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  1. #1
    honeyking is offline Junior Member
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    review my cycle!! :)

    1-6 test p 150 mg eod
    1-4 dbol 30 mg day
    1-4 liver support( get what you can)
    1-6 adex 0.5 mg eod or as needed
    5-7 hcg 500 ius week
    7-11 clomid 25 mg day
    7-11 test tribulus
    7-11 daa

    how's it? and plz edit it if any thing is wrong.

  2. #2
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm not a big fan of short cycles like this. Hardly enough time to make any true significant changes...yes, you'll definitely make some. Another thing, and this has been argued both ways for many years but I think there's some validity to it and it revolves around homeostasis. I'm assuming you're trying bulk up due to the Dbol being used...anyway...for gains to be maintained, it seems to work a lot better when you allow the body a little time to become accustomed to the new gains. No, this doesn't mean you'll hold onto everything just because you run a longer cycle. Anyway, in my experience I always had a lot more success with longer cycles...even if the doses were higher for short run cycles the moderate dose cycles that were longer tended to produce better overall results.

  3. #3
    honeyking is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I'm not a big fan of short cycles like this. Hardly enough time to make any true significant changes...yes, you'll definitely make some. Another thing, and this has been argued both ways for many years but I think there's some validity to it and it revolves around homeostasis. I'm assuming you're trying bulk up due to the Dbol being used...anyway...for gains to be maintained, it seems to work a lot better when you allow the body a little time to become accustomed to the new gains. No, this doesn't mean you'll hold onto everything just because you run a longer cycle. Anyway, in my experience I always had a lot more success with longer cycles...even if the doses were higher for short run cycles the moderate dose cycles that were longer tended to produce better overall results.
    its my first cycle,,so i want to go for a small just tell me hows it??? is it good or i need something to change in it??

  4. #4
    3863's Avatar
    3863 is offline Junior Member
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    This cycle is like a blast I do sometimes after crusing. They are good for growth if dosed high enough.

  5. #5
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honeyking View Post
    its my first cycle,,so i want to go for a small just tell me hows it??? is it good or i need something to change in it??
    My post was telling you how I think it is. There's nothing wrong with the compounds you're using or anything like that.

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    At 22 yrs old do you know the effects of steroids on your still developing body?
    Would you like to know if you don't ?
    I would be glad to talk to you about it.
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 09-27-2012 at 05:38 AM.

  7. #7
    AXx's Avatar
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    Last edited by AXx; 09-27-2012 at 05:41 AM.

  8. #8
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Hold up!!! Your 22 do you know the risks of using at your age. You might possibly damage your endocrine system.

    What are your stats?
    Training exp

  9. #9
    freddy1418 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
    Add 2 weeks.
    8 week cycle with prop
    Agree or even 10weeks amd test prop for a first cycle??? First prop is known to carry a little more pip then other tests and the pinning frequency for a first time is gonna be a fun combination for you the first few weeks... id definately run it longer then 6 weeks though

  10. #10
    freddy1418 is offline Associate Member
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    Wow your 22yrs old didn't catch it... id wait a few more years if I were you... but if u are going to run it anyway consider nolvadex in your pct as well

  11. #11
    honeyking is offline Junior Member
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    ohh sweet lord!! help me!! people are running it at the age of 16-18 with no experience and i am working out from the last 3 years and i am 22 6feet 82kgs with 13bf%.Is it such a big deal??? cmon guys at what age you started???

    and they are banned things,they will effect on your body whether you are 22 or 30year old!!

  12. #12
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honeyking View Post
    ohh sweet lord!! help me!! people are running it at the age of 16-18 with no experience and i am working out from the last 3 years and i am 22 6feet 82kgs with 13bf%.Is it such a big deal??? cmon guys at what age you started???

    and they are banned things,they will effect on your body whether you are 22 or 30year old!!
    I started at 35 yrs old actually. And just because people are doing around you younger doesn't mean it's safe.
    Honestly I would try to avoid ed or TRT if I was under 25.
    Please think about it
    Good luck either way. We are her to provide the best and safest advise
    If its what you want to hear or not.

  13. #13
    honeyking is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I started at 35 yrs old actually. And just because people are doing around you younger doesn't mean it's safe.
    Honestly I would try to avoid ed or TRT if I was under 25.
    Please think about it
    Good luck either way. We are her to provide the best and safest advise
    If its what you want to hear or not.
    yeah brother i can understand.okay i will think over it!! and i am also here for the safest advice. frankly speaking in my country 99% poeple are dumb running heavy cycle without pct because steroids are much more cheaper then protein here in my country.atleast i am running proper pct

  14. #14
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by honeyking View Post
    ohh sweet lord!! help me!! people are running it at the age of 16-18 with no experience and i am working out from the last 3 years and i am 22 6feet 82kgs with 13bf%.Is it such a big deal??? cmon guys at what age you started???

    and they are banned things,they will effect on your body whether you are 22 or 30year old!!
    Well, first thing is to not concern yourself w/what those guys are doing. Second, why just 6 weeks? Is there a time restraint? I wouldn't recommend prop for your first cycle as there's a lot of pinning and you might get sick of it, or, might hit a nerve and get scared. Test e you only have to inject twice a week w/same results. Prop minimum 8 weeks imo. And leave the d-bol out. If you get undesired sides you won't know which one is the culprit.
    And although illegal in some cases, the younger you are, the more chances of lifelong issues that's already been mentioned.

  15. #15
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Just a little info if you want to read

  16. #16
    AXx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honeyking
    ohh sweet lord!! help me!! people are running it at the age of 16-18 with no experience and i am working out from the last 3 years and i am 22 6feet 82kgs with 13bf%.Is it such a big deal??? cmon guys at what age you started???

    and they are banned things,they will effect on your body whether you are 22 or 30year old!!
    I started even younger than you, I know take daily blood pressure meds, have had major ED problems and am on TRT. Im 30 now started when I was 19, so yeah they are that bad brother. We are just trying to let you know the risk. If you still want to do it, your a grown man with a full set of teeth, it's your body. We are just giving you some helpful insight that we wish we had when we were your age that's all.

  17. #17
    honeyking is offline Junior Member
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    okkk i will think over it.just for now tell me .hows the cycle???

  18. #18
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    StPete lined it out pretty good for you.

    A 6 week prop cycle is insufficient

  19. #19
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro a proper prop cycle is 8 weeks dont cut yourself [email protected] eod to start adjust if needed.Pct is nova and clomid.And yes it is more dangerous running a cycle at your age.Beacuse your endo system isnt fully developed yet.Now this has nothing to do with how tall you are or how much hair you have on your face.This is a very important step you are taking.And once you do there is no going back.You are shutting down your natural test and there is nothing written in stone saying it will ever be the same again.We just want you to be aware of the dangers of doing this.And just beacuse your friend is ok dont mean you will be.Often times the damage wont show for a few months or a couple of years.So with this being said good luck Bro.

  20. #20
    freddy1418 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by honeyking
    okkk i will think over it.just for now tell me .hows the cycle???
    How much mpre advice do you want on your flawed cycle??? We keep saying the same thing about it.. or do tou want to hear " its a great cycle plan, go foward with it, do as you please Brother and good luck... I started aas at 28 and have lifted for years prior... I was patient and happy I was (just my experience)
    Last edited by freddy1418; 09-27-2012 at 08:40 AM.

  21. #21
    honeyking is offline Junior Member
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    Okay i quit!!

    you all scared me!! i am dropping the idea of using steroids now.will start after 2 years!!

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