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Thread: adex dosage

  1. #1
    paul 47 is offline New Member
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    adex dosage

    adex .10 enough ed feels like theres nothing in my mouth let me know thanks

    12 weeks test e 500 aweek
    and should you do adex on pct or stop at 12 weeks some ppl say .10 is good ed some say .25 eod .???

  2. #2
    kmms's Avatar
    kmms is offline Productive Member
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    everyone is different man, it's probably much better for your health to start very low and go from there. i think i'd rather get kicked in the nuts than take .25mg eod on a test e 500 cycle. it's like trying to kill mosquitos with a baseball bat.

  3. #3
    Brohim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul 47 View Post
    adex .10 enough ed feels like theres nothing in my mouth let me know thanks

    12 weeks test e 500 aweek
    and should you do adex on pct or stop at 12 weeks some ppl say .10 is good ed some say .25 eod .???
    .5mg EOD. Use Aromasin for PCT if you have it. It won't cause e2 rebound.

  4. #4
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Above it was suggested to do .5 EOD. I don't ever go that high, but everyone is very different. You will find out through experience what works for you.

    Nothing wrong with doing .1 per day. It might be a little light, so keep an eye out for E2 sides. For me that includes increased acne, increased blood pressure, bloating and uncontrollable weeping at dog adoption television commercials.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 10-09-2012 at 06:33 PM.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
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    just run .25 eod.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    .5mg EOD. Use Aromasin for PCT if you have it. It won't cause e2 rebound.
    This is wrong you dont use a ai for pct.

  7. #7
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Some people prefer using an AI during PCT to keep e2 low. Low e2 will help increase testosterone production as well so it may be beneficial/the preferred option. Clomid is supposed to attach to some e2 receptors in the brain to prevent the hypo from understanding the body's e2 levels. It's a preference thing. I wouldn't say it is wrong running an AI during PCT, as long as you keep it from getting too low and stop using it before that happens.

  8. #8
    denverpride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    just run .25 eod.
    This works

  9. #9
    paul 47 is offline New Member
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    so no ai on pct and at .10 it seems like theres nothing in my mouth to even help so guess it will be better to do .25 eod or maybe .12 ed ??

  10. #10
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul 47 View Post
    so no ai on pct and at .10 it seems like theres nothing in my mouth to even help so guess it will be better to do .25 eod or maybe .12 ed ??
    I would stick with .25.

  11. #11
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Some people prefer using an AI during PCT to keep e2 low. Low e2 will help increase testosterone production as well so it may be beneficial/the preferred option. Clomid is supposed to attach to some e2 receptors in the brain to prevent the hypo from understanding the body's e2 levels. It's a preference thing. I wouldn't say it is wrong running an AI during PCT, as long as you keep it from getting too low and stop using it before that happens.
    With you 100% on this

  12. #12
    kmms's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul 47 View Post
    so no ai on pct and at .10 it seems like theres nothing in my mouth to even help so guess it will be better to do .25 eod or maybe .12 ed ??
    personally speaking, on my test e 500mg per week cycle, arimidex at .25eod is too much so i use a razor and try to cut the .25 in half. it's a miniscule piece to be sure but i can also assure you that an amount that small absolutely positively does have an effect on my estrogen levels. i believe it also has a 48hr or so half life, so no need to take it every day, eod or even e3d works for me.

  13. #13
    paul 47 is offline New Member
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    .25 eod that would make me feel alot better it alomost is the same if you do .10 aday or .25eod hope it works austinite you look amazing

  14. #14
    paul 47 is offline New Member
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    mines liquid not pills so how would i cut that but if you think .10 will work thats what i will do but i just feel like theres nothing in my mouth when i take it

  15. #15
    paul 47 is offline New Member
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    if it last 3 days maybe do tues .25 and fri .25 . i have never taken an ai like worried about it

  16. #16
    jarudd23's Avatar
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    Um I'm new here to but I'm pretty sure austinite is a dude. An I agree try .25 eod

  17. #17
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarudd23 View Post
    Um I'm new here to but I'm pretty sure austinite is a dude.
    Can we record this somehow so he remembers it but damn Austin looking good sis!

  18. #18
    kmms's Avatar
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    just for the record, i am not the handsome loveable retard in my avatar.

  19. #19
    havanakid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kmms View Post
    just for the record, i am not the handsome loveable retard in my avatar.

  20. #20
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    .25 eod

  21. #21
    Encoded's Avatar
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    Haha, I was about to say the same thing as havanakid. I'm currently going through the same with the adex, trying to find the right dosage for me. Just to be clear, everyone is speaking in terms of mg, but I'm assuming most people have it in pills. I'm in the same boat as you Paul, I'm working with the liquid form as well. My liquid bottle of Anastrozole is 60ml, 1mg/1ml. So to say .25 eod, everyone suggests .25ml? For the first 2 weeks I started with 1ml or 1.0mg once per week as I was directed this way. I am now doing 1/2ml or 0.5mg eod. Is the general consensus that this is too much? 0.25 in liquid form is almost too difficult to even extract to be honest, I'm not sure about your situation Paul.

  22. #22
    paul 47 is offline New Member
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    i have been doing .10 for the last week eday but to me thats low but i have never done it before .just seems like thats not enough to do anything i use a insulin pin and pull it to .10 .at .5 i dont even think you would feel it in your mouth .?

  23. #23
    jarudd23's Avatar
    jarudd23 is offline Junior Member
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    Oral form is what I have but mine comes with an oral syringe that goes from .1ml up to 1ml u said u use an insulin pin? Aren't those measurements in units not ml?

  24. #24
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarudd23
    Oral form is what I have but mine comes with an oral syringe that goes from .1ml up to 1ml u said u use an insulin pin? Aren't those measurements in units not ml?
    Many (not all) slin pin manufacturers will put a ml marking on the syringe indicating 100iu is 1ml. This is usually near the bottom of the syringe near the plunger.

  25. #25
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Lowest dose for Adex is usually 0.5mg per week split across two 0.25mg doses. This is more typical for TRT. On cycle, recommended starting dose is usually 0.25mg EOD.

  26. #26
    Encoded's Avatar
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    Yeah I purchased mine and it came without an oral syringe so what I did was pick up one for baby medicine at the local pharmacy. Unfortunately the units aren't as precise and run from 1ml to 2ml and so on, so I just kind of guesstimate what .5ml is from the beginning, .25ml would be seemingly nothing. Does anyone think 2mg per week is too much adex?

  27. #27
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Encoded View Post
    Yeah I purchased mine and it came without an oral syringe so what I did was pick up one for baby medicine at the local pharmacy. Unfortunately the units aren't as precise and run from 1ml to 2ml and so on, so I just kind of guesstimate what .5ml is from the beginning, .25ml would be seemingly nothing. Does anyone think 2mg per week is too much adex?
    They have the larger ones on the retail floor for children's medicine, but if you talk to the pharmacist he/she should be able to give you some 1ml oral syringes. Much easier to work with.

  28. #28
    paul 47 is offline New Member
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    yea i use a insulin pin and pull it to the first ten mark witch is not very far is that right just seem so little of amount

  29. #29
    jarudd23's Avatar
    jarudd23 is offline Junior Member
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    I've even used a New needle that I use for injections before. Just be careful not to stick your tongue with it. Lol

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