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Thread: need help with some things

  1. #1

    need help with some things

    im new to the site, good quality information is hard to find now a days, heres my story and what im working with, bare with me for a second, i started on oral winny about 6 yrs ago and had amazing results i mean amazing results low carb diet and light workout plan brought me down 52 lbs in 12 weeks, i was on top of the world, well since then i have run out of sources and really let myself go,(dont ask, females) well back on track, its now 6 yrs later i have aquired a new temporary source so i picked up some british dragon label and stanoil on the front label stanozolol injectible oil based 25ml along with some british united labs 10ml winstrol injectible, i am back on the low carb high protein diet with moderate workout,( i work alot) my stats are 5'10'' and 300 lbs and im doing an injection of 1cc of oilbase along with 1cc of reg winny together every other day. its been 3 weeks now and im down 15 lbs i feel somewhat better but not amazing like i did with the oral winny years ago ( man that stuff made me feel like the hulk).

    my question is this and please be honest i have had almost no luck with diets by themselves and this works, should i take the injectible orally and go that route since its the same compound or continue with the injections and go that route????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Man I'm no expert!! But diet is number 1, workout is number 2, and if your gonna run gear you should really focus on diet and workout first!! Gear is great, but honestly you can't run it 24/7 for life.. You have to have the discipline and dedication... So I say no gear yet!! Sorry just my opinion..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Holy shi! 5'10" 300lbs???

    You need to avoid AAS like the plague at this point and post a sample daily diet in nutrition. You want this then do it right!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    You should drop all injections and not even think of AAS. You're 300lbs and I imagine over 30% bf? Having high BF% causes you to be more prone to estrogen sides. Are you even taking an AI? For all you know you could have gyno and not even be aware of it!

    You need to stop brotha, hit the diet and nutrition section. I work with people that were 220-230 range and were able to loose 5-6lbs in there first week with a solid diet plan and workout routine alone.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Stop what you are doing before you hurt yourself! You need to get your diet in line and learn the basics of aas before even considering cycling.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Recipe for disaster! Take a step back and really evaluate what you are doing. You dropped all that weight before but put it back on because you lost your source? That means your diet was not in check and workout was most likely not much better. Not meaning to sound harsh but get in the nutrition section. There are no magic pills!

    If hardwork pays off then easy work is worthless!

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