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Thread: Androgen use

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Androgen use

    Alright guys got my blood levels back from test and tren all peachy except a high psa after. So 3 months have passed and follow up and psa has dropped a lot. My question is whats the best aas for safe psa levels. Ive heard deca...and eq but thats a test base so test? Does dht have anything to do with psa increase?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    San Diego
    Anything that binds to the AR will bind to the ARs in the prostate as well. DHT has a very high affinity for the AR. Prostate cancer hasn't been correlated to high testosterone. Of course androgens are needed for growth but just because you have high androgens doesn't mean you will have a higher chance of developing prostate cancer. It's a mystery

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I understand that anything that binds to a ar receptor will bind to all recprors including the prostate. But with increase androgens it can and most likely will artifically raise psa levels. Meaning high androgen substances tren is the culprit for me but i am on trt so i keep a close eye on my bloodwork. My doc knows full details of whats up i lift with her bf so open tabl. But i would like to make this a safe as possible for my body.
    So what would be a good choice to cycle low test and deca since it has a low androgen rating?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    San Diego
    Your PSA is going to be elevated on cycle either way. Yeah sure, stick with test and deca. Deca doesn't really do much and if you dose the test high enough you can achieve the same PSA as you did before.

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