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  1. #1
    Mower20 is offline New Member
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    Wink 18 year old football cycle

    Hi, I just turned 18 a few weeks ago and I am looking into getting a cycle of Anavar and Somatropin. What do you guys think of this for a football player who needs to gain solid muscle and needs to keep it? I also have a few questions about the stack. 1.) What are the side effects of both together? 2.) How badly will this suppress my ability to make my own HGH when I get older and stop using? 3.) Most common question you probably hear. But will this shrink my balls/ penis lol. Now last of all I want to say I don't want to hear you all complaining about my age. Im going to do it so don't tell me not to. Tell me how much I should take and such so I don't decide I'll take a whole bunch and overdose or die from it. Thanks guys Mower20

  2. #2
    ledz is offline New Member
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    You would be better off researching diet. Gear at your age is a short term fix with long term problems.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mower20 View Post
    Hi, I just turned 18 a few weeks ago and I am looking into getting a cycle of Anavar and Somatropin. What do you guys think of this for a football player who needs to gain solid muscle and needs to keep it? I also have a few questions about the stack. 1.) What are the side effects of both together? 2.) How badly will this suppress my ability to make my own HGH when I get older and stop using? 3.) Most common question you probably hear. But will this shrink my balls/ penis lol. Now last of all I want to say I don't want to hear you all complaining about my age. Im going to do it so don't tell me not to. Tell me how much I should take and such so I don't decide I'll take a whole bunch and overdose or die from it. Thanks guys Mower20

    Using steroids at your age is a big NO IMHO, if you shut down your natural testosterone whats not fully developed yet it could result in you never reaching your full natural test level and even have issues of low testosterone , this would result in the opposite effect your trying to accomplish. You need to learn how to use your diet to gain size and not steroids because even if you did use them it would be a waste of time because you would lose all gains due to your diet not being able to support any new tissue, so you will drift back to your weight you are now so not only will you risk having low test which is hell its going to be pointless.

    Food is the answer and if you want to gain another 15/20lbs then you have to start eating like you want to gain 15/20lbs otherwise its a waste of time. You have come to the right place and if you head over to the diet section and read the stickies you will have a better idea how to eat to grow. Steroids and hgh are not the answer all your going to do is cause damage to your own hormonal system which can have serious sides effect what are with you for life..

  4. #4
    Bouch's Avatar
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    Mower20 I know you say "no one say your too young" but everyone here will tell you that, because its true. Just you saying that, I assume you have done some research across forums and noticed that anyone under 25 gets bashed for wanting to try them. I did them at your age and was a lucky one (not saying you will be). I didn't get sides other than a low test level after the cycle, and I did loose 100% of my gains, from not having a proper diet, training, and discipline in place after the cycle. At 18 you have so much natural test flowing in your body that you do not even need any help. The only reason we use gear is to get our test levels back to where you are at today naturally. I'm not one to support a youngster, but like you I didnt care what people were telling me, I just wanted to do them. I'm not advanced enough to tell you safe dosing, other than to try anything other than test for a first cycle is not smart. Every cycle should have test as a base and you want to know how the side will affect you from just one, not combining multiples on the first shot. You wouldn't be able to determine what gave you the gains or sides. Just so you do a little more research, here on this forum. Look up Cellulitis, PIP, Infection, Abscess, ED, ect... Then read about the profiles of the gear you want to take and get the sides info from there. Be smart and take advice your getting even if its not what you want to hear. The people here are very knowledgeable and will not steer you wrong. There is a reason why you are always hearing to wait, is because it is the safest and smarted thing to do. I was like you and didn't listen and in reality it was pointless since I lost everything, and then had to deal my natty test levels not being like they were. If I could have done it all over I definitely would not have touch any gear until now. So I am not encouraging you to try them, but if you aren;t going to take the advice from the pro's, then do as much research with all the sides and possible infections and ask yourself are you willing to on take these mentally, emotionally, and physically. Good luck and keep researching. Remember your natural test levels at 18 are practically the same as mine are on cycle at 25.

  5. #5
    *Admin* is offline AR Admin
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    Welcome and enjoy the site... there are many here that can help you with what you are wanting... and I know most will say what you do not want to hear... But I also know that more than likely you will not listen or care what they say... but take a moment and at least read their thoughts... now that said please be cautious with your choices...

    Guys please continue...
    Every man has the ability to be a fool, it is what he does to recover that shows who the fool really is.

    Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
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  6. #6
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    You can join me in the HRT section after screwing up your HPTA system. All my Test comes out of a bottle and will till I die....
    Last edited by fit2bOld; 10-09-2012 at 01:45 PM.

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    since your mind is made up i would recommend you start with the Education forums. you owe it to your family and friends since they're the ones who will truly suffer if you end up in the hospital or become frantic from any the widely known acute reactions from some types of aas. at your age, the risks are staggering. imagine being diagnose with ED (erectile dysfunction) at 19? or having no libido while the rest of your buddies are slamming away having a blast. but not you. you have sit out on the sidelines with your limp noodle. imagine waking up with a pile of acne all over your body and face because you didn't listen. and try to envision yourself trying to explain that to your school mates and friends and family. and finally, try to picture yourself down the road with a sweet girl who you love and wants children, but sadly you can't because you recklessly wanted to cycle at 18 years of age. imagine...

    here's some links to get you started on your way to happiness and sorrow. i seriously hope you don't screw up your endocrine system son. that doesn't repair itself that well. good luck..

    Educational Threads

    Nutritional Forum


    SERM, AI

    Steroid Guide

    The Young and Steroids

  8. #8
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think the guys have covered it.
    you are not goign to be using aas safely if you use them now, and you WILL screw up your endo system and development.

    creatine, protein powder, vitamines , SUPPS, stick with that. and NO OTC hormone stuff, that can screw you just as bad.

  9. #9
    FireManDan is offline New Member
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    Eat. Enough said. Your body is not fully developed, you already know that but what the heck... Maybe it changes your mind.

  10. #10
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Even Admin got in on this one! Thank for that! Listen to these guys buddy. Mickey posted up the links for you, so the work is already done. Spend your time researching it out for yourself. You own it to your body, and others around you to be responsible. Mickey handed you the work that is already done, all you have to do is claim it for yourself. Good luck!

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I sincerely hope you will take the time to read the threads Mickey posted and carefully consider the thoughtful comments offered by our members. I understand your drive for success and desire for lean muscle, particularly in support of your passion for football. You definitely should not take the decision to use or abstain from steroids lightly. They can be beneficial under the RIGHT circumstances but can be seriously dangerous when taken hastily or under the wrong circumstances - especially in the absence of an informed decision. Steroids are NOT risk free. In fact some of the most experienced users still struggle with the right cycles and avoiding side effects. A good friend of mine who has cycled for years and competed three times in body building competitions and is certainly one of the more experienced users I know (and respect) is struggling with liver issues on a cycle right now. His liver enzymes are nearly three times HIGHER than normal which could spell disaster for him if he doesn't get the situation under control immediately! You cannot survive without a liver and this is just one in a long list of things that could go terribly wrong for a guy your age.

    Understand, the answer is not NO, but, no, not now. There will be opportunities for you to reconsider cycles when you are older and the advice offered today is to keep you safe and its provided by guys who really know what they are taking about.

    Maybe your mind is made up and that's unfortunate because I agree that now isn't the right time. Work on your nutrition and training and spend the next 5-6 years absorbing as much knowledge as you can so that when you truly are ready, you will enjoy far greater success than you can imagine today.

    Good luck with your decision!

  12. #12
    christian123's Avatar
    christian123 is offline Associate Member
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    Do wtv you want...

    Your life not ours.
    At least read alot about it so you know what your taking.

    Last edited by christian123; 10-10-2012 at 02:19 PM.

  13. #13
    BUTTERYGOODNESS is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey man I joined this place when I was 18 and I've never used aas. With changing my diet an training I've completely transformed my body from fat kid to a much more muscular and leaner physique. It took some time but still every change was quick and very noticeable. Listen to these guys. They really know their stuff!!!

  14. #14
    P.Money's Avatar
    P.Money is offline Associate Member
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    You testosterone levels at 18 years old are prime time. Don't mess around with AAS, work out and eat properly until you're 25. It is tempting however not worth it for now. Diet diet diet

  15. #15
    bigmatt33 is offline Junior Member
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    I took steroids at 18 and the truth is I didn't gain that much. I thought I knew how to work out and eat right but I didn't. If I could be 18 again I wouldn't take steroids. I would just do everything I could to eat perfect and learn how to train the right way.

    I bet you can make better gains by eating right and training smarter then you can taking steroids.

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