Well prop's gains come much faster than other tests correct? And this is because you reach the "optimal" blood concentration level faster than with longer acting tests. This is why we can switch from say Sustanon to Prop at the end of our cycles and still see great gains in those last few weeks, because the prop doesn't take much time to really kick in. This is an example of using faster acting tests at the end of a cycle...
Sustanon weeks 1-8 @ 500mg/w
Test Prop weeks 9-10 @ 500mg/w
Well what I'm interested in, and I'm going to add to my next cycle by the way... is using fast acting tests in the BEGINNING of my cycle. In place of frontloading. This will give fast gains off the prop while I am waiting for the sust or other long acting test to reach their peak concentration levels. So my theory is to run the Sust at the regular dosage and not frontload, but add the same amount of Prop for the first 2-3 weeks. Here's what it would look like....
Test Prop weeks 1-2 @ 500mg/w
Sustanon weeks 1-8 @ 500mg/w
Test Prop weeks 9-10 @ 500mg/w