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  1. #1
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Thumbs up Repair cycle EQ, Depo Testosterone and kick start Dbol GH 2IU 5/2

    I am starting a cycle to repair my body and get back into training gain back a bit of strenght and lose a bit of fat, yes i know fat = diet cardio and training all this is in check too.

    I am the type to aromatiz has hell so my T will be kept at 150mg per week, i got a presc for it so might has well use it. I also use GH at 2IU 5/2 and plan a 12 week cycle.

    Equipoise will be used to boost red blood cell and get a bit more vascularity 300mg per week, and i want to use Dbol at20mg per week for 3 weeks to kick start the cycle.

    I read that Dbol is great for spinal intervertebral disc repair. I cannot find the study anymore but it was on pubmed.

    I want to do some low dose cycle like this twcie a year i feel that at 40 years old is the best time to get into steroids and benefit from them, to improve health and well being.

    I am not expecting to gain 20 pounds on this just a bit of vascularity cuts.

    If everything goes well i will plan another cut cycle in March with tren and anavar .

  2. #2
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Mar 2011
    You wont lose any fat running this cycle. With a proper diet for dbol you should actually gain a little bit of fat cause the excess calories help your muscles grow.the water alone may make u look more fat also

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I think the amount of fat is more closely related to cardio/diet than to a cycle. I think you will lose fat, I don't think you'll lose much weight. EQ will increase your RBC but it's not very anabolic . I do think Deca was better for me when it came to joints over EQ. I didn't like dbol because it retained too much water and made me look "puffy". When I was on dbol my joints felt WONDERFUL! There was not "repair" it was temporary relief. The relief did last several months. Test Depot is long ester so you'll hold a little more water than a short ester like Prop. I've been on 5iu/ed of HGH for the last 5 years. AWESOME stuff. I'd highly recommend it. Good luck.

  4. #4
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2008
    Thanks guys. If i can find a cash machine i will take 5IU per day but now all i can afford is the old 5/2 2IU has long has i can.

  5. #5
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2008
    I retain way to much water so i guess that dbol is real bad for me, i am looking into adding trenblone maybe at around 150mg a week for 6 weeks or so apparently very anabolic this one. Scared of the side effects tough.

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