second cycle running test E do i need to uses pct ? running test e 1-12weeks 13-14 off then pct?and wot product would i use please thanks
second cycle running test E do i need to uses pct ? running test e 1-12weeks 13-14 off then pct?and wot product would i use please thanks
Yes you need PCT you do with every cycle you use. You really need to have this sorted and understand this before youi start a cycle.
You need to get clomid 100/50/50/50, nolva 40/40/20/20
Are you running an AI during the cycle?
Are you using HCG?
what are your stats?
whats your diet like?
These are all important things you need to have sorted before starting any cycle
ok looks like i need to do sum more research then!!! i was onli gona run pct if i had any symtpoms or nolva by itself 2weeks afta cycle!! as only doing 2ml test a week for 12 weeks!!
stats 82kg
175cm tall
diet is good but i dont eat 6meals 3 decent meals veges brown rice fish etc !!
could you help me alil more please only second cycle of test had great gains on first cycle and strength in the gym was unreal thanks for ya help!!!
heres a good place to start:
read that, then work out your own diet..
as for PCT, nolva and clomid is needed, also an AI (like arimidex) is essential and to be used during your cycle. and also HCG if you can get it. but i would work on your diet 1st, that is the most important part of all of this.
cycle was test e 12weeks!! i didnt run any pct ......i was very dumb and jumped in to quick,just lucky i didnt have no side effects!!
thats why i wana do everything right this time!!start again and do it propley!!
all i am gona do is test E FOR 12 WEEKS!!! can sumone please tel me wot i need to run afta the 12 weeks when and wot also do i need to run anthing during cycle!i am doing research but its much better hearing from other people who have been through it!!! thanks again
yes please im gona do plenty research and ask on here b4 i do anything thanks!!
can you give me the whole over view of everything i need to take from pct to hcg-if i need this!!its for a 12 week cycle of test at 2ml a week
week 1-12 test e 500mg/week (split 250mg on monday morning, and 250mg on thursday evening)
week 1-14 arimidex .25mg EOD
week 3-14 HCG 500IU/week ( split 2x 250IU, like the test, same day as you do the test shots just so you dont forget)
week 15-18 PCT
nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/100/50/50
that means the 1st week you take 40mg of nolva ED, and 100mg clomid ED, same as 2nd week, then 3rd and 4th its 20mg, and 50mg.
but remember your diet is the key to how much you will gain and how much of it you will keep, and also if you gain more fat than muscle..
good luck.
and btw your PCT and AI (arimidex) can be bought from ar-r (the site sponsor at the top of your page)
wot does eod stand for? and iu sorry for silly questions
also i have heard of people using pct 2weeks afta the cycle and thats it wotz the aramidx for great info
you should PCT for 4 weeks after a 12 week cycle, the length of your PCT will vary with the length of your cycle.
EOD = every other day
ED = every day
and not sure what IU stands for but its just the units of measurements that the HCG is measured in ( like mg, g, mcg, mls, kg, lbs, oz, etc...)
thanks so much for ya help when are you starting ya first cycle?
no rush but, still making great gains with just food and training, which reminds me time to go eat![]()
sorry last question wit the nolva and clomid 40 40 20 20 and 100 100 50 50 clomid wot is that? does it mean mls or mgs? how is this taking liquid or injection
mg, and its taken orally.
clomid is a SERM (Selective estrogen-receptor modulator)
So if pill is 20 mgs that means take 2?
Mate u are a legend thank you so much!!!
lift, eat, sleep, repeat.
sorry i didnt ask how is hcg taken? so 500 iu would ne how many mls??
just seen injection same as test so dont forget!!but how many ml is 500 iu
1st its 250IU 2x a week, and you use an insulin syringe to inject subq (not Intra Muscular like test, you inject it into fat), and how many mls will depend on how much you dilute it.
HCG comes in powder form, you then have to reconstitute it with bac water (sterile water, usually comes in the kit with the HCG)
eg: if you have a 5000IU vial of HCG, and you then reconstitute it with 1 ml of water, your HCG is dosed at 5000IU/ml, so 250IU would be .05mls.
so basically it depends on how much you dilute it, if you wanted to dilute it with 10ml of water then that would make it 500IU/ml, meaning you would inject .5mls (half a ml) each time.
sweet if i cant get my hands on this is this a biggie??? can i just use clomid nolva for pct and aramidex??for 12 week test period
so it will be test 1-12 weeks
pct nolva and clomid 15-18weeks
arimidex 1-14 weeks sound sweet??
yea, id use HCG if you can get it, if you cant dont worry about it.
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