Hey guys, just got my hands on some sustanon 250, I got 40 amps of the organon stuff, and I got 9 bottles of Denkall Oxandrovet @ 100 x 5mg Tabs. Very Costly & here is what I was thinking.
My Stats:
6'1 - 210Lbs @ 14% BF
Boxing 4 days a week
Lifting 2 days a week
Running 5 days a week
Cycle Summary:
1-12: 1cc of Sustaton 250 @ 250mg/E3D (Thinking of doing 500mg/E5D instead, read below)
4-12: Oxandrovet 5mg @ 60mg/ED
1-14: Arimidex @ 0.5mg/EOD
Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50
LiverCare 52 x1 ED