Here is the cycle I am proposing...
500mg sust 250 per week, 250mg monday and 250mg thursday for 12 weeks
300 mg deca-duro per week every monday, shot with the sust, also for 12 weeks.
I really dont know what I need to be doing for a pct, though my best sourcing is with nolvadex, though I dont know dosing or schedule since my 'guy' moved away.
Im in my early 30's, 5'9, 185 pounds, 16% bf and im on a modified paleo diet that is high protein/low carb/med fat. My diet is being worked out by a nutritionist with experience in the BB world but knows nothing about the world of AS, or at least so they claim. I know that when I start my cycle I will have to increase my carbs somewhat and increase my protein a ton, presumably to about 2.5 grams per pound per day, and it's been advised is try carb loading based on workout/day.
I have also been advised that I should work an AI into this cycle, but can't find the answers I need regarding what I should be using and when.
My goals, eventually, are to be approx 205 and lean, under 10%, but initially I want to bulk, but don't want to just put on a ton of fat and/or water. Im trying to keep bloating to a minimum. I'd be pleased if I gained an initial 15 pounds of lbm, but I want to do it smart and have all my gear in hand before I start anything.
My training consists 6 to 10 reps, 3 to 4 sets of...legs, shoulders/abs, back/triceps, chest/biceps, off,...repeat. I finish each workout with 30 mins of hiit cardio on a treadmill except leg days.
Any advice, suggestions would really be appreciated, especially regarding the pct and AI as those are the areas I've been least successful gaining precise info for my needs. Thanks everyone.