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Thread: New cycle, need some advice if its good

  1. #1

    New cycle, need some advice if its good

    Hey guys i'm 19year old, weight about 185pounds and been training for 2years, im starting my first cycle
    this is my Cycle, is the dosage good?

    Week 1 - 40mg Dbol Day & 250mg Test E a week.
    Week 2 - 40mg Dbol Day & 250mg Test E a week.
    Week 3 - 40mg Dbol Day & 250mg Test E a week.
    Week 4 - 40mg Dbol Day & 250mg Test E a week.
    Week 5 - 250mg Test E a week.
    Week 6 - 250mg Test E a week.
    Week 7 - 250mg Test E a week.
    Week 8 - 250mg Test E a week.
    Week 9 - 250mg Test E a week.
    Week 10 - 250mg Test E a week.


    Week 11 - 40mg Tamofixen Day
    Week 12 - 40mg Tamofixen Day
    Week 13 - 20mg Tamofixen Day
    Week 14 - 20mg Tamofixen Day

  2. #2
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    That cycle looks horrific! No no no. Also your 19. Do you realize the long-term potential damage you can cause to your endocrine system? Wait until your fully developed (about 25) or you really put yourself at a great risk.

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP View Post
    That cycle looks horrific! No no no. Also your 19. Do you realize the long-term potential damage you can cause to your endocrine system? Wait until your fully developed (about 25) or you really put yourself at a great risk.
    I agree, this is very poorly planned.

    Please read:

  4. #4
    Damn, i don't wanna wait till im 25, should I lower my dosage? then i would like to start my cycle now...

  5. #5
    I know im young, but look at Arnold or so much other people started way younger then me and are perfectly fine now, i have no heart condition im healthy, i heard it heavy on the liver but i drink a lot of water

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP View Post
    That cycle looks horrific! No no no. Also your 19. Do you realize the long-term potential damage you can cause to your endocrine system? Wait until your fully developed (about 25) or you really put yourself at a great risk.
    I know im young, but look at Arnold or so much other people started way younger then me and are perfectly fine now, i have no heart condition im healthy, i heard it heavy on the liver but i drink a lot of water

  7. #7
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    like said above mate your cycle is horrible, sure you can go ahead and run a cycle, but the whole point of this board is to give people like yourself the right info, you might not hear the answer your looking for, but thats the way it goes - bottom line is: not cycle yet
    2.learn how to eat properly (hit the nutrition section)
    3.train hard well

    from this alone you should see great gains, by the time your old enough to cycle you should be ful of knowledge and have a good base to juice off. why risk your health? hope you make the right descision good luck!!

  8. #8
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    also arnold is not perfectly fine he has had issues with his heart in the past!!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by btern View Post
    like said above mate your cycle is horrible, sure you can go ahead and run a cycle, but the whole point of this board is to give people like yourself the right info, you might not hear the answer your looking for, but thats the way it goes - bottom line is: not cycle yet
    2.learn how to eat properly (hit the nutrition section)
    3.train hard well

    from this alone you should see great gains, by the time your old enough to cycle you should be ful of knowledge and have a good base to juice off. why risk your health? hope you make the right descision good luck!!
    I agree with you guys, im not trying to argue, the reason is im trying to get in fitness modeling, i already look pretty good but i can't compete with the rest of the guys if im not on aas

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamameeriar
    I know im young, but look at Arnold or so much other people started way younger then me and are perfectly fine now, i have no heart condition im healthy, i heard it heavy on the liver but i drink a lot of water
    I hate people using Arnold to justify using gear at an early age. It's not just the fact that you are young, your cycle is poorly planned out. The questions you asked indicate you haven't done your research and probably do not understand the implications of your actions. As mentioned above, learn to eat and do some research you have plenty more growing to do before you need to consider aas.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamameeriar View Post
    I know im young, but look at Arnold or so much other people started way younger then me and are perfectly fine now, i have no heart condition im healthy, i heard it heavy on the liver but i drink a lot of water
    Lets not compare ourselves to Arnold. That guy is a Super Human. Look its just a higher risk at your age. Are there people that did roids at your age and ended up ok? Sure. However how many didn't end up ok? Why don't you look more into that.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP View Post
    Lets not compare ourselves to Arnold. That guy is a Super Human. Look its just a higher risk at your age. Are there people that did roids at your age and ended up ok? Sure. However how many didn't end up ok? Why don't you look more into that.
    I agree.. ah man i don't what to do.... but hey thanks I appreciat you helping me out

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamameeriar View Post
    I agree.. ah man i don't what to do.... but hey thanks I appreciat you helping me out
    I know it has got to be very difficult to put them off for another 5 yrs or so. I was 19 once too and no telling what I would of done even knowing the risks. Now at 31 I look back and am thankful the opportunity didn't come up cause my dumbazz probably wouldn't of cared. When you get older you start to care more about your body. Anyways best of luck whatever you decide. If you talk to some of the pros on here on nutrition and training there is no doubt you can get yourself looking however you want to look.

  14. #14
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    either this was edited or im blind, i dont see anything poorly planned or horrific about that cycle, IF he was of correct age to run it.

    only mistake i see is PCT starting a week early?????????

  15. #15
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    Yeah, I don't think it's terrible other than I would up the test to 500mgs/week. and fix the pct. Throw in some hcg if you have access to it and add an AI or at least have one on hand.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Yeah, I don't think it's terrible other than I would up the test to 500mgs/week. and fix the pct. Throw in some hcg if you have access to it and add an AI or at least have one on hand.
    possibly but doubt it'd be needed at that dose. but def nothing wrong with it for the experienced gym goer of correct age

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    either this was edited or im blind, i dont see anything poorly planned or horrific about that cycle, IF he was of correct age to run it.

    only mistake i see is PCT starting a week early?????????
    Really??? 250 mg a week of test E? That is barely enough to do anything. I doubt he would even notice a difference. Dbol on first cycle? Pct 7 days after last injection? NO AI? That's not horrific? What does it take to equal horrific for you? lol. Surely there are worse protocols, with no PCT, etc, but this is still far from good.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP

    Really??? 250 mg a week of test E? That is barely enough to do anything. I doubt he would even notice a difference. Dbol on first cycle? Pct 7 days after last injection? NO AI? That's not horrific? What does it take to equal horrific for you? lol. Surely there are worse protocols, with no PCT, etc, but this is still far from good.
    I took 250mgs of test my first cycle and got great results. Had friends that did the same. Not advising it but he would surely notice a difference. As dec said, with the low dose, it's doubtful he would need an ai and the pct is the only real problem.

    IF he was older...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    I took 250mgs of test my first cycle and got great results. Had friends that did the same. Not advising it but he would surely notice a difference. As dec said, with the low dose, it's doubtful he would need an ai and the pct is the only real problem.

    IF he was older...
    Well then sir's I stand corrected. In my reading I have heard anything less than 400mgs a week is a waste of time. Nothing like a true testimony though.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP View Post
    Really??? 250 mg a week of test E? That is barely enough to do anything. I doubt he would even notice a difference. Dbol on first cycle? Pct 7 days after last injection? NO AI? That's not horrific? What does it take to equal horrific for you? lol. Surely there are worse protocols, with no PCT, etc, but this is still far from good.
    man you sound highly inexperienced.

    tell how x3 ave natural testosterone production wont achieve results, stacked with dbol?

    tell me how much test causes estro problems and requires an AI?

    whats the big deal on dbol for a 1st cycle?

    pct 7 days after last injection, i pointed out already, but hardly horrific!!!

    i guarantee that even i could get results on 250mg test per week.

    your my dear chap, are a parrot 'LOL'

    dont go by half the crap you read, go by experience and advise from within that experience.
    Last edited by dec11; 10-05-2012 at 09:17 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP

    Well then sir's I stand corrected. In my reading I have heard anything less than 400mgs a week is a waste of time. Nothing like a true testimony though.
    I think the idea is just that 250mgs is enough to shut down your natty test production so why not do 500mg and get more of a benefit from it? The general consensus is pretty much what you said but like a lot of things on these sites, it's people parroting what they have heard from other members... Not saying I disagree. I wouldn't run anything less than 500mg of test unless I was cruising.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    man you sound highly inexperienced.

    tell how x3 ave natural testosterone production wont achieve results, stacked with dbol?

    tell me how much test causes estro problems and requires an AI?

    whats the big deal on dbol for a 1st cycle?

    pct 7 days after last injection, i pointed out already, but hardly horrific!!!

    i guarantee that even i could get results on 250mg test per week.

    your my dear chap, are a parrot 'LOL'

    dont go by half the crap you read, go by experience and advise from within that experience.
    Calm down. There is no reason to blow your fuses. I stated that, "I stand corrected" above.

  23. #23
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    I REALLY hope you heed the advice given & do not do this at your age!

    Btw: test e is low, why DBol on 1st cycle (& where did you get that dosage amount for both?) PCT is late & are you aware of prep, AIs & proper Meds in hand if lightning strikes (Gyno).......

    Still, everything can be fixed to be just fine except that you are too young. I know you DON'T want to hear it, but I can tell you (after a surgery) not being able to get a hard on is some demoralizingly scary shyte. I lived with ED issues post op for a month & it was freakin horrid! Think real hard on this & imagine how you'll feel when your in your mid 20's (lookin all buff & good) & you can't get your junk to work to save your life.... It's true, being reckless when young, but the consequences for this one... Risk is just too high! Jmho. & good luck!


  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP View Post
    Calm down. There is no reason to blow your fuses. I stated that, "I stand corrected" above.
    im actually not blowing any fuses, i added the LOL as you did, in that condescending way ppl do!!!!

    seriously, though, once you actually try all the ins and outs for yourself you'll see just how much BS is out there

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wazz View Post
    I REALLY hope you heed the advice given & do not do this at your age!

    Btw: test e is too low, why DBol on 1st cycle (& where did you get that dosage amount for both?) PCT is late & are you aware of prep, AIs & proper Meds in hand if lightning strikes (Gyno).......

    Still, everything can be fixed to be just fine except that you are too young. I know you DON'T want to hear it, but I can tell you (after a surgery) not being able to get a hard on is some demoralizingly scary shyte. I lived with ED issues post op for a month & it was freakin horrid! Think real hard on this & imagine how you'll feel when your in your mid 20's (lookin all buff & good) & you can't get your junk to work to save your life.... It's true, being reckless when young, but the consequences for this one... Risk is just too high! Jmho. & good luck!

    its actually not, ive made gains on 250mg test pw and thats after having run doses like 1g on other cycles before it.

    he shouldnt be running at his age though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    im actually not blowing any fuses, i added the LOL as you did, in that condescending way ppl do!!!!

    seriously, though, once you actually try all the ins and outs for yourself you'll see just how much BS is out there
    Well you are fully excused by goodness, I didn't see that, "LOL". All I was picturing was smoke coming out of your ears. "lol". I know we put that, "lol" in there so we don't sound so rude. I do it out of courtesy a lot of the time.

    Anyways I know there is a lot of BS out there and on this site with what you call, "parrots". Guess I got caught in a bit of a parrot act. Even so I don't like the cycle as suggested old enough or not.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wazz View Post
    I REALLY hope you heed the advice given & do not do this at your age!

    Btw: test e is low, why DBol on 1st cycle (& where did you get that dosage amount for both?) PCT is late & are you aware of prep, AIs & proper Meds in hand if lightning strikes (Gyno).......

    Still, everything can be fixed to be just fine except that you are too young. I know you DON'T want to hear it, but I can tell you (after a surgery) not being able to get a hard on is some demoralizingly scary shyte. I lived with ED issues post op for a month & it was freakin horrid! Think real hard on this & imagine how you'll feel when your in your mid 20's (lookin all buff & good) & you can't get your junk to work to save your life.... It's true, being reckless when young, but the consequences for this one... Risk is just too high! Jmho. & good luck!

    That's terrible bro. The old dog working now days?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP View Post
    Well you are fully excused by goodness, I didn't see that, "LOL". All I was picturing was smoke coming out of your ears. "lol". I know we put that, "lol" in there so we don't sound so rude. I do it out of courtesy a lot of the time.

    Anyways I know there is a lot of BS out there and on this site with what you call, "parrots". Guess I got caught in a bit of a parrot act. Even so I don't like the cycle as suggested old enough or not.
    ok, now fvcking fly away all good man

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    ok, now fvcking fly away all good man
    good one. I would fly away, but my heads been chopped off.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP View Post
    That's terrible bro. The old dog working now days?
    Lol, working GREAT! But it was scary! I couldn't imagine jumping on AAS at 19 & bulking, then getting to the perfect shape 5 years later only to have a lifetime of ED issues... But at 19 most feel invincible & "it won't happen to me"...

    Oh, good to know & thanks for the info dec11 on the lower amount of test working.. I've been reading now for a month (6-12 hours a day) & I've seen people who've used 250, but most say it's not cutting it. Now there are so many threads & so much info that's often repeated crap gets to be the norm... Thus why I'm going to wait another 3 or so months till 1st cycle. I'm grasping it well, have two buds who cycle (& one really needs to learn some stuff). Seems the more I dig the better informed I become, that & when people say something I tend to research it...

    Good stuff,


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