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Thread: 3rd friend's cycle

  1. #1

    3rd friend's cycle

    hei men, with the help you gave me i try to write the complete cycle for my friend

    we will stay on low-medium dosage, he has done 2 cycle before this, one of testo and one of dbol+tbol on low-medium dosage
    now he want to do testo + tbol
    my idea is:
    week 1-6 30mg oral turinabol
    1-8 testo propi or cipionate (better?). how much? 200mg p or 400mg c?
    1-8 aromasin ,12.5 eod
    8-12 nolvadex 50/50/25/25
    8-12 clomid 75/50/50/50 (necessary?)

    sorry for another thread, but we'll have confirm about this. thanks for your help
    Last edited by Sergino; 10-09-2012 at 03:46 PM.

  2. #2
    is better aromasin or other? i know that aromasin is aromatase-killer, but aas without aroma. is not much good

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    i rarely give advice or respond to these type of threads. the reason is, your friend could have a pre-existing condition that you are unaware of. or he/she may not have divulged to you completely, and the information you have presented may not be entirely accurate. but if he/she was here to answer questions from the mufti-talented and diverse membership, we could determine if there has been any past history of gynecomastia, for example.

    AND, if we were able to get your friend to sign in here, that would present the opportunity for any of the members to ask questions that could reveal other important information that would otherwise be unknown.

    although your offer to assist your friend is noble, i think that person would be better served here in person. and that goes for all the other "my friend needs help" threads.

    just my .02

  4. #4
    hei mickey you have good reason. But he told me to write here, because in his home he has only 1 pc. His father uses all the day to work and he doesn't want someone of his parents find some about gear
    he had never problem of gyne, he used low dosage (20mg x 4 week of oral t, 3 week of nolvadex in the first cycle), he had recover so good to the 2 cycle.
    I only want to give him so much as possible information about his choise, he doesn't know to use aromasin or letrozole, nolva with clomid or only nolva, how many pin in a week and the dosage of testo p.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Sergino
    hei mickey you have good reason. But he told me to write here, because in his home he has only 1 pc. His father uses all the day to work and he doesn't want someone of his parents find some about gear
    he had never problem of gyne, he used low dosage (20mg x 4 week of oral t, 3 week of nolvadex in the first cycle), he had recover so good to the 2 cycle.
    I only want to give him so much as possible information about his choise, he doesn't know to use aromasin or letrozole, nolva with clomid or only nolva, how many pin in a week and the dosage of testo p.
    If he really lacks that much knowledge, he shouldn't be using anything until he learns more. It sounds like he's jumping out of an airplane without knowing how to open a parachute. It's very dangerous and it sounds like he is over his head.

    I appreciate that you are trying to help him but if his health is THAT important, he needs to be a member on this forum instead of using a middle man. You sound like a great friend to him but its better to get the information directly than through an intermediary.

  6. #6
    yep, it's my best friend
    hes has good knowledge, but he has not experience! his cycle is what i wrote in the first post, in my opinion is not bad...tomorrow i'll see and tell him that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Sergino
    yep, it's my best friend
    hes has good knowledge, but he has not experience! his cycle is what i wrote in the first post, in my opinion is not bad...tomorrow i'll see and tell him that
    Well hopefully we'll get to meet him in here! My concerns were about his lack of understanding of AIs, pin frequencies and doses. Someone who is knowledgable and experienced should know these basic concepts.

    I'm glad you're here looking out for him!

  8. #8
    the problem is on the testo p.
    he has done testo e 2 times a week on the second cycle, like you reccomanded to a beginner. The p has a life of 3.5 day. He optain for 2 pin at week, 200mg/week. Someone here on the forum said me that the best way with the prop is pin eod, and 200 is basically not enough, at least 100mg eod. About AI, I don't have doubt that for me nolva 50/50/25/25 and clomid 75/50/50/50 are right, and aromasin 12.5 eod. But aromasine is an aromatase killer, that's okay to remove aromathase to a aas?

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