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Thread: just shooting my 9th pin,only got 1/2ml left,shud I pin it now or wait til next week

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    At least he has been consistent since day one. LOL

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by 951thompson
    Hey muscleink

    No I didn't have any blood work done, im a noob so I didn't really know you needed to have it done until it was too late lol

    Also I know it's foolish, but I didn't run an AI think that's why im holding alot of water.

    Physiologically it effected me at the beginning of my cycle I felt aggitated, and It still comes and goes. Had peroids of feeling tired, I believe that's due to the changes in esters?
    Ok, thanks 951. Fatigue could be a lot of things from changes in hemoglobin, RBCs, elevated estradiol, etc. One of the hazards of Sustanon is that it can rapidly drive up estradiol even with low-moderate doses of AI. This could cause fatigue, libido changes, affect testosterone binding, and increase your risk for blood clotting or stroke. If estradiol gets too high, it can block testosterone binding and even down regulate testosterone sites. You would still have high levels of unbound testosterone in your serum though but the binding affinity could be lower. All of these things may be less of an issue since your dose is on the lower end. I've run sust at 2400mg weekly and i know first hand that it can cause a number of issues if not managed well.

    BW would have been nice to see how your body is using the Sustanon even though it appears you are accruing benefits based on your training performance.

  3. #43
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by 951thompson View Post
    This is not a list of anything informative, fact is I have made gains in both strength and muscle. Guess you guys ain't open to hearing what im saying. Dont forget I also used winny at 50mg per day for my first for weeks also. Put on about 5lb first four weeks. I have gains whether you guys accept it or not lol
    Twice 951 I have agreed that you have made gains...yes?? But the fact is you did not use an AI and I am sure that there has been an increase in diet and workout routine...Everyone chages this while cycling.

    Water retention from estro being raised and gains that would have been made natty due to the diet and increased workouts are responsible for your gains. If you had your BW done right now I am guessing that your test level would still bein the high normal range.

    Your gains are NOT from your cycle!!! Congrats on the gains but they could have been made naturally without the risk to your HPTA...

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    At least he has been consistent since day one. LOL
    Was that at me???

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    This may come off as flaming so understand thats not my intent. Have you any clue or done any research in the time you have been a member of this site? How to run a common Test only cycle is ansered in both stickys and evry single day in this forum, yet you still have got it completely wrong. On top of that, instead of considering that EVERYONE else is right and you may be wrong, you continue to argue sound logic and even more...experience!

    I am never quite sure what the point of asking advise is if you are not willing to take said advise. There are other boards that you can debate ppls knowledge and experience if you like but it really seems counterproductive here.

    What you have done is run a TRT of testosterone when your not a TRT patient. This is not a cycle dosage!!!!! You risk becoming a TRT patient for life essentially for nothing. It would seem that asking all of these questions might have been better prior to starting your TRT dose "cycle". I understand that hindsight is 20/20 but it's not too late to lace up your boots, be a man and simply admit that you may have made a mistake and would like advise on how to handle said mistake.
    I am open to advice, you are saying to me, no you haven't made any gains, when the fact is I have lol
    I did do plenty of research, my dose Is four times the amount of my natural test levels.
    I have learned alot while I've been here on this site and im always open to learning. In hindsight I wish I'd of run tri test 400 but hindsights a mofo's ain't it.

    The fact still remains, I've made gains in both strength and muscle, if you choose not to believe that, thats on you.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by 951thompson;6201994[B
    ]I am open to advice, you are saying to me, no you haven't made any gains, when the fact is I have lol[/B]
    I did do plenty of research, my dose Is four times the amount of my natural test levels.
    I have learned alot while I've been here on this site and im always open to learning. In hindsight I wish I'd of run tri test 400 but hindsights a mofo's ain't it.

    The fact still remains, I've made gains in both strength and muscle, if you choose not to believe that, thats on you.
    like 4th have made gains YEP. No argument from this guy! Just trying to explain to you the REAL reason for those gains. Thats the part you won't hear. Honestly I have heard about member trying to assist you in other areas my friend and I think it's time I bid you fair well before this heads further South. Good luck and let us know about those gains in 3 to hear an honest follow up!

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Was that at me???
    No 951

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Ok, thanks 951. Fatigue could be a lot of things from changes in hemoglobin, RBCs, elevated estradiol, etc. One of the hazards of Sustanon is that it can rapidly drive up estradiol even with low-moderate doses of AI. This could cause fatigue, libido changes, affect testosterone binding, and increase your risk for blood clotting or stroke. If estradiol gets too high, it can block testosterone binding and even down regulate testosterone sites. You would still have high levels of unbound testosterone in your serum though but the binding affinity could be lower. All of these things may be less of an issue since your dose is on the lower end. I've run sust at 2400mg weekly and i know first hand that it can cause a number of issues if not managed well.

    BW would have been nice to see how your body is using the Sustanon even though it appears you are accruing benefits based on your training performance.
    Thanks for lowdown muscleink,
    I have been under prepared this cycle, I should of put more care into it, in hindsight I see what I've done is dangerous.but it is what it is, should I do another cycle I will put much more thought into it next time.

  9. #49
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    Curious with out blood work how do you know that 250mgs a week is 4 times your natural production?

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    like 4th have made gains YEP. No argument from this guy! Just trying to explain to you the REAL reason for those gains. Thats the part you won't hear. Honestly I have heard about member trying to assist you in other areas my friend and I think it's time I bid you fair well before this heads further South. Good luck and let us know about those gains in 3 to hear an honest follow up!
    Cool yeah of course, no bad blood here, just a conversation :-) I honestly I don't think I could of made the gains I've made naturally. If your lifting more weight then you were before your bound to make more gains correct?

    But ok you have a nice evening

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
    Curious with out blood work how do you know that 250mgs a week is 4 times your natural production?
    Something I read online

  12. #52
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    I am suggesting one last time that you add novla to your pct.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
    I am suggesting one last time that you add novla to your pct.
    You don't think Clomid will be enough?
    I still have a healthy sex drive, is this a indication that my natural test is still functioning?

  14. #54
    Join Date
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    thanks lunk.

    Time will soon tell you if you are honest with yourself and us. Not running a AI, I wonder how much water weight you put on in that 15lbs.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg
    thanks lunk.

    Time will soon tell you if you are honest with yourself and us. Not running a AI, I wonder how much water weight you put on in that 15lbs.
    Hey I will tell you guys the honest truth when the water has gone. Even if I keep 8lb I will be happy, 8lb is alot of muscle. Time will tell.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by 951thompson View Post
    You don't think Clomid will be enough?
    I still have a healthy sex drive, is this a indication that my natural test is still functioning?
    Do you not understand how this works?

    You have shut your natural test completely down

    Your dick works now because of the sus

    When that's out and gone it will depend on when your body starts up again

    There is no guarantee it will. That is the risk we take and why

    We run Ai and hcg and the best pct we can to help our body restart itself

    No that is not an indication your natty test is running.

  17. #57
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 951thompson View Post
    You don't think Clomid will be enough?
    I still have a healthy sex drive, is this a indication that my natural test is still functioning?
    No your fake test is functioning, your gains will go away after it leaves your system.
    Do the PCT the guys laid out.
    Or you can keep being right about everything

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by 951thompson View Post
    Something I read online
    There are guys on here who get 250mg as their doctor prescribed TRT dose. I myself get 150mg per week as my test C shot. I seriously don't think you did enough research.

    As far as gains go, you've been lifting for 9 or 10 weeks now? You don't think you would naturally have made gains in that amount of time? Especially if you upped your diet and lifted heavier? I think it'd be in your best interest to take Cape's advice now before you fvck yourself up bad.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld

    No your fake test is functioning, your gains will go away after it leaves your system.
    Do the PCT the guys laid out.
    Or you can keep being right about everything
    Ain't trying to be right about everything, asked cape a question because about Clomid, because I don't know,that's how you learn by asking questions.

    I know nothing about steroids, I openly admit that, im a noob to roids, I made a few mistakes but everyone starts somewhere right? Im sure you where all noobs yourself once upon a time and im sure you made some mistakes, so please cut a guy some slack.

    I think some of you are misunderstanding me, im not arguing, just having a conversation.

    I thank you all for your advice

  20. #60
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  21. #61
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    These guys are here to help noobs not make the same mistake they made. Thats why the majority of us on TRT are on it. All sound advice, but not being taken. They are trying to help. They learned the hard way and it frustrates them to try and help another noob not to make the same mistakes, who isnt listening, and is determined to mess themselves up further when all the advice he needs is here in this very thread.

  22. #62
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    Is that it. No questions?

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
    Is that it. No questions?
    Im pretty much with it now thanks,

    Start PCT 18 days after last pin. Clomid 150/100/100/50 nolva 60/40/40/20 and I've got some test boosters, which probably don't even work but there were only a few £ so why not.

  24. #64
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    since your cycle was quite a low dose, i dont think you need such a high dose pct:
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    since your cycle was quite a low dose, i dont think you need such a high dose pct:
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    This is correct. Do not run your proposed dose of clomid. It will effect your vision.
    Asiandudes is the correct way to go

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude
    since your cycle was quite a low dose, i dont think you need such a high dose pct:
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    Ok thanks man ;-)

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo

    This is correct. Do not run your proposed dose of clomid. It will effect your vision.
    Asiandudes is the correct way to go
    Ok cheers ;-)

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