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Thread: Blood Work Review - Discussion

  1. #1

    Blood Work Review - Discussion

    Hi Guys.

    As a review:
    Male 39 y.o
    Endurance Athlete
    Goals were to lean up, heal faster, tolerate higher training.

    Entering 4th week ... 250mg Test E/Wk, 4/iu HGH ED 5 days on/two off. Was on t4, but decided not worth it when comes to sides.

    Started feeling bloated and nipply itchy last week, started 20mg tamoxifin ed. (it has helped with the nipple itch). Adex wasnt available at the time. Having it delivered tomorrow.

    Before I get into the next part - That since week two, I actually felt my performance decrease and I felt pretty soft. I still do. Not loving how I feel fitness wise. (Training continues at intensity, diet is spot on, water intake great).

    At three weeks (last week), went for BW

    Test 1,500
    Estradiol 71.10
    GH 5.75


    Tomorrow I am due to pin my 4th week of Test E. Frankly, I think I am over it. Not loving the results, not loving how I feel, or look and it is being counter productive to my training. Before I dig myself deeper in a hole, would love to hear INFORMED thoughts and opinions.

    Thanks as normal.

  2. #2
    Anyone.... anyone.. ha.. ?

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Hey bud.

    Where is the rest of your blood work? You might want to post in the bloodwork forum for more responses...

  4. #4
    Thanks, Austinite. Will head over there. Didnt know that spot existed. Thanks for the heads up.

    Re: BW that's all I have. I got to the lab and left my list behind. I did get a cholesterol profile and others, all that normal.

    Am I going to get trounced by the folks in that forum for not having a complete profile? ha..

    thanks again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MadRunner View Post
    Hi Guys.

    Tomorrow I am due to pin my 4th week of Test E. Frankly, I think I am over it. Not loving the results, not loving how I feel, or look and it is being counter productive to my training. Before I dig myself deeper in a hole, would love to hear INFORMED thoughts and opinions.

    Thanks as normal.
    you're using 250 p.w. total? or 250 X2p.w.? if only 250 total, why so low? just curious because you're almost as old as i am and i didn't want to shut off my own natural production only to replace it with the same amount from the pharmacy.

  6. #6
    Hi Kmms.

    I am using 250 pw. I didnt want to push 500 pw since my goals aren't based in the gym. The test is added to help support the HGH. After extensive reading, and looking at my BW prior to cycle, I determined that 250 was plenty fine for these purposes. I am not convinced that 250pw was a equal replacement for my natural levels, and subsequent BW and the numbers I am at now show that was probably a good choice. It would seem my numbers would be at about 3000 if I hit 500 pw. For me and my goals, that is too much test running through my bod.

    All that said, 250 p.w was always intended as a starting point. I was always approaching it with an open mind to increase if I felt the need and if sides were tolerable. As it is, as I mentioned, I am feel "mooshy" on just 250pw.

    Would love to hear your experience and recommendations. My mind is open to hearing a good perspective.

    Thanks for dropping a note!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Well you've obviously put some thought into it. Im not a bodybuilder either but a life long athlete and use my time in the gym to support my physical skills first and vanity second. Have never tried hgh so can't comment on that.

    Have you ever experienced that same feeling of sluggishness before? Does it happen at roughly the same time every day or just all day? Personally speaking I wouldn't drop the test yet but stick to my cycle (since at 4 wks you're already probably shut down anyway) and have some additional BW done. I've discovered some issues with thyroid and adrenal that get me feeling pretty damn sluggish at times, BW BW and more BW seems to be the answer. Good luck

  8. #8
    Hey Mate, seem were are about the same age and possibly same approximate goals.

    My main input was the HGH and the test was for support. Last year run just HGH with good results. Than was advised, add some Test E for great results. Still early, so we shall see.

    I am not sluggish as much as I just dont feel fit. I am going to make adjustments to my carbs, decrease them. But as an endurance athlete, that is a big ask.

    I ended up pinning the 4th week of test. We shall see how I feel the next week. I dropped the t4 early precisely because the issues with thyroid you are speaking of. I certainly didnt want to start messing with that department.

    thanks again for your thoughts and feedback. I'll pop in again with updates.

  9. #9
    The HGH may add to the sluggishness. Some people feel a loss of energy or feel sleepy during first few weeks of an HGH cycle. Give your body time it will adjust.

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