks

  3. #3
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Are you Saying you are going to do 2ml of test e twice a week.

    Let's do this let's talk in MG terms. 500mg/week spilt 2x a week mon and thurs or Sunday and Wednesday.

    HCG is typically used on cycle 250iu 2-3x per week. Also you mentioned no AI? Are you you planning in one?

  4. #4
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Jim beat me while I was typing.

    Also I missed the age, no cycle for you is recommended at your age.

  5. #5
    bigthug87 is offline New Member
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    No I ment 2ml of test e split into 2 injections throughout the week, so 1ml twice a week, so yes it would be 500mg/week, 2x a week on mon/thurs probally.

    I read to take HCG ED at 250ui a day , do I only need to take it every 2-3 days at this dose ?

    I only just read up on AI as I thought Nolva and HCG would cover me during my cycle, obviously not. My apologies for missing them out, as said I am complete noob with this and am learning BEFORE I do anything so glad I made that mistake now before starting anything.

    Regarding age yes I am only 22 and am considering waiting until am 25, its very tempting however especially where I am from in South Wales where steroid use is very big and even teenagers are on gear and surpassing you. However through hard work and good diet I was one of the strongest / biggest guys in my gym before leaving to work abroad 6 months ago. Thankfully been able to find a good gym and keep up the training

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