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Thread: Steroid Cleanse

  1. #1
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Steroid Cleanse

    Has anyone ever used Steroid Cleanse and was tested afterwards to see results?

  2. #2
    anahny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Has anyone ever used Steroid Cleanse and was tested afterwards to see results?
    Something I also wanted to know. Vinegar does the trick for me.

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    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anahny

    Something I also wanted to know. Vinegar does the trick for me.
    Vinegar does what?

  4. #4
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anahny

    Something I also wanted to know. Vinegar does the trick for me.
    This can't be serious surely?

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    anahny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Vinegar does what?
    It helps cleanse my body out. Learned that a few years back from another bodybuilder.

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    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anahny

    It helps cleanse my body out. Learned that a few years back from another bodybuilder.
    You have any hard evidence of this?

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    anahny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    This can't be serious surely?
    I never checked if it really worked. But I used it for a month and competed and I came up clean. I don't think that guy was bukksh**ting me. I hope not

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    anahny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    You have any hard evidence of this?
    No hard evidence. But I do know people used to use it to rid drugs from their body back in the day.

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    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anahny

    No hard evidence. But I do know people used to use it to rid drugs from their body back in the day.
    Apple cider vinegar is used as a directic for cutting weight. Alot of mma guys do this i train with. Never heard of it doing what you say though.

  10. #10
    anahny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Apple cider vinegar is used as a directic for cutting weight. Alot of mma guys do this i train with. Never heard of it doing what you say though.
    I've never heard it either until that guy told me. Again I have no hard evidence to prove it. But I think it helped me for that competition. I'm going to try it again after this cycle and get tested to see if it actually works.

  11. #11
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Vinegar cleans you out for a drug test!? HAHAHAHAHAH!

    Okay... take a step back here for a second.... take a nice step back here and look at the big picture surrounding how this 'vinegar theory' came about:

    You were TOLD by a bodybuilder that consuming vinegar (and i'm assuming this is in excess amounts) will 'cleanse the body of steroids ' so that it will not be detected in blood tests. You were not given ANY references, facts, or resources to back up these claims. You just listened to the guy, took what he said as gospel with no questions asked. And without any rienforcement of this 'theory' through studies, references, or hard resources, you decided to then just go for it and put this competition on the line. Then you went off and did this, apparently passed the drug test for said competition, and so you then therefore attribute the this vinegar technique to the fact that you came clean on this test?

    I'm sorry, but as a man of science and therefore, EVIDENCE, I must be very frank here: This is the biggest load of pseudoscientific bullshit I have ever heard in regards to this subject. And i've heard some really off the wall things in my time. This whole concept is loaded with pseudoscience, meathead bro talk, parroting, blind belief without questioning, conjecture, and not even anecdotal evidence!!

    Here is a list of the following conflicting variables and questions that crumble this whole 'vinegar theory' down to the ground:

    - Without any knowledge of how the body processes drugs, ESPECIALLY HORMONAL DRUGS, you assume that vinegar does what this bodybuilder told you it does? Do you realize that in drug tests, they test for the METABOLITES of said hormones and not the hormones themselves? And as deep as my knowledge in biochemistry and human biology goes, vinegar does not posess any properties what so ever that would speed up the half life of a hormonal substance in the body, nor would it reduce the amount of time a hormonal metabolite remains in the system. Not to mention, there is no evidence that vinegar even has any relation to these processes at all!

    - You didn't even state what anabolic steroids you ran prior to the competition.

    - You claim you came clean on the drug test for this competition. Do you even know what you were tested for? Unless you know SPECIFICALLY what the laboratory assay is and what hormones and substances are included in the panel, this whole vinegar claim is a load of bullshinola. They may not have even tested for metabolites of whatever AAS you were using beforehand - you likely would have come up clean without the use of vinegar! But you have no idea. You're running blind here. It is possible they were only testing for a handful of substances, of which they may not have even been AAS... they could have ONLY been testing for sympathomimetic amines for all you know.

    I'm just shaking my head at all of this... I honestly can't believe at how open people are to just blindly accepting anything as truth. Question everything you read, hear, and especially what someone else tells you! Ask for references, documentation, or hard evidence that describes the validity of a particular practice or theory that someone is trying to sell you. And "well it worked for me, and has worked for many many years" doesn't count!

    There are SO many different variables (as i've outlined above) in these self-tried and self-tested methods that you can't possibly be able to conclusively say "yeah I took vinegar and passed a drug test clean, therefore the vinegar was the reason I came clean in the drug test!". You took vinegar, and you passed the drug test... so therefore, the vinegar was the reason you passed the test? Oh my god.... This is a fallacy in logic, and there is an actual name for it. It is called 'Post hoc, ergo propter hoc'. It is a Latin phrase for "after this, therefore, because of this." The term refers to a rhetorical fallacy that because two events occurred in succession, the former event caused the latter event. In addressing a post hoc, ergo propter hoc argument, it is important to recognise that correlation does not equal causation. Magical thinking is a form of post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy, in which superstitions are formed based on seeing patterns in a series of coincidences. For example, "these are my lucky trousers. Sometimes good things happen to me when I wear them". Do you see how stupid and rediculous this is? It sounds just as stupid as "I took vinegar before a drug test. I passed the test. So therefore, the vinegar is responsible for my passing the test". X happened before Y, therefore X caused Y? NOPE!

    And this is why we have in-depth investigative techniques in science; things like double-blind placebo studies that actually work to eliminate the possibility of any fallacies like this so that we can understand the truth behind what EXACTLY we are trying to study/test/discover. Now, going back to the main topic quickly... I have heard all kinds of other similar/related things, such as the cranberry juice theory whereby if you drink cranberry concentrate and drink excessive amounts of it, you will be able to rid your body of any traces of RECREATIONAL drugs. I do know that there is some truth to this with certain drugs (THC metabolites). But these are other different types of substances we're talking about here! Hormonal substances such as anabolic steroids are a completely different ballgame from something like that. And neither vinegar, nor cranberry concentrate is going to lower your epitestosterone:testosterone ratio prior to a test if you were on a cycle that included supraphysiological amounts of testosterone. If the lab tests your epitest:test ratio and finds it out of whack, YOU'RE DONE.

    I would not advise anyone here to consume vinegar in any amount in an attempt to pass a drug test. If the test is a spot-on direct panel assay of specific metabolites of a hormone you have recently used (within the detection time of the metabolites), they will find it like a bullseye and you WILL fail the test.
    Last edited by Atomini; 10-08-2012 at 10:24 AM.

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
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    lmao. Gotta love atom.

  13. #13
    songdog's Avatar
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    I always heard about that vinegar story.but I know plenty of guys who failed a drug test believeing it would work

  14. #14
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Yup... vinegar, cranberry concentrate... even heard of the 'massive amounts of water' theory whereby the protocol is to consume absolutely massive amounts of water in the day(s) prior to a drug test. A lot of practices such as that can be very dangerous. There is a condition called hyponatremia, in which too much water can be FATAL. Many people are unaware of this important fact. And the only thing you're going to end up pissing away from excessive vinegar/cranberry/water consumption is important water soluble vitamins and minerals.

    What people don't understand (because they don't have any formal education/understanding of human biology) is that for most drugs and their metabolites, you simply CAN NOT speed up their half lives by excessive consumption of any of these substances. Many of these drugs or metabolites have their half lives for a reason. Many of these substances are bound to receptors, or linger in specific body tissues such as fat tissue due to their lipophilic properties. Consuming vinegar or excessive amounts of water is NOT going to remove them from receptor sites or from specific tissues. And in the case of AAS... all it takes is basic basic knowledge of understanding that anabolic steroids are fats. They are fat soluble molecules. You cannot consume a diuretic in the hopes of just pissing out a fat soluble substance.

    Ever heard of acute vitaminosis (vitamin poisoning from excessive consumption of vitamins that are fat soluble)? These are vitamins such as A, E, D, etc. However, you cannot get acute vitaminosis from water-soluble vitamins such as C. This is because the body can easily pass vitamin C, B12, and other water soluble vitamins through the urinary system very easily due to their nature. Fat soluble vitamins and substances... they're in your body until their half lives are up because they remain attached to fatty tissues and substances. You can't 'force' them out. Same thing goes for AAS.

    Now, there may possibly be synthetic compounds designed to 'force' out certain lipophilic compounds such as AAS and their metabolites (this is possibly what the 'Steroid Cleanse' product is, but I can't say for certain because I don't know anything about it) and may do this through manipulation of receptor sites and certain enzymes in the body. But vinegar will NEVER EVER do something like this. Cranberry concentrate will never EVER do something like this either. You'd need something synthetically designed to do such a job. 'Steroid Cleanse' may even simply be a masking agent that simply masks certain metabolites. I myself am curious to see if it indeed does work. But vinegar? Laughable theory.

    Vinegar is good in my salad dressings. That's about it.

  15. #15
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    here's more info on the vinegar story....

    Drinking vinegar will help you pass

    This legend is one of the oldest ones in the history of drug testing, and is only partly true. Consumption of diluted vinegar will lower the pH of the blood and urine, and drugs that contain amine groups (such as amphetamines) will be cleared out somewhat faster as their water solubility increases due to protonation. Also, the reduced pH can potentially throw off the pH-sensitive enzymes in a particular type of bioassay (EMIT) often (but not always) used as the initial screening test, even for non-amine-containing drugs such as THC. Also, the effects of urine acidification on detection times (for any substance) are modest at best, often practically insignificant, and drinking vinegar is thus not very reliable as a stand alone measure for beating a drug test.[35] Also some people believe that drinking Certo brand liquid fruit pectin mixed with a fruit juice or sports drink such as Gatorade as a diluent continuously the day before, night before and morning of the drug test will help soluablize the drug chemicals from fat storage and help eliminate traces of drug metabolites by clear urination of the drug in your system. However this method is ineffective if being sent to a lab for testing. A B vitamin is sometimes taken to give the urine more of a natural yellow color. This is still debated as to whether it is effective or not. Drinking club soda (which has sodium bicarbonate) also may fool the analysis into a positive by alkalizing the ph of the urine and temporarily masking the drug. Cayenne pepper is believed by some to also alter the drug's effects in the metabolism.

  16. #16
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    So steroid cleanse... lol anyone ever use it?

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