im new to the site, good quality information is hard to find now a days, heres my story and what im working with, bare with me for a second, i started on oral winny about 6 yrs ago and had amazing results i mean amazing results low carb diet and light workout plan brought me down 52 lbs in 12 weeks, i was on top of the world, well since then i have run out of sources and really let myself go,(dont ask, females) well back on track, its now 6 yrs later i have aquired a new temporary source so i picked up some british dragon label and stanoil on the front label stanozolol injectible oil based 25ml along with some british united labs 10ml winstrol injectible, i am back on the low carb high protein diet with moderate workout,( i work alot) my stats are 5'10'' and 300 lbs and im doing an injection of 1cc of oilbase along with 1cc of reg winny together every other day. its been 3 weeks now and im down 15 lbs i feel somewhat better but not amazing like i did with the oral winny years ago ( man that stuff made me feel like the hulk).
my question is this and please be honest i have had almost no luck with diets by themselves and this works, should i take the injectible orally and go that route since its the same compound or continue with the injections and go that route????