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Thread: Right Cycle for Definition

  1. #1

    Right Cycle for Definition

    hi guys, I'm 20 years old now and i've been properly dieting and lifting for 4 years now. My mom is a nutritionist and has been trying to bulk me up for a while and I've gained about 40lbs of muscle in the last two years. however, I dont want to keep bulking; i am at a solid 190 and want to get back to 180, but still increase my upper and lower body strength. I was wondering whether to use a cycle like this:
    Anavar- 30mg 1 week /40mg the next /50mg for 5 weeks taking each dosage ED.
    Do I need any PCT though? Considering Anavar does not effect estrogen levels and I'm still young so all my testosterone and horomones will return to normal after a certain amount of time after my cycle. This will be my first cycle so help me out.
    P.S. I know most of you will say 20 is too young, but I have watched my friends strength gains increase tremendously and even surpass mine in a couple of months.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    First off yes u are too young. Sorry bro. Also u said u don't want to bulk anymore u want definition. This can be achieved with a proper diet. Head over to the diet section an let those knowledgeable guys help u out. Diet is first an foremost in achieving your goal. Maybe look into changing.your workout routines also. An if u do decide to use AAS anyway remember that anavar or any other compound will not magically make u defined without a proper diet. DIET IS KEY

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    anavar on its own mmmmmmmmmmm NO BUD more studying and its not the choice you want to go for anyway buddy!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I'm taking cjc 1295 w/o DAC and GHRP-2 with clen. It is working great to cut me up. I have no idea if peptides are safe for younger people. Do any of you guys know?

  5. #5
    I just wrote up all this last night so I will repost it. I agree that you are a bit too young however you see your friends doing it and peer pressure is (excuse my language)..but a bitch..and I know it's hard to not succum too. You wanna be big like your friends so I get that.

    If you can wait, then I would wait, if you can't at least we can help you. I think you would do less damage with var alone, then stacking it with test. At 19 my body did not like test, really bad bloating and acne, at 20 it liked dbol by itself and agreed with me. Never started test till after I was 28, my lvls were above normal without it and adding test brings in so many other issues, AI's for Gyno, acne, aggression, high blood pressure, high BPH and PSA issues. I didnt want to be messing with all that at 19 and 20.

    Here is my write up and link.

    These are my thoughts. On how to safely run var alone, I will just quote myself and give you a link to the origional discussion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
    With you on this one, I don't know why people go overboard and say "you have to run it with test" the drug was produced to be run without it, if people do some research on why these drugs were created in the first place, might be better off. Yes if you run it with test you might have better gains but then again a person might not be looking to gain a bunch of water weight, take an AI risk getting test flu and using needles and all the other things associated with stacking it with test like high BPH, high BP and elevated e2 and let's not forget Gyno to top it off. Var is very safe and taking with a liver anti oxidant like NAC makes it even safer.

    I ran var by itself many times and am just fine and better for it, sometimes i didnt want to run test and I needed a var pick me up, it worked, kept mostly everything gained muscle, loss fat, increased hardness, helped with joints, ran with hcg, then mild pct and back in business. Its a perfect steroid in my opinion.

    Var can be safely run alone and that's the truth

    Let's take a wiki glance:
    My var only cycles looked like this

    When I did var btw 75mg-100mg only.
    I did 700iu hcg EW and followed up with mild pct.
    Clomid 50/50/25/25, you could do 100/75/50/50 but I think it's overkill for var only.

    I never used nolva for var only as it does not aromatise and never have to worry about Gyno, at least I never have.
    *however If you don't respond well to clomid, vision problems and such nolva or torem can be run

    Torem 120/120/60/60/60/60
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

    Just pick one of these three. That's enough. Btw that on cycle therapy of hcg and pct you will be fine.

    Var suppresses HTPA function, does not give a complete shutdown and with the hcg you will not be as suppressed or close to a shutdown at all.

    I would also run a liver anti oxidant such as NAC at 600mg per day.

    Never had erection issues and 700iu Ew of hcg kept me from getting shutdown to hard.

    Happy to help,
    Last edited by Phased; 10-10-2012 at 01:58 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    ^^ wondering where you found the formula for var, or how you determined that? the reason i ask is because 25mg seems a little light for a 200lb man, or anyone for that matter. 25mg/day of var will barely have any effect. imho, the minimum should be closer to 40-50mg/day spread out every 8-10hours.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    ^^ wondering where you found the formula for var, or how you determined that? the reason i ask is because 25mg seems a little light for a 200lb man, or anyone for that matter. 25mg/day of var will barely have any effect. imho, the minimum should be closer to 40-50mg/day spread out every 8-10hours.
    I thought I took that out. Its out now. Thank you for catching that.
    I think 75mg to100mg is the sweetspot.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bigmatt33
    I'm taking cjc 1295 w/o DAC and GHRP-2 with clen. It is working great to cut me up. I have no idea if peptides are safe for younger people. Do any of you guys know?
    How much do you run cjc and ghrp? Cycle time?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Personally, 75mg was too much. I had my water intake right up and my kidneys were hurting. Also doing that much var gives me workout stopping pumps at the gym. For me the sweet spot is 50mg/ED. Gained 10 solid pounds on a var only cycle and my diet tuned in.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Also, don't need to taper up. you need stable test levels, Just try 50mg right off the get go, and try to round up all your gear and pct before you start..

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by P.Money View Post
    Personally, 75mg was too much. I had my water intake right up and my kidneys were hurting. Also doing that much var gives me workout stopping pumps at the gym. For me the sweet spot is 50mg/ED. Gained 10 solid pounds on a var only cycle and my diet tuned in.
    Everyone is different, how much did you weigh prior adding 10lbs off of Anavar?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    San Diego
    Many people have had great success with anavar only cycles. Oxandrolone will not suppress the HPTA all the way and added with hCG you won't have a problem. I wouldn't run any less than 50mg Anavar honestly 75mg-100mg/day would be preferable if running Anavar only. I wouldn't recommend anybody to use AAS unless they are willing to make the sacrifices which it may include. not saying that one cycle will shoot your HPTA but not a lot of guys do one cycle. But it is false to say that you can't run Anavar only without having success. A lot of people parrot different theories without an understanding of it.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    Many people have had great success with anavar only cycles. Oxandrolone will not suppress the HPTA all the way and added with hCG you won't have a problem. I wouldn't run any less than 50mg Anavar honestly 75mg-100mg/day would be preferable if running Anavar only. I wouldn't recommend anybody to use AAS unless they are willing to make the sacrifices which it may include. not saying that one cycle will shoot your HPTA but not a lot of guys do one cycle. But it is false to say that you can't run Anavar only without having success. A lot of people parrot different theories without an understanding of it.
    Great post and truth.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
    Everyone is different, how much did you weigh prior adding 10lbs off of Anavar?
    I was 195lbs. Still sitting at 205lbs after 4 months off cycle, lost some strength but not that much!

  15. #15
    thanks for the help guys

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by P.Money View Post
    I was 195lbs. Still sitting at 205lbs after 4 months off cycle, lost some strength but not that much!
    Thats good man, glad to here you had a successfull var only run. Testament to its power and truth of the drug.
    Best of luck to you,

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