10 week cycle, PCT goes for 4 weeks

Test prop and NPP: 400mg/wk (1cc test eod) (.7cc NPP eod) (even dosage)
arimidex : .5mg ed (1/2 tab)
Caber: .25 mg every 2 1/2 days (due to the half life of 63-69 hours)

HCG 1,000 iu eod for last 10 days (5000iu total) leading into pct (pct also includes HCG)

PCT (3 days after last injection )

continuing HCG, week 1-3 1,000iu eod, lasts 20 days (3 weeks)
Clomid week 1-4, 3 caps for first 5 days, (150mg) 2 caps for next 5 days, (100mgs) then one a day (50mgs) until finished (15 days)

3 questions:

1: is it good to keep my test prop and npp at the same amount through the cycle? idk why people dose their test a few hundred mgs higher than the npp?

2: wondering if i could get away with .5mg adex eod instead of everyday?

3: wondering if my pct of hcg and clomid is long enough (4 weeks of each (hcg leading into pct

thanks guys!