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  1. #1
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    retaining gains..5 years of cycling very little overall progress

    Id like to think im an 'experienced user' but my overall progress tells a different story. I gain alot on cycle i take pct consisting of clomid tamoxifen and arimidex vitamin c at standard doses. sometimes i have run hcg in the final two weeks of the cycle before pct starts. I find i get quite bad atrophy and ejaculate volume since i have started cycling gear aswel might not be relevant. I run 12 week cycles on/off pretty standard test front loaded with dbol and ran with arimidex. Couple of test and masteron cycles and some prohormones etc. Like iv said iv done a fair amount of gear and for the first time i am swallowing my pride and asking for advice as i am so sick of loosing everything i gain


    8% bodyfat
    Bench press off cycle 135kg
    Deadlift 180kg off cycle
    Squat 140kg off cycle

    My problem is i keep maybe 2pounds after a cycle no matter wat chemicals i take sometimes i emd up lighter than when i started. My strength also takes a battering. My diet is adequate it coupd be better but i am very strict and take the reccommended amounts of protein and vary carbs when bulking and cutting. I am qualified in the area of nutrition and like to think diet is my strong point. I feel my issue is with the chemicals i use and how i come off and then i come on here and hear of guys retaining 9/10 pounds every cycle. What am i doing wrong and do many other people experience this? I dont get bloodwork done i live in ireland and this service is not available only if you have a reason to get bloods done due to illness etc.. I could use a private clinic but the closest one is 50 miles away.
    Any suggestions would be helpful

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    honestly its your diet. Why dont you post it up
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    Your probably right. My diet currently is:

    1st meal oats and fruit 4 egg whites and protein shake.
    2nd meal mixed rice salad with two cans of tuna.
    3rd meal grilled chicken fillet on rice and bean sprouts.
    4th meal irish stew (beef/veg mix) some fruit
    5th meal lentil soup with tuna mixed in and a protein shake

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Agree with G. You're not eating near enough. Visit the nutrition forum and seek assistance there. You'll basically get free nutritionists willing to help you!


  5. #5
    Brick's Avatar
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    maybe you are not eating enough after you cycle?
    all the gains you make require food to sustain them. perhaps after cycle you are not eating enough as your appetite goes down?

    get a 6th meal in there.

    As for the bloodwork, drive the 50miles, you could have an underlying condition that you don't know about, low natural test maybe?
    just some suggestions

  6. #6
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    I have had bloods done once before after first cycle all was fine..i will get them done again for sure though it is stupidly expensive.

    I thought my diet was very clean and good but hey what do i know lol please feel free to flame me it can only benefit me as i seem to have nutrition all wrong.

    This is my post cycle diet i am 3 weeks off cycle now and as usual lost everything..i looked ripped to the balls but i miss the mass..

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettintherequick View Post
    I have had bloods done once before after first cycle all was fine..i will get them done again for sure though it is stupidly expensive.

    I thought my diet was very clean and good but hey what do i know lol please feel free to flame me it can only benefit me as i seem to have nutrition all wrong.

    This is my post cycle diet i am 3 weeks off cycle now and as usual lost everything..i looked ripped to the balls but i miss the mass..
    its clean and generally a very healthy diet. But its not enough to sustain the size you want.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
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    Anyone notice that he has been cycling for 5 years and he is 24?

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWaffle21 View Post
    Anyone notice that he has been cycling for 5 years and he is 24?
    yea, but cant turn back time now.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Yes but no sense in opening that door at this point.

  11. #11
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    Blue waffle we all make mistkes bit as said before cant turn back time now

  12. #12
    AD's Avatar
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    have you tried eating more? do you put on fats if you eat more?

  13. #13
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    its clean and generally a very healthy diet. But its not enough to sustain the size you want.
    exactly. This (food) plus proper training will fix it. I ate to little in total calories but clean for years and over trained keeping me far to lean for what I wanted.

  14. #14
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    Yes i simply do not seem to put on fats i stay below 10% bf regardless. i want to retain the mass i gain on cycle (dont we all) but instead i end up slightly leaner after pct. my diet reflects a healthy lifestyle choice but i am willing to change this to help retain gains in the future. i dont gain at all when off cycle my strength increases slightly but no weight increase

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettintherequick
    Yes i simply do not seem to put on fats i stay below 10% bf regardless. i want to retain the mass i gain on cycle (dont we all) but instead i end up slightly leaner after pct. my diet reflects a healthy lifestyle choice but i am willing to change this to help retain gains in the future. i dont gain at all when off cycle my strength increases slightly but no weight increase
    If you dont get fat easily, then you can safely up your calories and protein intake. That will surely help to maintain your gains. If you're still losing, simply eat even more.

  16. #16
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    asiandude could you give an example of how i would modify/add to my current diet to achieve this calorie intake..i have spent my life avoiding calories like the plague this is very new to me..i must add that for my size and weight my current diet has allowed me to become quite strong i look pretty sick when i incline dumbells of 50kg so i feel the healthy diet works for strength but certainly not for mass gains/retention

  17. #17
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
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    You would just add more food to increase the total cals.....

  18. #18
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Agree with G. You're not eating near enough. Visit the nutrition forum and seek assistance there. You'll basically get free nutritionists willing to help you!

    its not the worst ive seen tbh 3 cans tuna, chicken breast fillet, eggs, two shakes and theres plenty of meat in an irish stew to cover protein. id est his protein at around 220grms

    oats and rice will keep carbs coming on nicely if big enough servings. i could hold 100kgs bw no prob on a similar diet

  19. #19
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettintherequick View Post
    Your probably right. My diet currently is:

    1st meal oats and fruit 4 egg whites and protein shake.
    2nd meal mixed rice salad with two cans of tuna.
    3rd meal grilled chicken fillet on rice and bean sprouts.
    4th meal irish stew (beef/veg mix) some fruit
    5th meal lentil soup with tuna mixed in and a protein shake
    get in there my son!! lol

  20. #20
    dec11's Avatar
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    truth is that 90% of ppl lose the cycle gains but most just wont admit it tbh

  21. #21
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    get in there my son!! lol
    couldn't beat it Dec11 lol

  22. #22
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    truth is that 90% of ppl lose the cycle gains but most just wont admit it tbh
    i find nearly everyone i know who trains loses gains post cycle so thought id pop on here and see if i can get to the bottom of it!! It must be diet if anything

  23. #23
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettintherequick View Post
    i find nearly everyone i know who trains loses gains post cycle so thought id pop on here and see if i can get to the bottom of it!! It must be diet if anything
    not as simple as that mate, you'll be low on test after pct and certainly wont have the amount of hormone that was present during cycle.
    ive only ever maintained decent size and strength since going on trt. its a kinda sell your soul lifestyle im afraid

  24. #24
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettintherequick View Post
    couldn't beat it Dec11 lol
    yeah lol, havent had it since the last wake i was at.

    bulking up?
    start gate crashing wakes...... lol

  25. #25
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    not as simple as that mate, you'll be low on test after pct and certainly wont have the amount of hormone that was present during cycle.
    ive only ever maintained decent size and strength since going on trt. its a kinda sell your soul lifestyle im afraid
    I hear ya. I simply count the days til i can get back on cycle and to were i want to be but this is not how it should be. i know guys who keep alot of their size post cycle but strength and definition goes to shit, i am the opposite i can keep alot of my strength gains but the weight and size falls off me

  26. #26
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    yeah lol, havent had it since the last wake i was at.

    bulking up?
    start gate crashing wakes...... lol
    Had a wee laugh at that..reminds me of a fella i know has some mental issues but is obsessed with wakes goes to all of them for the free food lol

  27. #27
    AD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettintherequick
    Your probably right. My diet currently is:

    1st meal oats and fruit 4 egg whites and protein shake.
    2nd meal mixed rice salad with two cans of tuna.
    3rd meal grilled chicken fillet on rice and bean sprouts.
    4th meal irish stew (beef/veg mix) some fruit
    5th meal lentil soup with tuna mixed in and a protein shake
    I'm really not the diet expert here. But i would suggest you add a serving of carbo to meal 4 and 5. Brown rice or oats or sweet potatoes. And repeat meal 4 just before bedtime as meal 6. That would increase both your carbo/calories as well as protein.

    You really should get more details from the nutrition forum. There, you'll get very detailed and accurate help with your diet. If you like to calculate and weigh everything you eat, thats the place for you. My personal approach to diet is more trial and error. If i'm on a cycle, i eat all day long. When off cycle and gaining fats, i eat less.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettintherequick View Post
    Had a wee laugh at that..reminds me of a fella i know has some mental issues but is obsessed with wakes goes to all of them for the free food lol
    haha, its half the reason all them oul dolls go. there are crazy bastids that spend their lives stuck in the obituary section and travel the country to go waking!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    I'm really not the diet expert here. But i would suggest you add a serving of carbo to meal 4 and 5. Brown rice or oats or sweet potatoes. And repeat meal 4 just before bedtime as meal 6. That would increase both your carbo/calories as well as protein.

    You really should get more details from the nutrition forum. There, you'll get very detailed and accurate help with your diet. If you like to calculate and weigh everything you eat, thats the place for you. My personal approach to diet is more trial and error. If i'm on a cycle, i eat all day long. When off cycle and gaining fats, i eat less.
    he's at 8% bf though, and maybe maintaining that? you can just measure carbs for fuel also.

  30. #30
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    truth is that 90% of ppl lose the cycle gains but most just wont admit it tbh

    Thats because people dont know what they are doing.

    TS, its all in your diet and what/how you lift afterwards. Yes everyone loses some, but it shouldnt be all.

  31. #31
    gettintherequick's Avatar
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    id post a pic but im riddled with post cycle acne worst i ever had it had to jump on the accutane recently!! Or the A-Bomb as i call it nasty stuff lol. Would addition if a weight gainer be an option? (i swore id never take it tho diabeties in a shake) but needs must

  32. #32
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettintherequick View Post
    id post a pic but im riddled with post cycle acne worst i ever had it had to jump on the accutane recently!! Or the A-Bomb as i call it nasty stuff lol. Would addition if a weight gainer be an option? (i swore id never take it tho diabeties in a shake) but needs must

    Im not a diet master for guys looking to be big. My goals are different so I cant help. I will say that for sure if you are wanting big size, that "diet" you have wont ever work. You need more of everything.

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