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  1. #1
    wozzz is offline New Member
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    Sust250 - first cycle question!

    Hi, I'm 25 years old and have been training on-and-off for nearly 7 years now...
    I am about to start my first cycle using sust250 - taking 500mg twice/week.

    1. Is it necessary to take nolva or arimidex while on cycle? If so, which of the two would be best suited (provided that I am immune to getting gyno due to a previous surgical procedure)?

    2. I have heard many contrasting inputs as to what I should take during my PCT... what are the essentials?

    3. Just out of curiosity, after my first pin - how long will it take to experience an increase in testosterone levels ? Does it take immediate effect or will levels only rise after week(s)?

    I apologize for the seemingly noob questions, I am new to steroids and don't want to start my cycle until I've done my research and received credible advice... Thanks heaps for any help!!

  2. #2
    Stosh_112's Avatar
    Stosh_112 is offline Productive Member
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    1.. Yes on the dex, no on the nolva during cycle, doubt ur immune to bloating, acne, and high estrogen sides.
    2.. PCT, consists of clomid,100,100,50,50. Nolva,40,40,20,20.
    3.. Youll slightly feel the prop in the sust in the first week or two, then comes the long esters which ull feel around wk 4.

    Dont go crazy with the dex, i just ran 10 wks of sust and used only 6mg ED, some use 12mg EOD. But i feel ED is more stable. Also to much anti-Estro can cause a crash which can make ya feel weak and tired.

  3. #3
    3863's Avatar
    3863 is offline Junior Member
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    Yes an Aromatase Inhibitor should be used, arimidex 0.5mg 3 x week is fine, or exemestane 12.5mg/ed.

  4. #4
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stosh_112 View Post
    1.. Yes on the dex, no on the nolva during cycle, doubt ur immune to bloating, acne, and high estrogen sides.
    2.. PCT, consists of clomid,100,100,50,50. Nolva,40,40,20,20.
    3.. Youll slightly feel the prop in the sust in the first week or two, then comes the long esters which ull feel around wk 4.

    Dont go crazy with the dex, i just ran 10 wks of sust and used only 6mg ED, some use 12mg EOD. But i feel ED is more stable. Also to much anti-Estro can cause a crash which can make ya feel weak and tired.
    Just for the record, an AI will not inhibit's not caused due to estrogen nor does it occur in all who supplement to begin with.

  5. #5
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wozzz View Post
    Hi, I'm 25 years old and have been training on-and-off for nearly 7 years now...
    I am about to start my first cycle using sust250 - taking 500mg twice/week.

    1. Is it necessary to take nolva or arimidex while on cycle? If so, which of the two would be best suited (provided that I am immune to getting gyno due to a previous surgical procedure)?

    2. I have heard many contrasting inputs as to what I should take during my PCT... what are the essentials?

    3. Just out of curiosity, after my first pin - how long will it take to experience an increase in testosterone levels ? Does it take immediate effect or will levels only rise after week(s)?

    I apologize for the seemingly noob questions, I am new to steroids and don't want to start my cycle until I've done my research and received credible advice... Thanks heaps for any help!!
    If you can control water retention without an AI, which is possible with the dose you're using, than in this case it would be best to forgo the AI. AI's can have a strong negative impact on cholesterol, a point often overlooked when talking about anti-esterogens. Yes, cholesterol too can be controlled.

    Your testosterone levels will increase very fast, however, you probably won't really notice it for a few weeks...talking about noticeable benefits.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by wozzz View Post
    Hi, I'm 25 years old and have been training on-and-off for nearly 7 years now...
    I am about to start my first cycle using sust250 - taking 500mg twice/week.

    1. Is it necessary to take nolva or arimidex while on cycle? If so, which of the two would be best suited (provided that I am immune to getting gyno due to a previous surgical procedure)?
    Just take it if you get gyno. If you're never going to get gyno I wouldn't worry about. Why take more than what you need?

    2. I have heard many contrasting inputs as to what I should take during my PCT... what are the essentials?
    I always do Nolva (40/20/20/20) and Clomid (100/50/50/50)

    3. Just out of curiosity, after my first pin - how long will it take to experience an increase in testosterone levels ? Does it take immediate effect or will levels only rise after week(s)?
    You'll start to see results in a few weeks. There are short and long esters in Sus250. More long than short so it'll take a few weeks for the Test to "kick in".

    I apologize for the seemingly noob questions, I am new to steroids and don't want to start my cycle until I've done my research and received credible advice... Thanks heaps for any help!!
    You might want to get some acne stuff ready. A lot of first time cycler will get acne.

  7. #7
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Uncontrolled estrogen can lead to other side effects other than gyno. ED, acne water retention, poor sleep. Run a low dose of adex also to low can cause sides as well.
    Balance is what your looking for..

  8. #8
    wozzz is offline New Member
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    wow thanks for all the help really appreciate it!

    So how would one go about controlling water weight without an AI?

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Well, a good diet and watching your sodium intake is something you should do. Another thing you should do is run an AI w/your cycle. Why wouldn't you want to?

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