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Thread: Theres no need to do like 8 cycles before using tren

  1. #1
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    Theres no need to do like 8 cycles before using tren

    Ok title was just so I could get more posters hopefully. But seriously I don get why ppl always act like you need to do so many cycles before trying something like tren. Obviously test only should be first cycle, and even second would be fine. But I don't think there's a need to run deca, dbol, masteron and whatever else before trying tren. We're not doing this for research, it seems like all these different compounds should be tried to see the sides, gains, feeling of them. Last time I checked most do this to get bigger or stronger, not to be able to have an experiment with different compounds like scientists. So if someone wants to do test and tren for their third cycle what's wring with that. Why do you need 6+ cycles under your belt to be able to run something, shit I wouldn't even want to run that many cycles.

    Discuss, argue with me, just dont flame I'm not trying to sound ignorant and I'd love to hear everyone's opinions.

  2. #2
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    I am not saying 6 cycles..I would say safetly 2 cycles for SURE. For me after the first and obvious test only cycle it's about having the experience to deal with the sides that are inherent to a compound such as tren. After 2 or 3 or even 4 cycles one should have a good grasp of the basics needed like AI, PCT, diet, not to mention knowing how to indentify sides and how to combat them. There is also the mental asspect. Depression, insomnia, labido being out of control. Some of these things are difficult for a begginer to deal with and you see post after post in here as testiment to that.

  3. #3
    Yeah dude hit up that Tren you'll be sweet hey. Not like you need EXPERIENCE cycling or anything. You'll be all good hey man.

  4. #4
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    Its not about researching, its about understanding. If you do not know how you respond to multiple compounds, then adding something as harsh as tren in can have serious unwanted side effects.

    I feel after the 4th cycle or so and having run more mild 19-nors, someone would be ready to try tren. But without an understanding of your body and how it responds, you could run into issues you dont know how to handle

  5. #5
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    By the way, 18 year olds like yourself come in often bashing our way of thinking because they do not want to wait. How much experience do you have with tren personally? Let alone cycles in general?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I am not saying 6 cycles..I would say safetly 2 cycles for SURE. For me after the first and obvious test only cycle it's about having the experience to deal with the sides that are inherent to a compound such as tren. After 2 or 3 or even 4 cycles one should have a good grasp of the basics needed like AI, PCT, diet, not to mention knowing how to indentify sides and how to combat them. There is also the mental asspect. Depression, insomnia, labido being out of control. Some of these things are difficult for a begginer to deal with and you see post after post in here as testiment to that.
    Yeh I definitely agree with you, I didn't actually think about it that way.

    Quote Originally Posted by sharmabrah View Post
    Yeah dude hit up that Tren you'll be sweet hey. Not like you need EXPERIENCE cycling or anything. You'll be all good hey man.
    Strong reading comprehension.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    By the way, 18 year olds like yourself come in often bashing our way of thinking because they do not want to wait. How much experience do you have with tren personally? Let alone cycles in general?
    Damn I am getting lazy about checking...C'mon Admin, help a brotha out and move the ages to the front somewhere.....PLEASE!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Its not about researching, its about understanding. If you do not know how you respond to multiple compounds, then adding something as harsh as tren in can have serious unwanted side effects.

    I feel after the 4th cycle or so and having run more mild 19-nors, someone would be ready to try tren. But without an understanding of your body and how it responds, you could run into issues you dont know how to handle
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    By the way, 18 year olds like yourself come in often bashing our way of thinking because they do not want to wait. How much experience do you have with tren personally? Let alone cycles in general?
    19, but I'm not trying to bash, I'm genuinely just curious. And lol I'm 19 I have no experience cycling, just lots of research. I'm natty, won't be using till 23+ but by then I might no be interested anymore either

  9. #9
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    Oh Jesus, more garbage poluting the board.

    How many Tren posts this week alone?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beroo View Post

    19, but I'm not trying to bash, I'm genuinely just curious. And lol I'm 19 I have no experience cycling, just lots of research. I'm natty, won't be using till 23+ but by then I might no be interested anymore either
    You are one of very few on here that want to go about it in a proper way. I commend you for that

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Oh Jesus, more garbage poluting the board.

    How many Tren posts this week alone?
    Wait till spring...Its every beach goers diet plan

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    You are one of very few on here that want to go about it in a proper way. I commend you for that
    Thanks, you can thank bear hes the one who informed me about the HPTA and the endocrine system and the effects AAS has on them being my age. However I have friends who cycle and since I can't convince them out of it I feel I need to at least share with them what I know. Which is why I research a lot, especially about serms and AIs.

  13. #13
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    *Is it necessary to have a bazillion cycles under your belt before using Tren? No, if you're a poor responder to the steroid, you're going to be a poor responder if it's your 3rd, 14th or 50th cycle. There are some people who simply don't tolerate Trenbolone well. The majorities are fine but I'd say more have a problem with this steroid than most of the common steroids.

    *Should you have a little experience under your belt? Sure, a couple of cycles without Tren is probably best and will get you a long way. Would it be the end of the world if you used it in your 2nd cycle? No...if you've taken the time to learn and understand the hormones you're using (assuming you're not a poor responder) you should be fine. Trenbolone is very powerful, that I agree with, but a lot of people tend to make this steroid out to be something it's not. Remember, Trenbolone is simply a structurally altered form of's Nandrolone with an added double bond at carbon 9 and 11. It's not a steroid that's found in the dark corner of planet hardcore with magical evil powers.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Beroo View Post
    Yeh I definitely agree with you, I didn't actually think about it that way.

    Strong reading comprehension.
    You'll use before twenty three, I'm certain of it. As soon as the idea of cycling enters your mind at a young age then you're more inclined to do it. Good luck, but we'll see what happens.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    *Is it necessary to have a bazillion cycles under your belt before using Tren? No, if you're a poor responder to the steroid, you're going to be a poor responder if it's your 3rd, 14th or 50th cycle. There are some people who simply don't tolerate Trenbolone well. The majorities are fine but I'd say more have a problem with this steroid than most of the common steroids.

    *Should you have a little experience under your belt? Sure, a couple of cycles without Tren is probably best and will get you a long way. Would it be the end of the world if you used it in your 2nd cycle? No...if you've taken the time to learn and understand the hormones you're using (assuming you're not a poor responder) you should be fine. Trenbolone is very powerful, that I agree with, but a lot of people tend to make this steroid out to be something it's not. Remember, Trenbolone is simply a structurally altered form of's Nandrolone with an added double bond at carbon 9 and 11. It's not a steroid that's found in the dark corner of planet hardcore with magical evil powers.
    BS...Tren flows from the river Styx and seperates Gods from Mortals! You need to do more research Metel

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    *Is it necessary to have a bazillion cycles under your belt before using Tren? No, if you're a poor responder to the steroid, you're going to be a poor responder if it's your 3rd, 14th or 50th cycle. There are some people who simply don't tolerate Trenbolone well. The majorities are fine but I'd say more have a problem with this steroid than most of the common steroids.

    *Should you have a little experience under your belt? Sure, a couple of cycles without Tren is probably best and will get you a long way. Would it be the end of the world if you used it in your 2nd cycle? No...if you've taken the time to learn and understand the hormones you're using (assuming you're not a poor responder) you should be fine. Trenbolone is very powerful, that I agree with, but a lot of people tend to make this steroid out to be something it's not. Remember, Trenbolone is simply a structurally altered form of's Nandrolone with an added double bond at carbon 9 and 11. It's not a steroid that's found in the dark corner of planet hardcore with magical evil powers.
    Great points.

    Quote Originally Posted by sharmabrah View Post
    You'll use before twenty three, I'm certain of it. As soon as the idea of cycling enters your mind at a young age then you're more inclined to do it. Good luck, but we'll see what happens.
    The reason I feel I won't is because:

    1. I'm happy with my physique, in my eyes I look good.

    2. I'm making great progress naturally.

    3. There's too many teens in my gym that have admitted to cycling and I look better than them. Lol it almost ruins the reputation that steroids have.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    BS...Tren flows from the river Styx and seperates Gods from Mortals!
    Wrong! Tren is the blood of a unicorn. . .

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Beroo View Post
    Great points.

    The reason I feel I won't is because:

    1. I'm happy with my physique, in my eyes I look good.

    2. I'm making great progress naturally.

    3. There's too many teens in my gym that have admitted to cycling and I look better than them. Lol it almost ruins the reputation that steroids have.
    Well I'm happy to hear that man. Keep going and try to keep progressing naturally. If you succeed and want to stay natural for life and you are aesthetic and happy with your physique, then that's one of the best goals you can achieve. Good luck and work hard.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharmabrah View Post
    Well I'm happy to hear that man. Keep going and try to keep progressing naturally. If you succeed and want to stay natural for life and you are aesthetic and happy with your physique, then that's one of the best goals you can achieve. Good luck and work hard.
    Thank you

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    BS...Tren flows from the river Styx and seperates Gods from Mortals! You need to do more research Metel
    I stand corrected, lol!

    Don't get me wrong, as far as I'm concerned Tren is the single greatest anabolic steroid of all time.

  21. #21
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    at 19 you should be concentrating on natty training for a while.

    and for the record in my experience tren isnt the big baddy its made out to be and id of coped with it easily 2nd cycle

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beroo View Post

    19, but I'm not trying to bash, I'm genuinely just curious. And lol I'm 19 I have no experience cycling, just lots of research. I'm natty, won't be using till 23+ but by then I might no be interested anymore either
    I.have heard that before waiting till 23 u want but hopefully u are smart enough not to run tren for first cycle that shit is.powerful and sides can be.a mutherfcker

  23. #23
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    Duplicate thread x 10000. Use the search function.

  24. #24
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    I've run a lot of compounds and my body didn't like Tren.

    I was extremely agitated on it, awful acne and my testes atrophied for the first time.

    Stuff is evil in my experience, so thats why I don't condone the rocket fuel until you know what you're doing and how you respond to other compounds.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharmabrah View Post
    You'll use before twenty three, I'm certain of it. As soon as the idea of cycling enters your mind at a young age then you're more inclined to do it. Good luck, but we'll see what happens.
    Thats not entirely true. My friends started at 18ish and I bought some Test Depot then too. I decided to not use it and was 30 before I touched anything. I still got the vials. BTW, this is starting to get frustrating.

  26. #26
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    Its my 3rd cylce, ist using tren ! And thank god i did those 2first, i know how to controlmy bloat etc..

  27. #27
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    Nobody has ever, not once, said that one needs to have 8 cycles under their belt to do Trenbolone. The idea, as many have already stated here, is that one should develop experience with different compounds before moving on to something a little more complex such as Trenbolone. It is a compound that in many people can come with side effects that are not seen in any other steroid, and the nature of such side effects are a little more complex in their pathways than other compounds. The idea here is EXPERIENCE.

    In everything we do in life, the idea is to move from basic to advanced. Nobody ever starts off advanced. You need to learn basic math skills before doing calculus. If I threw calculus at you before you had learned the basics, you'd be dumbfounded and wouldn't know what to do!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Nobody has ever, not once, said that one needs to have 8 cycles under their belt to do Trenbolone. The idea, as many have already stated here, is that one should develop experience with different compounds before moving on to something a little more complex such as Trenbolone. It is a compound that in many people can come with side effects that are not seen in any other steroid, and the nature of such side effects are a little more complex in their pathways than other compounds. The idea here is EXPERIENCE.

    In everything we do in life, the idea is to move from basic to advanced. Nobody ever starts off advanced. You need to learn basic math skills before doing calculus. If I threw calculus at you before you had learned the basics, you'd be dumbfounded and wouldn't know what to do!
    And so he speaks! Thanks Atomini!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Nobody has ever, not once, said that one needs to have 8 cycles under their belt to do Trenbolone. The idea, as many have already stated here, is that one should develop experience with different compounds before moving on to something a little more complex such as Trenbolone. It is a compound that in many people can come with side effects that are not seen in any other steroid, and the nature of such side effects are a little more complex in their pathways than other compounds. The idea here is EXPERIENCE.

    In everything we do in life, the idea is to move from basic to advanced. Nobody ever starts off advanced. You need to learn basic math skills before doing calculus. If I threw calculus at you before you had learned the basics, you'd be dumbfounded and wouldn't know what to do!
    im not getting at you personally, but these analogies are completely pointless and irrelevant, the learning curve is much much shorter and so uncomplicated its a no brainer.

    my actual worst experience was with high dose deca, it was x10 times worse than any tren ive run, the sweats, anxiety, temper and depression was absolutely horrendous and from the sides starting to ending, i had to wait 3wks because of the ester.

    well over 3/4's of this forum hyping up tren's so called terrible sides, havent even run the stuff...........
    Last edited by dec11; 10-05-2012 at 05:36 PM.

  30. #30
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    Oh I agree, Trenbolone is nowhere near as 'harsh' or as bad as many people around here claim. But I would never advise anyone to run it on their first cycle. I know people who have, though, and did very well with it. But they are the exception and not the rule.

  31. #31
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Oh I agree, Trenbolone is nowhere near as 'harsh' or as bad as many people around here claim. But I would never advise anyone to run it on their first cycle. I know people who have, though, and did very well with it. But they are the exception and not the rule.
    yep, if someone is accomplished naturally and knows how to incorporate diet correctly then i dont see a problem with running tren 2nd or even 1st cycle tbh.

    i certainly wouldnt recommend it to the 'hey bro, been training one year, wanna get totally aesthetic brah' type dickheads we get cruising around the forum.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11;619***3
    yep, if someone is accomplished naturally and knows how to incorporate diet correctly then i dont see a problem with running tren 2nd or even 1st cycle tbh.

    i certainly wouldnt recommend it to the 'hey bro, been training one year, wanna get totally aesthetic brah' type dickheads we get cruising around the forum.
    I know of several guys who were natural competitors and then decided to get on gear and more than I can count used Tren in their 1st or 2nd cycle and have continued to cycle for years. I've yet to see anyone of them have their hearts explode, turn into a raging lunatic, walk around sweating profusely in 20 degree weather or have breast milk spewing from their nipples.

  33. #33
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    I agree that u don't need a load under your belt to run tren...

    My take is that u should get the most out of each cycle and use the best compounds to produce the most gains in the shortest period of time....

    If you can go higher, go higher.... If you want to run a second compound do it..... Break yourself in first with a moderate dose tho every time you add a new compound....

    Before I had run tren I had only taken test and dbol..... Why would I shortchange myself on my next cycle and run deca or EQ instead of getting the best I could and run tren .....

    I don't have problems with people running any compounds, so long as you test them out first with a moderate dose so you can see how you respond.... Learn how to manage estorgen while on test and TBH ur going to be pretty much alright IMO no matter what you do....

    Yes you will get sides from tren, u will wake up in a wet bed and freezing cold, your mood swings will be terrible, you may even get bad ache..... Expect all of this and then nothing will be a surprise, plan for them all and you will then know how to deal with them.....

    I'm about to start a very heavy short cycle with prop, tren a and anadrol, I'm pretty sure the sides are going to be bad...l I'm accepting this tho and will have everything lined up..... Waterproof bed topper, big fan in room, beach towels on bed and I'm even getting the spare bed ready in the spare room so I can go in there half way through the night if I need a dry bed..... Skin care to minimise acne etc...

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I agree that u don't need a load under your belt to run tren...

    My take is that u should get the most out of each cycle and use the best compounds to produce the most gains in the shortest period of time....

    If you can go higher, go higher.... If you want to run a second compound do it..... Break yourself in first with a moderate dose tho every time you add a new compound....

    Before I had run tren I had only taken test and dbol..... Why would I shortchange myself on my next cycle and run deca or EQ instead of getting the best I could and run tren .....

    I don't have problems with people running any compounds, so long as you test them out first with a moderate dose so you can see how you respond.... Learn how to manage estorgen while on test and TBH ur going to be pretty much alright IMO no matter what you do....

    Yes you will get sides from tren, u will wake up in a wet bed and freezing cold, your mood swings will be terrible, you may even get bad ache..... Expect all of this and then nothing will be a surprise, plan for them all and you will then know how to deal with them.....

    I'm about to start a very heavy short cycle with prop, tren a and anadrol, I'm pretty sure the sides are going to be bad...l I'm accepting this tho and will have everything lined up..... Waterproof bed topper, big fan in room, beach towels on bed and I'm even getting the spare bed ready in the spare room so I can go in there half way through the night if I need a dry bed..... Skin care to minimise acne etc...
    I don't agree with your comment on if you use tren "you will get sides from tren", however, overall this is a fantastic post!

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