I am at my fourth injection doing it EOD at 50mg, i tried to mix it with my test E and equipoise.
But it burns like hell, how do you guys deal with this?
Also at the injection site it really hurts.
I am at my fourth injection doing it EOD at 50mg, i tried to mix it with my test E and equipoise.
But it burns like hell, how do you guys deal with this?
Also at the injection site it really hurts.
Quads glutes lats pecs bi tri delts traps
You have plenty
23-25 gauge will be fine.
Strange... i've never had 'burning' sensations when injecting Tren before.... and i've injected A LOT of Tren in my time.
I have been told to inject very slowly since its a fast acting tren. I will go with insulin pin like i do with GH, man its very painful, and worst it creates a lot of inflammation at the injection site, very tick painful skin. Pinning EOD makes it worst, sometimes its a bit better cause i mix with EQ and Test E but i do that once a week.
side note how many times per year can you run tren ok a part the pain this steroid is amazing.
Hmmm. Really depends. Some folks have made it a staple in their cycles. As long as you're performing PCT and allowing adequate time between cycles, you can keep running it.
Try cutting your gear with water base compound. Might ease the discomfort a bit.
I never had any issue form Tren A or Tren E. Felt the same as Test to me.
Same as lovbyts. Scirrox prop is the only thing that gave me a little sting.
Yes this time around i got a guy that follows me to the T, diet, training rehab program, he will put me on a PCT afterward, i also use armidex .5mg twice per week and HCG 500iu twice a week too. I don't screw around with this.
If i can get my hands on tren E i guess i can try this next. I got this pain with suspension too. OUCH. It burns like crazy.
I would like to run 2 12 weeks cycle per year if possible, if you read ajax article its amazing and inspiring, with is back and knee pain, that went away after is first steroid cycle.
MMMM you guys got me thinking i got some sterilized water at home i could mix it with that, i got some left with my GH kits. MMMMMM thinking
I meant something like B12.
yeah B12, not sterile water.
You may also try to re filter it. It may have something in it causing the pain. Are you getting any tren sides? Sweat, insomnia?
Took me 3 weeks before I seen the effects. Though insomnia kicked in on the second week for me, I'm using that zzzquil which helps.... A little. If you're starting to sweat then the effects is starting to kick in. Wait another week and see if sides increase and also benefits. If not you might wanna check your source.
Yes i did EQ and Test before and no sweating, i do 500mg EQ and 250mg T with the tren.
Yeah i am feeling hot, and sweating a bit more. The guy that sold me my gear told me that he trust is source i also tested the GH with a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I will wait and see. If its fake i am gonna drop a bomb on him.
Tren Ace makes me sweat in less than a week. before the end of week 2 i get the pumps.
Hmmmm Tren makes me also sweat at about week two if not less, especially A. I sweat from higher than normal test also sometimes. Tren I drench the bed sheets with AC on high. lol I started sleeping on towels.
on a positive note my body is starting to change. I look a lot more pumped and since this time around i use an AI less water retention
Are you still doing that farggin Sub Q?????
I thought you were tying to cut down???? Why EQ?????
Tren A is usually the least painful of short estered injectables. Sounds like your stuff is just poorly made.
I am using this to complete my prolo why EQ because it helps repair horses, and collagen synth and RBC count. Will run tren 8 weeks and the reste 12.
Ahhh...I had to go back and read. "you can only blame one idiot"
Often times my mannerisms are harsh...I apologize if I offended. Was not my intent. I am here to help but am very stright forward and tend to speak my mind.
I asked the above question because if you are attempting to cut down still EQ's main affect is CAUSING hunger. It's in my book the only reason to even take it because short of that it seems pretty useless. You could save the juice injected and cut it out and still have the desired affect I believe.
Touching on the dark urine its hard to tell because i drink so much water and tea my urine is very clear, even when i take a multi vitamine....... MMMMMM
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