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  1. #1
    acidking's Avatar
    acidking is offline Associate Member
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    Couple of questions about stacking orals with tests

    I am 29 y/o, 5'7, 160lb, I am aiming for a bulking cycle. I tried a couple of cycles before, one was Sus and the other test E, so for the next one I would like to stack a couple of compounds.

    I am not sure about including an oral, probably Dbol , for the first 4 weeks, the last time I took an oral it was Oxymeth and I felt the effects of the test diminish, someone told me because Oxymeth is too strong it spoils your receptor? makes any sense? Would Dbol have the same side-effect on the test?

    Per week, for 10 weeks:
    275mg Andropen 275
    Acetate 20mg
    Decanoate 90mg
    Propionate 45mg
    Phenylpropionate 45mg
    Cypionate 75mg
    250mg Nandrolone mix
    Propionate 50mg/ml
    Phenylpropionate 50mg/ml
    Laurate 50mg/ml
    Decanoate 100mg/ml


  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    I am 29 y/o, 5'7, 160lb, I am aiming for a bulking cycle. I tried a couple of cycles before, one was Sus and the other test E, so for the next one I would like to stack a couple of compounds.

    I am not sure about including an oral, probably Dbol , for the first 4 weeks, the last time I took an oral it was Oxymeth and I felt the effects of the test diminish, someone told me because Oxymeth is too strong it spoils your receptor? makes any sense? Would Dbol have the same side-effect on the test?

    Per week, for 10 weeks:
    275mg Andropen 275
    Acetate 20mg
    Decanoate 90mg
    Propionate 45mg
    Phenylpropionate 45mg
    Cypionate 75mg
    250mg Nandrolone mix
    Propionate 50mg/ml
    Phenylpropionate 50mg/ml
    Laurate 50mg/ml
    Decanoate 100mg/ml

    1) I would run that out for 12 weeks if you have enough

    2) Do you have an AI and PCT? If so what and how much?

    3) How often do you plan to inject?

    4) Dbol @40mg X4 weeks is fine but plan to lose MOST of it as it is mostly water retained and then it goes away. It is a decent kickstart to a cycle though.

  3. #3
    Brick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking
    I am 29 y/o, 5'7, 160lb, I am aiming for a bulking cycle. I tried a couple of cycles before, one was Sus and the other test E, so for the next one I would like to stack a couple of compounds.

    I am not sure about including an oral, probably Dbol , for the first 4 weeks, the last time I took an oral it was Oxymeth and I felt the effects of the test diminish, someone told me because Oxymeth is too strong it spoils your receptor? makes any sense? Would Dbol have the same side-effect on the test?

    Per week, for 10 weeks:275mg Andropen 275
    Acetate 20mg
    Decanoate 90mg
    Propionate 45mg
    Phenylpropionate 45mg
    Cypionate 75mg
    250mg Nandrolone mix
    Propionate 50mg/ml
    Phenylpropionate 50mg/ml
    Laurate 50mg/ml
    Decanoate 100mg/ml

    Pct? Ai? Hcg ?

    Also remember it doesn't matter what compounds you are on if you are not eating enough cals to gain weight. What is your diet like?

  4. #4
    acidking's Avatar
    acidking is offline Associate Member
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    Yes PCT certainly, ideally would be:
    Nolva : 20/20/20/20
    Clomid : 100/100/50/50

    I eat well, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Daily diet consists of oatmeal, buckwheat, grilled chicken breast, beef occasionally, 50/50 mix of white rice and green lentil. For cooking I use olive oil and other hydrogenated oils like wheat germ oil and peanut oil, and olive oil.

    While on a cycle I can eat 6-8 eggs for breakfast mixed with cottage cheese, off-cycle I can only ingest 4 eggs.

    I supplement with amino, multivits, fish oil, and protein shakes.

  5. #5
    acidking's Avatar
    acidking is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    2) Do you have an AI and PCT? If so what and how much?
    3) How often do you plan to inject?
    4) Dbol @40mg X4 weeks is fine but plan to lose MOST of it as it is mostly water retained and then it goes away. It is a decent kickstart to a cycle though.
    Planning to inject twice a week. I don't have an AI but I have HCG for the the ending 4 weeks of the cycle. Will I need an AI? I would avoid it if I can unless my dosage is too high hence I heard it has it's downsides on the juice.

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You should run both HCG and AI from beginning to PCT. There are no downsides to running AI. And i too would run for 12 weeks.

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    Yes PCT certainly, ideally would be:
    Nolva : 40/20/20/20 FIXED
    Clomid : 100/50/50/50 FIXED

    I eat well, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Daily diet consists of oatmeal, buckwheat, grilled chicken breast, beef occasionally, 50/50 mix of white rice and green lentil. For cooking I use olive oil and other hydrogenated oils like wheat germ oil and peanut oil, and olive oil.

    While on a cycle I can eat 6-8 eggs for breakfast mixed with cottage cheese, off-cycle I can only ingest 4 eggs.

    I supplement with amino, multivits, fish oil, and protein shakes.
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    Planning to inject twice a week. I don't have an AI but I have HCG for the the ending 4 weeks of the cycle. Will I need an AI? I would avoid it if I can unless my dosage is too high hence I heard it has it's downsides on the juice.
    YES you want an AI. Sides mostlly come from high estro. I myself experience high BP that is controllled with an AI. The argument that an AI inhibits gains in AAS is horrible. What it might cut is a far cry from what an AI will assist you with.

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Before you do anything you need to have your diet checked out.You ran a couple of cycles and only weight 165? Your wasting your money bro.Learn how to eat post your diet in the diet section so they can help you.good luck!

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Before you do anything you need to have your diet checked out.You ran a couple of cycles and only weight 165? Your wasting your money bro.Learn how to eat post your diet in the diet section so they can help you.good luck!
    Nother good point brought to you by Songdog

  10. #10
    acidking's Avatar
    acidking is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Before you do anything you need to have your diet checked out.You ran a couple of cycles and only weight 165? Your wasting your money bro.Learn how to eat post your diet in the diet section so they can help you.good luck!
    Can you stick to the subject in question please? I asked a couple of questions and you gave an irrelevant answers in addition to critics and uncalled for advice, which I think is inappropriate. I will certainly go to the diet section if I have any doubts about my diet.

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