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  1. #1
    FireManDan is offline New Member
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    M1t help with cycle and pct.

    Help. Yes another m1t thread.
    Ok first off.. I have read many forums on this issue and have found very mixed reviews.

    26 years old 5'9 175lbs 12% fat. Been lifting off and on since high school.
    Wanting to pack on some pounds then lean up a bit. Goal of 190lbs and would love to keep around 10lbs min.

    I started m1t 8 days ago and guess I wasn't fully aware of what I was getting into. Any suggestions/help fully appreciated!
    Preload was basically vitamins and milk thistle.
    Anavite multi vit and milk thistle started 1 week prior and keeping throughout. Plenty of water also.

    m1t 10mg/day for week one then upping to 20mg/day for week 2-4. I am also taking organ shield throughout. I have saw palmetto on the way as well as hawthorn berry for b/p. been checking b/p regularly and is within normal limits. I also am taking metha drol extreme 2 capsuls/day for weeks 1-4. Plenty of protein and carbs. Also taking creating 189 as well as I-load anabolic maximizer.
    Sides I have noticed are drop in labido as well as minor mood swings. Nothing drastic, just get a little edgy sometimes. I have tribulis coming and I know a lot of people Stack 4ad with the m1t but I can't seem to get my hands on it. Would tribulis be fine to use for labido loss?

    I have a few questions on PCT as well. I have on hand, two weeks worth of clomid, 3 weeks worth of erase and 1 month worth of AD-3. Should I start erase on week 4 or wait till week 5 to start all my pct also should I run all three together or start clomid week 4-5 then start ad-3 and erase week 5

    Current cycle:
    M1t 10/20/20/20
    Milk thistle 1300-2300mg/day throughout
    Metha drol 2 capsuls/day week1-4
    Organ shield 2 capsuls/day week1-4 (should I run throughout pct also?)
    Creating 189 throughout


    Also have saw palmetto, hawthorn berry, tribulis at my disposal. When should tribulis be started? Should be here within two days and plan on starting saw palmetto ASAP.

    Is taking the metha drol at same time as m1t over-doing it?

    Beg week 1: 175 lbs. bench 225 for 2, squat 225 for 6 dead lift 275 for 4.
    Beg week 2: just over 180lbs. bench 225 for 6 then another 4, squat 225 for 10, dead lift 325 once.
    Obviously not my only work outs but gives you an idea on strength gains and weight.

    Thanks again for any help/suggestions.

  2. #2
    FireManDan is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys, lots of help!!

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    M1t is some really strong stuff bro.But if you were running test with it your libdo would be ok.Now this stuff is real hard on your liver.So drink lots of water and dont drink beer on this cycle.I have done a lot of reading on this compound and most of the guys who ran it quit.Cialis@ .5 mg a day will help with BP.tudca is best for liver support.For pct I would run clomid 100 50 50 50 Nova 25 25 25 25.Now I would say the day after your last dose.Also run a Ai like Adex@,25 eod to start.Let me know how you do with this.

  4. #4
    FireManDan is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply! Stopped drinking any alcohol about a month before cycle started. Water intake is probably between a 1.5-2 gallons. Would tribulus be ok to take to help with test levels during my m1t cycle? As for ai, I have erase which is androsta-3,5-diene-7,17-Dione 25mg. It's OTC, is it a waste? Should I still get adex? It is dipping a little deep into my pockets so far and pricing the adex out, it's up there. Also, is the AD-3 a waste as well? That's OTC also. It does offer same compound as erase but instead of 25mg it is 75mg and also has gh+liver support "velvet bean and milk thistle". With running clomid, would I still need nolva? Some studies I have read up on state clomid benefits better by itself. So much hear say out there, not sure what to listen to lol. I know I'm throwing a lot of questions at ya. Appreciate the help so far and I will keep you posted on how it's going!

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    OTC stuff is mostly worthless you need Adex beacuse M1t will bloat you.Use @ .25 eod Pct is nova and clomid.And DO NOT USE ANOTHER ORAL while on M1t.Now if you find the compounds are to pricey.Cycling isnt for you.Beacuse you will spend 10x that on food.Now if you aint eating right you will lose anything you gain.And to be honest you should be running test with any cycle.Tribulis isnt going to do anything for you.

  6. #6
    audix2359 is offline New Member
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    It doesn't seem like you planned or researched very well bro...mistake #1. As for the HB, that normally increases your BP before it lowers it, and that takes a few weeks. So if you get BP spikes, taking it will do no good since your cycle will be over once it starts working. If you were worried about BP, you should have preloaded.

    As for the Trib, that stuff isn't going to do much. I'm not saying its completely worthless, but it won't be effective enough in this case. I've dosed up to 6 grams per day (several brands) and the most I've noticed is some slight acne.

    Back in the day, lots of people were doing solo runs of M1T. I was pretty scared of it so I never did, but its been done. I know money is tight but including Test would have been a good idea. I think adding a mild prohormone at the end could work too. The Andro series stuff is absolutely not suppressive and I think you could run that during your PCT to help maintain strength.

    The way it looks right now, you'll probably lose all of your gains not long after you finish PCT.

  7. #7
    FireManDan is offline New Member
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    Yea unfortunately I think I should have done more research before starting. I'll be getting adex. As for food intake(I know there is another forum for it) I'm taking in around 110-120g protein, I am drinking carb drink which provides 50g. The rest from food. 3 eggs 7whites. Cup of oats and orang juice. 2-3 chicken breast throughout the day and either a fish or red meat along with 2-3 protein shakes/day. Rice/pasta/potatao/greens for sides. Guess I should really count all my intake. I'll stop the metha drol. Thanks for all the help. Next time around I'll be sure to do more research and do it the right way. After reading and poking around the site I'm not sure I've reached my full potential. Think I have my work cut out for me, it's a challenge I great fully accept. I'll keep y'all posted on my progress! Thanks again.

  8. #8
    FireManDan is offline New Member
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    Beg week three: 183lbs strength has def gone up.
    Benched 225 for 10 and put 265 up once. Libido hasn't been effected much, think it was mostly my head messing with me. All and all I feel great. Only a little lethargic after taking m1t. Been doing 10mg in morning and 10 another 12 hours later.
    Had to get blood work done for a routine check up. Had I known I would have waited. I'm sure the doc is going to be wondering when he sees the results. Thanks again for the help guys, much appreciated. I'll put pics up when I figure out how to do it.

  9. #9
    Devils Advocate's Avatar
    Devils Advocate is offline Junior Member
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    Following this one. Let me know if you're looking bloated or leaning out. I've never ran it myself but have a bunch of it kickin' around for a rainy day. I'm debating whether to throw it in on a bulk or cut. From what I've read it's a bulker and will bloat you but I have read others say they got extremely lean. I was outta' the game for a bit and have just got back in recently and just wanting to eat my face off and train my ass off for a while before jumpin' into anything again.

    And yeah, I wouldn't run the Metha Drol with it. What is that anyway, a Superdrol clone? If it is, maybe try drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning too to help out your liver. That shit would always turn my piss dark as shit, even with plenty of water and milk thistle. It's bomb stuff though, and M1T is generally rated as stronger so, just something to think about.

  10. #10
    FireManDan is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply, I haven't experienced any bloating and haven't checked my fat % yet. I feel in that aspect I've stayed the same. I do have more definition but I'm pretty sure that's because of muscle gains. Definitely is making me stronger all around. Depending on what you eat obviously could depict whether or not you lean out on it. All in all I'm happy with it, not sure if I would do it again or not. It's pretty hard on the liver and I'm not one to take a bunch of orals, I'm taking a total of 11 pills a day from organ shield to milk thistle daily vitamins saw palmetto etc. so far I have put on close to 15 lbs and as I said before my strength has gone up substantially. I'm finishing out my 4th week and then on to pct. I'll post a follow up of gains the middle of this week.

    As for methadrol, I believe it is similar to superdrol but with more to offer. Can't remember exactly what was in it and I gave the rest of what I had to a friend. I found plenty of forums on it with a lot of information on it.

    I'll try the warm lemon water. My piss stays clear with the exception of the first piss after my vitamins. I always drinks lots of water and while on this stuff I can't get enough of it. I'm sure my kidneys aren't too happy with me, they have been working overtime for the last month. I plan on staying off everything (pre-work out/post/shakes etc) for about 3 months after I'm done. Give my body time to recuperate.

  11. #11
    FireManDan is offline New Member
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    Been doing more research on pct, do you all suggest hcg with clomid?

  12. #12
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Nova and clomid pct bro.

  13. #13
    FireManDan is offline New Member
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    Nolva on the way but supplied as 20mg/ml 50ml total. Should I do the math and take 25/25/25/25 or do you think 20/20/20/20 would be sufficient? Do I need more clomid? Only have a total of 15 50mg tabs?

    Update. Finishing up week four, weight is consistent around 185 and strength hasn't gone up much more from week three. Most gains were in week two. I'm hoping to keep my weight around 185 might be wishful thinking, have no plans to decrease my diet and hope to continue to eat more and more. Well see how it goes during and after pct.

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