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Thread: Theory on effective testosterone usage!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Valley of the Sun

    Theory on effective testosterone usage!

    Well prop's gains come much faster than other tests correct? And this is because you reach the "optimal" blood concentration level faster than with longer acting tests. This is why we can switch from say Sustanon to Prop at the end of our cycles and still see great gains in those last few weeks, because the prop doesn't take much time to really kick in. This is an example of using faster acting tests at the end of a cycle...

    Sustanon weeks 1-8 @ 500mg/w
    Test Prop weeks 9-10 @ 500mg/w

    Well what I'm interested in, and I'm going to add to my next cycle by the way... is using fast acting tests in the BEGINNING of my cycle. In place of frontloading. This will give fast gains off the prop while I am waiting for the sust or other long acting test to reach their peak concentration levels. So my theory is to run the Sust at the regular dosage and not frontload, but add the same amount of Prop for the first 2-3 weeks. Here's what it would look like....

    Test Prop weeks 1-2 @ 500mg/w
    Sustanon weeks 1-8 @ 500mg/w
    Test Prop weeks 9-10 @ 500mg/w

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    yes it is best to switch easters but dont use sust because it takes to long to go active. and you dont have to start with a fast acting test. if it was me I would run something like this.

    D-bol 40mg ed wks1-4
    test ent or cyp at 500mg wks 1-8
    test prop 100mg ed wks 9-10
    clomid 3 days after last prop shot 3wks 300*1d 100*10d 50*10d

    I recemond this because of the very slow acting sust as it takes 4 wks to work and 4 wks to clear your body.

    the cycle above works very well because ENT or CYP go active in your system in 2 wks and take the same to clear. this cycle will also work very well stacked with EQ or deca but EQ is better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by block
    this cycle will also work very well stacked with EQ or deca but EQ is better.
    Sounds really good Block... Why do you like the EQ better than the Deca? I was thinking about using EQ for the first time on my next cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    dont get me wrong deca is good but I perfer EQ because of the low water retention and few sides that come with it even though the gains dont come as fast when they do come hey stick around muck longer.

    and some people have progestin problems with deca
    Last edited by block; 12-03-2001 at 11:40 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: Theory on effective testosterone usage!

    Originally posted by GearCowboy

    Well what I'm interested in, and I'm going to add to my next cycle by the way... is using fast acting tests in the BEGINNING of my cycle. In place of frontloading. This will give fast gains off the prop while I am waiting for the sust or other long acting test to reach their peak concentration levels. So my theory is to run the Sust at the regular dosage and not frontload, but add the same amount of Prop for the first 2-3 weeks. Here's what it would look like....

    Test Prop weeks 1-2 @ 500mg/w
    Sustanon weeks 1-8 @ 500mg/w
    Test Prop weeks 9-10 @ 500mg/w
    You could always save a few shots of Prop by knocking your front-loading Prop down to 400 mg / week. Remember, that Sus has 30 mg Prop in it, so you'd be at 460 mg / week of Prop. Doubt you'll see much of a difference in 40 mg's Prop.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Valley of the Sun
    Originally posted by block
    yes it is best to switch easters but dont use sust because it takes to long to go active. and you dont have to start with a fast acting test. if it was me I would run something like this.

    D-bol 40mg ed wks1-4
    test ent or cyp at 500mg wks 1-8
    test prop 100mg ed wks 9-10
    clomid 3 days after last prop shot 3wks 300*1d 100*10d 50*10d

    I recemond this because of the very slow acting sust as it takes 4 wks to work and 4 wks to clear your body.

    the cycle above works very well because ENT or CYP go active in your system in 2 wks and take the same to clear. this cycle will also work very well stacked with EQ or deca but EQ is better.
    You guys aren't getting the point... I'm not designing a cycle. I'm stating that running a fast acting ester in the beginning of a cycle will get your testosterone gains going long before the sust kicks in. Even if you are running the cycle with Dbol in the early weeks, it is still important to use a faster acting ester when possible.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    gearcowboy.... IM GETTIN YOUR POINT.. and i think that's a good idea.. i say go with it! but at the end i would use prop for 3 weeks instead of just 2, becuz sus sticks around for sooo long.

    1-2 prop 500mgs
    1-7 sust 500mgs
    7-10 prop 500mgs


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I like the idea of using fast acting esters, and example of how I would use Prop.

    d-Bol 50mg ED

    Prop 50mg ED


    500mg Ethanate
    600mg Eq.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Valley of the Sun

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