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Thread: Opinion on cutting cycle

  1. #1

    Opinion on cutting cycle

    Hey everyone I did a test e & deca cycle starting at 10.5% and 87kgs. I got to 98kgs and I was just under 12% in about 13 weeks. I kept bulking for 10 weeks and then began slowly cutting with diet and no cardio. (Loat about 4.5 kgs in water i believe)It's been 6 weeks( since i started cutting)and I am 87.5kgs an 9.6%. I am going to do another cycle before I go away to Thailand on holidays in about 7 weeks(so I could continue it while I'm there if 7 weeks isn't enough time as I assume its not). I am tossing up between this rip blend consisting of 50mg testP, 50mg tren and 100mg of boldanon or a straight cycle of prop and maybe some deca. My goal is obviously to cut more and put some lean muscle on. Does one of the two options sound alright or does someone have a better suggestion?

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    At 22 you should be building your physique naturally. You need time off between cycles. Time on + PCT (if you did it)= time off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Chandler2911 View Post
    Hey everyone I did a test e & deca cycle starting at 10.5% and 87kgs. I got to 98kgs and I was just under 12% in about 13 weeks. I kept bulking for 10 weeks and then began slowly cutting with diet and no cardio. (Loat about 4.5 kgs in water i believe)It's been 6 weeks( since i started cutting)and I am 87.5kgs an 9.6%. I am going to do another cycle before I go away to Thailand on holidays in about 7 weeks(so I could continue it while I'm there if 7 weeks isn't enough time as I assume its not). I am tossing up between this rip blend consisting of 50mg testP, 50mg tren and 100mg of boldanon or a straight cycle of prop and maybe some deca. My goal is obviously to cut more and put some lean muscle on. Does one of the two options sound alright or does someone have a better suggestion?
    so basically ur saying u went thru all that (29weeks) to end up 0.5kg heavier and 0.9%bf leaner????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    how good were the strength gains?

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