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Thread: feel free to b harsh, i just want staight answers

  1. #1

    feel free to b harsh, i just want staight answers

    Hey fellas, my name is curtis, I am new to the site and anabolics in general. ive had a couple friends try using anabolics but they dont really know anything about them. I wanted to be sure im doing this all right and smart. After some pretty good research ive set my sites on stacking a 6 week tren+test cycle followed up by novalex for my PCT. Should i be doing any pre-cycle treatment? To get my body ready for it? also should i be taking anything during it? like a during-cycle assist/treatment? and im a little over weight at the moment, will the cycle aid me in losing weight? also im in college... in a frat... so i kind of dont have the option to not be drinking during my cycle, ive read its fine as long as im not taking oral but i still feel like it could b unhealthy, is it? finally, after my cycle and PCT what should i expect my initial results to diminish to? like am i going to gain 20 lbs then lose it over the next 2 months? Sorry for all the questions but any solid answers from an experienced guy would be much appriciated! u can post on the thread or shoot me an email at curtis.lawn at yahoo. Thanks

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    In my opinion if your going to be drinking and partying just forget it.

  3. #3
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    Welcome Curtis! Alot of great info to be had here. You listed a whole lot of questions for us to help you with at one time, but I would suggest you look into the stickys up top just to do a bit of self education. All of the questions you asked are in there and all the research has been done. All you have to do is read it over. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask away. I would love to help, but there is just so much there that it is hard to break it all down. Good Luck and get to it!

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CurtisL View Post
    Hey fellas, my name is curtis, I am new to the site and anabolics in general. ive had a couple friends try using anabolics but they dont really know anything about them. I wanted to be sure im doing this all right and smart. After some pretty good research ive set my sites on stacking a 6 week tren+test cycle followed up by novalex for my PCT. Should i be doing any pre-cycle treatment? To get my body ready for it? also should i be taking anything during it? like a during-cycle assist/treatment? and im a little over weight at the moment, will the cycle aid me in losing weight? also im in college... in a frat... so i kind of dont have the option to not be drinking during my cycle, ive read its fine as long as im not taking oral but i still feel like it could b unhealthy, is it? finally, after my cycle and PCT what should i expect my initial results to diminish to? like am i going to gain 20 lbs then lose it over the next 2 months? Sorry for all the questions but any solid answers from an experienced guy would be much appriciated! u can post on the thread or shoot me an email at curtis.lawn at yahoo. Thanks
    What are your full stats etc?

    At 19yrs old your hormonal system hasn't fully stopped developing yet and by shutting your natural testosterone down by using steroids it can have some serious side effects, in many guys testosterone wont reach peak or even worse case symptoms of low test which can have awful sides such as low libido, erections problems, mood swings, fat gain, muscle loss and depression to name a small few.

    Please read these threads they will help you understand
    Best of luck

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    You mentioned you had done a lot of research. If that's true, where did you come up with a 6wk test/tren cycle?

    You also implied you have to drink because you're in a frat...why? Steroids or not why do you HAVE to drink? Can you not be your own man and make your own decisions? I'm not telling you that you can't drink, I simply don't care for an "I have to because everyone else is" attitude. Also, keep in mind alcohol is about the most anti-performance substance on earth. You mentioned you were a little overweight...without question, if you're trying to lose weight alcohol is one of the worst things in the world for you.

    Yes, steroids can aid in fat loss...some seem to enjoy implying that they don't. I think this is because they feel it presents steroids as an easy way out and they don't like's almost like it hurts there feelings. Now most anabolic steroids will not directly burn body fat, but most will enhance the metabolic rate. However, you still have to diet. You still have to burn more calories than you consume even when using steroids or you won't lose any body fat. Now there are some steroids that have been shown to have a more direct affect on fat loss, Anavar and Trenbolone being primary, but this still doesn't negate the need to diet and burn more calories than you consume. Keep in mind, if you're drinking a lot as you implied, it's going to be very difficult to be in a necessary calorie deficit.

    There's also always a risk of using steroids when you're too young as marcus300 mentioned. How old should you be? This is constantly debated. I don't necessarily buy into the "you have to be at least 25yrs old" mantra, but early college age is probably too young for most people. Is there a chance you'll be fine? Sure, and there's a chance you won't. But it's also important to keep in mind there's always a risk of steroid use at any age. When it comes to recovery, many guys will find later in life that all their "proper practices" and thorough PCT programs didn't save them from a permanent low testosterone condition.

  6. #6
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    Sorry Curtis, it's best if you wait a few more years. Many individuals research for years prior to their first cycle just to ensure they are full aware of the risks and precautions involved. You are in one of the most anabolic states you will naturally be in your life, take advantage of it by perfecting your workout routine, diet, and sleep.

    I know what you want, you want attention from girls. You can still build a phenomal physique naturally at your age that girls will love, it just takes time. Please do the smart thing. One wrong move and you could **** up your life for good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    You mentioned you had done a lot of research. If that's true, where did you come up with a 6wk test/tren cycle?

    You also implied you have to drink because you're in a frat...why? Steroids or not why do you HAVE to drink? Can you not be your own man and make your own decisions? I'm not telling you that you can't drink, I simply don't care for an "I have to because everyone else is" attitude. Also, keep in mind alcohol is about the most anti-performance substance on earth. You mentioned you were a little overweight...without question, if you're trying to lose weight alcohol is one of the worst things in the world for you.

    Yes, steroids can aid in fat loss...some seem to enjoy implying that they don't. I think this is because they feel it presents steroids as an easy way out and they don't like's almost like it hurts there feelings. Now most anabolic steroids will not directly burn body fat, but most will enhance the metabolic rate. However, you still have to diet. You still have to burn more calories than you consume even when using steroids or you won't lose any body fat. Now there are some steroids that have been shown to have a more direct affect on fat loss, Anavar and Trenbolone being primary, but this still doesn't negate the need to diet and burn more calories than you consume. Keep in mind, if you're drinking a lot as you implied, it's going to be very difficult to be in a necessary calorie deficit.

    There's also always a risk of using steroids when you're too young as marcus300 mentioned. How old should you be? This is constantly debated. I don't necessarily buy into the "you have to be at least 25yrs old" mantra, but early college age is probably too young for most people. Is there a chance you'll be fine? Sure, and there's a chance you won't. But it's also important to keep in mind there's always a risk of steroid use at any age. When it comes to recovery, many guys will find later in life that all their "proper practices" and thorough PCT programs didn't save them from a permanent low testosterone condition.
    A 6 week test/tren blast isn't so uncommon when using tren a and test p. However tren on what is clearly a first cycle isn't a great idea imo one compound that being test would be a far better way to go...

    Its not so much that we say aas wont burn fat, rather cardio and diet alone will burn fat far more effectively....

    The most important post in this thread was made by Marcus and my advice would be to read it first before doing anything else...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    A 6 week test/tren blast isn't so uncommon when using tren a and test p. However tren on what is clearly a first cycle isn't a great idea imo one compound that being test would be a far better way to go...

    Its not so much that we say aas wont burn fat, rather cardio and diet alone will burn fat far more effectively....

    The most important post in this thread was made by Marcus and my advice would be to read it first before doing anything else...
    I might be misreading your response but I'm confused. You're saying a guy who doesn't use steroids but implements a good diet and cardio plan will burn more fat than the guy who does the same with steroids? This makes no sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I might be misreading your response but I'm confused. You're saying a guy who doesn't use steroids but implements a good diet and cardio plan will burn more fat than the guy who does the same with steroids? This makes no sense.
    No what i am saying is if two people of the same stats, weight , height bf ect ect ran a test, person a. using aas to lose weight but continues with the same diet and person b. alters their diet and adds cardio person without aas, b. would lose bf far more effectively...

    You see some people believe that just adding aas without the diet changes or cardio/training will still lose massive amounts of fat and be ripped in no time.. I absolutely agree that aas combined with clean diet and cardio is a winning combination...

    If someone was to approach me asking for advice on loosing bf i would suggest they change their diet and look at cardio/training, i don't think i would even bring the subject of aas up....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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    Curtis your absolutely not read for AAS. Test only for a first cycle and if your going to party your just wasting your time and shutting down your natural system for whats going to be a big disappointment.

    You will more than likely lose everything you gain....

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    Yeah, that drinking comment kinda got to me too. If you can't stop for 6 measly weeks you might want to check out AA instead of AAS. Either way, tren is not for the beginner even at 6 weeks.

    Hell, why not entertain the frat boys w/a "who can get bigger the quickest" contest? Or, i'm going to be sober for a while to give my liver a break. I might need it at 30, 40, 50, 60....

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    curtis you seem more like a creatine kinda guy.... load up buddy...start your loading phase.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Curtis your absolutely not read for AAS. Test only for a first cycle and if your going to party your just wasting your time and shutting down your natural system for whats going to be a big disappointment.

    You will more than likely lose everything you gain....
    Same thoughts when reading the thread. Bad idea all around. He wanted it harsh? I think he's just getting honest responses.

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    Hi curtis you need to do a bit more reading you will find every thing you neet to know here the guy are great and well educated and you need to give the bevvy a miss when your ready fo roids

  15. #15


    stats: wt:195 ht:6'2 bf%:16. i work out 4x a week which has been pretty routine aside from some breaks.
    Thank you all a lot for the responses, i will read up more. Everything you guys said was very imformative and helpful. Relating to the drinking thing, we just have a lot of parties and i feel like i would be very inclined to drink at many and just wanted to varify if it was safe, maybe i should have worded it differently. The reason im tempted to try anabolics is because I have been putting a good amount of effort into diet and working out but cant seem to get past wer i am at the moment, i guess this idea is based more off of frustaition then logic. I also read that tren is very strong but was thinking that wouldn't matter if it was my first or 5th cycle but i guess it does. Ill just stick to natural working out for now... but ill be back

    Much apprieciated!

  16. #16
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CurtisL View Post
    stats: wt:195 ht:6'2 bf%:16. i work out 4x a week which has been pretty routine aside from some breaks.
    Thank you all a lot for the responses, i will read up more. Everything you guys said was very imformative and helpful. Relating to the drinking thing, we just have a lot of parties and i feel like i would be very inclined to drink at many and just wanted to varify if it was safe, maybe i should have worded it differently. The reason im tempted to try anabolics is because I have been putting a good amount of effort into diet and working out but cant seem to get past wer i am at the moment, i guess this idea is based more off of frustaition then logic. I also read that tren is very strong but was thinking that wouldn't matter if it was my first or 5th cycle but i guess it does. Ill just stick to natural working out for now... but ill be back

    Much apprieciated!
    Comes down to this Curtis your not going to the next level purely based on your lifestyle choices. If you train hard, eat right, get plenty of sleep and don't go out partying all the time you will get there. AAS will not help you over the hump unless everything is in balance.

    I see the these guys at the gym they puff up think there all that go out clubbing and partying and shrink right back down, funny the 50 year old guy is bigger, stronger and in better shape than them. Not because of AAS but training hard, nutrition and proper rest.......

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