Hello all
I am asking for suggestion for new bulking cycle for winter season i looking for a long cycle , my stats
Weight : 74 kg
Height : 172
Bf: 20%
age : 24
So any suggestions , thanks
Hello all
I am asking for suggestion for new bulking cycle for winter season i looking for a long cycle , my stats
Weight : 74 kg
Height : 172
Bf: 20%
age : 24
So any suggestions , thanks
Normally, you do research, come up with a cycle, and post for review. Lot's of knowledge here but you gotta do your research first.
Have you cycled before? goals?
Do the research and post what you are proposing.... Bulk comes from diet....
Limit your research to Testosterone. Typically 12 weeks w/2 injections per week. Orals only won't cut it. Post Cycle Therapy(PCT) is a must as well.
Obviously, diet and training are the keys and need to be dialed in before starting a cycle.
Yes i did 2 cycles before , last one was dbol ,400 mg/ week test prop (testolic), 400 mg \ week deca for 8 weeks , i am searching for bulk course like my last or stronger or would i just repeat it again for 12 weeks , any opinions
I think should be fine:
1-4 test prop 100mg eod
1-12 test enanthate 750mg
1-11 deca 300/500mg..
With aromasin and an appropriate PCT
Thanx muscletech , any other suggestions ?
Your body fat needs to be below 15%
Higher bf increases the risk of gyno.
i would use hcg, if I only see my balls shrink.. but if they still normal, why to use it?
of course you're right.. do you think there is a more serious problem if I wait to see?...
my advice is to run it on cycle. waiting to "see" is something you'll have to decide. that's like saying, should i wait to see if i retain water, or get acne, before i run an AI? i wouldn't.
well, I run always an AI... i don't know if i'm prone to gyno... but for the hcg, for me it's different.. for example on the last three cycle my balls dont shrink.. maybe not completely, or to a serious level..
fair enough MT. but, although i respect your opinions and comments, i certainly wouldn't wait to get gyno before i included an AI or responded with nolva.![]()
Id get your bodyfat lower before starting.
well you are right, but you can see a little atrophyzation of the balls. uff, ok, you convinced me.. I will run hcg on a middle of the cycle.![]()
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