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Thread: Switch from Nolva to Adex mid cycle?

  1. #1

    Switch from Nolva to Adex mid cycle?

    Hi Gang,

    I am 39. 4th week of Test E 250pw, HGH 4/iu day. My goals are not to gain muscle per se. Endurance athlete. (Do I need repeat all this every time I post a new post? ha).

    I started getting itchy nipples about a week ago. My adex wasnt here yet, but I had Nolvadex on hand so started taken 20mg/day. It has helped. The itchy nipples and most of the bloating has pretty much subsided.

    Now my adex has arrived. Can I do a little switch? cut out the Nolva, start with .25 adex EOD? See how it goes?

    Thanks for your great, informed comments.

    Also, for what its worth, am considering upping the test to 300 mg/pw, but seems it might be a pain in the ass because the ampule are 250s... thoughts on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    one is a SERM and the other is an AI. small but important difference. from what i've read here it would seem prudent to use the arimidex during your cycle and save the nolva for your pct.

    the ampule thing is a bit of a problem, i use them as well and have no desire to pre load syringes so have decided to only use 1 of them twice per week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Yes, you can switch.

    I try to avoid preloading for the sake of keeping things as sterile as possible. You could slightly increase injection frequency if you want to bump up the dose a little. 250mg every 6 days is ~290mg/wk.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    West Coast Desert Rat
    Im a rookie when it comes to aas. If your nipples are itchy and being affected in any way I would suggest .5mg ADEX EOD. If it subsides then go back to .25 EOD. Just my opinion and take it with a grain of salt please...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    West Coast Desert Rat
    ...and yes drop the Nolva.

  6. #6
    Thanks, guys! Got the message. I will drop the Nolva and start the Adex. (would have used the Adex in the first place had I had it). I was pretty certain of that route, but wanted to double check as I wasn't sure about having the two in my system at concurrent times. I think I may like Ernst's solution of pinning every six days. Seems logical.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MadRunner View Post
    Thanks, guys! Got the message. I will drop the Nolva and start the Adex. (would have used the Adex in the first place had I had it). I was pretty certain of that route, but wanted to double check as I wasn't sure about having the two in my system at concurrent times. I think I may like Ernst's solution of pinning every six days. Seems logical.

    seems to me like that would be long enough apart to produce the roller coaster effect or ups and downs that are avoided by pins 3.5 days apart. i don't have any personal experience with that as i am on a 3.5 day schedule but it should be considered.

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