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Thread: Good to be back

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Help please.

    Hey everyone, its good to be back out of isolation and in touch with technology once again. Im about to begin my cycle next week and wanted to run it by you folks one last time. Since you all have been such help in the past a few last questions may arise in the process. The more I read the more I question things I thought I understood.

    What I have on hand is:
    30ml Test cyp @ 250mg/ml
    200 tabs dbol @ 10ml/tab
    50 tabs Nolva @ 20ml/tab
    1 box Pregnyl @ 5000I.U

    Now, let me begin by saying I've been trying to get my hands on Letro, Adex, Arom or Clomid but haven't had any luck. Am trying to get Letro from the sponsor but not sure if it will make it across the Canadian border.
    The HCG is all about the timing in this cycle as stated in a previous post of mine and cant be ran until I am on holidays closer to Christmas. I need to begin this cycle this week in order to use the HCG on time.

    Week 1 Test Cyp @ 1000mg (front load) / 2 shots
    Week 1-4 (possibly 6) dbol @ 20mg/day
    Week 2-12 Test Cyp @ 500iu/week
    Week 8-10 HCG @ 500iu 3x/week
    Week 10-12 HCG @ 250iu 3x/week

    18 days later
    Week 14.5-18.5 Nolva @ 40/40/20/20

    Since I cant get a hold of an AI can I use the Nolva @ 20mg EOD if I begin getting symptoms of gyno? Why do they recommend HCG be used differently.
    Is it safe to front load Test Cyp alongside kickstarting w/dbol? FrontLoading only seems to make sense in order for levels to become stable sooner.
    Does this look ok even though I cant get a hold of any AI's?
    Last edited by beans14; 10-06-2012 at 11:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    is this your first cycle?

    hcg @ 250iu 2/wk is plenty. cyp and dbol work well together, may want to increase dbol to 30 or 40

    add liquid clomid to your pct. 75/35/35/35

    and YES AR-R is gtg to Canada. order with confidence bro.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    East Coast Dungeon
    What mickey said. Reducing the HCG as he stated will allow you to start it much earlier in your cycle, which you should do IMHO. Don't start this until you get your AI in hand.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I'm not able to run the HCG through our my cycle, otherwise I would. You saying just run it week 8-12 @ 2x/week?
    I'm assuming your saying wait till I receive my AI as in (Adex or Aroma)? I can't get a hold of either. Been trying for a whole now. AR-R is my only resort for the Letro. Hope it makes it through customs. Yes first cycle was thinking of running the dbol @ 30 originally but read most people will begin seeing results @ 20-25 mg. Didnt feel like cutting a pill.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    One other thing, I don't understand what the purpose is of running both clomid & nova is? Looking at this websites "recommended" beginner & novice cycles only state PCT with one or the other, not both. What's the deal?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    most run both.

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