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  1. #1
    The Kernal's Avatar
    The Kernal is offline Junior Member
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    Test e vs Eq for first cycle

    eq at 500mg/wk for 13wk


    test e at 300mg/wk for 12wk


  2. #2
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    You need to educate yourself first

    Stats please
    Time lifting

    The basics you should learn is test only for first cycle

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Test E!!! This is not even a choice...

    And at 19 you really need to go the gym and work naturally for the next 6 years and build a real base and educate yourself in the meantime.

  4. #4
    The Kernal's Avatar
    The Kernal is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    You need to educate yourself first

    Stats please
    Time lifting

    The basics you should learn is test only for first cycle
    Guys I'm 20y/o btw, but just because I'm asking a question doesn't mean im doing now. Nomsayin?

    I'm not planning on juicing for another yr or so.

    Just want your thoughts on eq?

    I've got a good understanding of test e and i know its prefered as the first cycle. But I was just wondering what people have to say about it.

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Unless you have a very specific reason for using it and cannot afford the high end drugs, EQ is crap.

  6. #6
    jarudd23's Avatar
    jarudd23 is offline Junior Member
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    EQ is a waste of $ first off. U need to do some research bro. Even minimal research will teach u that test is always the base of every cycle. Other compounds are not good ran by themselves an for a first cycle test is ALL u need. All the information u need is here u just have to put in the time an effort to learn.

  7. #7
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I agree dont run Eq and test only as a base to all cycles.Running a cycle at your age under 25 isnt a good thing.But if you go in that direction run test only@ 500 mg a week.You will need a ai like [email protected] eod to start.You will need nova and clomid for a pct.Now doing this you shut down your normal test flow and there is nothing written in stone after you are done.That it will be the same again.Now you have a idea wat to expect.The ball is in your hands now bro.Choose wisely beacuse it can affect you for the rest of your life.

  8. #8
    The Kernal's Avatar
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    Thanks for the words of wisdom. But as I stated I'm not cycling for over a year OK?

    Running a cycle at any age will 'shut down' you HTPA, theres nothing written in stone at all when it comes to any cycle at any aget - or life for that matter.

  9. #9
    The Kernal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarudd23 View Post
    EQ is a waste of $ first off. U need to do some research bro. Even minimal research will teach u that test is always the base of every cycle. Other compounds are not good ran by themselves an for a first cycle test is ALL u need. All the information u need is here u just have to put in the time an effort to learn.
    Lol mate, I've done reseach. But when another person that has done a few cycles tells you that doing a cycle of eq for your first cycle is a good idea.. Then you have to ask around and see what other people think.

  10. #10
    Rwy's Avatar
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    I am so blown away by everyones opinion of eq. I personally never used it but I know a lot of jacked up mother ****ers that swaer by it

  11. #11
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    In b4 trt

  12. #12
    Patryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kernal View Post
    Lol mate, I've done reseach. But when another person that has done a few cycles tells you that doing a cycle of eq for your first cycle is a good idea.. Then you have to ask around and see what other people think.
    That person should do some research before making such recommendations to you.

  13. #13
    The Kernal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patryn View Post
    That person should do some research before making such recommendations to you.
    Okay, so this is why I post here...

  14. #14
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    I am so blown away by everyones opinion of eq. I personally never used it but I know a lot of jacked up mother ****ers that swaer by it
    Can i ask why you haven't tried it?

  15. #15
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kernal View Post
    eq at 500mg/wk for 13wk


    test e at 300mg/wk for 12wk

    So the question is to run eq or test?
    You do nothing without test. Test is the building block for everything.
    If your telling the truth you have a year to figure out why this is.
    Welcome and use the site as a library.

  16. #16
    The Kernal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    So the question is to run eq or test?
    You do nothing without test. Test is the building block for everything.
    If your telling the truth you have a year to figure out why this is.
    Welcome and use the site as a library.
    A person on a forum said that he recommends eq, but I knew test enan was a strongly recommended first cycle. That's why I ask. And yes, I have alot of research to do ! haha

  17. #17
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Can i ask why you haven't tried it?
    I'm curious, too.

  18. #18
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Can i ask why you haven't tried it?
    Too be completely honest I never really wanted to try much. I really just enjoyed running test and always got great results. The only reason I started messing with aas again was when I knew I needed to be on trt for life. I have eq at apartment just have read so much on this board about it being useless and the part that scares me is how much you want to eat. Thats not good for me lol

    This summer was the first time I really stacked a few things. test var and hgh but from everything I read on here I assumed my hgh was fake

    I am not knocking it. Just always shocked by how many people on here say its useless when I see so many of my friends doing well on it.
    Last edited by Rwy; 10-14-2012 at 12:29 AM.

  19. #19
    The Kernal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Too be completely honest I never really wanted to try much. I really just enjoyed running test and always got great results. The only reason I started messing with aas again was when I knew I needed to be on trt for life. I have eq at apartment just have read so much on this board about it being useless and the part that scares me is how much you want to eat. Thats not good for me lol

    This summer was the first time I really stacked a few things. test var and hgh but from everything I read on here I assumed my hgh was fake

    I am not knocking it. Just always shocked by how many people on here say its useless when I see so many of my friends doing well on it.
    How old are you bro? And how many cycles of test you done?

    What do you do to get your best results? (training/diet wise)

  20. #20
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    EQ doesn't seem to stimulate growth at all. Ran it @ 750mg/week and still nothing. Wouldn't waste my money on it, don't even think I would pin it if is was free

    I don't even think EQ is on the Olympic banned PED list as it has 0 effect LMAO

    Seriously though, for sports it can be good because it doesn't bulk you but increases RBC.
    Last edited by Sworder; 10-14-2012 at 02:25 AM.

  21. #21
    The Kernal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    EQ doesn't seem to stimulate growth at all. Ran it @ 750mg/week and still nothing. Wouldn't waste my money on it, don't even think I would pin it if is was free LMAO.

    I don't even think EQ is on the Olympic banned PED list as it has 0 effect LMAO

    Seriously though, for sports it can be good because it doesn't bulk you but increases RBC.
    Thank you, this is the answer I was looking for.

  22. #22
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    I like eq. Mainly for hunger and endurance in basketball. It has its place. Eq is never to be the main compound. Basically i take it to make me eat more so the other aas has what it needs to work

  23. #23
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Too be completely honest I never really wanted to try much. I really just enjoyed running test and always got great results. The only reason I started messing with aas again was when I knew I needed to be on trt for life. I have eq at apartment just have read so much on this board about it being useless and the part that scares me is how much you want to eat. Thats not good for me lol

    This summer was the first time I really stacked a few things. test var and hgh but from everything I read on here I assumed my hgh was fake

    I am not knocking it. Just always shocked by how many people on here say its useless when I see so many of my friends doing well on it.
    Bro, I'm with you on the eq boat and try arguing the same position. So many people will tell others eq is crap, garbage or a waste of money. Everyone likes to say this as if it's pure fact and that's just bs. Too many will tell others not to use it just because they don't believe in it. I, for 1, like eq a lot. I will tell others about it's ups and Downs and how it may or may not suit them but I will not advise they must use or not use it. That's not my call to persuade someone to or from a compound just because I do or do not like it. Now eq will not blow you away by any means and there are many other compounds that when run together will, but I'm not gonna bash it to others giving it a false sense of the truth. It's a shame that so much knowledge and information here is often direct towards others to believe what the giver believes...opposed to sharing the pros and cons behind all aspects of what you're planning to use and how. I mean doesn't it make more sense when asked about something, like eq, one hears "well it will help you with strength and appetite but it may also raise you rbc too high and give you a very high blood pressure" so take that into account and decide for yourself if you choose to run it or not...or would you rather hear "Ya eq is crap, I didn't like it so you don't wanna use it" what makes more sense on branch out the information tree on more user experiences, to share with our younger generations as they grow and want to learn?

    But for this guys thread, Imo don't run any compound without a base of test. You may suffer sides of having low testosterone . It may or may not effect you, but I wouldn't chance it. Also you will be disappointed if you solely rely on eq for gains. It's just not effective for mass gains by any means. If you wanna run just a first cycle, then test e is your choice. You can run it as low as 250mg a week, but don't expected to be blown away. Imo you wanna run at least 500mg. That will give you nice strength and mass gain. Now given your diet is in check you can be pretty successful at holding on to some of your gains through pct and beyond but you have to eat to support your new tissue, otherwise you're gonna loose it. Now also wait. I low you said you wouldn't run it till next year, but make that choice wisely. You're system is not fully developed and you may risk permanent damage tampering with it. I know many who have both been effected by it and others it didn't effect at all. The choice is yours and you're only harming yourself but please do a bit more research on the negative effects of using g aas at your age. Then decide if the risks are worth having a better body's like a tattoo. Choose wisely because it's with you forever...and personally the fact erectile dysfunction would be forever would surely persuade me from that...I like ****ing my girl...with and without aas.

  24. #24
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    I've read (according to Anabolics 10th edition) that any AAS will raise RBC count and that it is a myth that Eq does this more than others. I can't comment because I have never used it, just curious myself.

  25. #25
    Patryn's Avatar
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    Your first cycle should always be test-only. Some recommend Test E, others Sustanon 250. As far as gains go, i've found Equipose to produce slight lean muscle growth and density... similar to those of Anavar . A lot of athletes swear by it, allegedly due to it's marked ability to increase your red blood cell count. However, these athletes would generally add Equipose to their Test base.

  26. #26
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kernal View Post
    How old are you bro? And how many cycles of test you done?

    What do you do to get your best results? (training/diet wise)
    34 Probably done 6-7 test cycles over my life. I am an absolute beast in the gym and my diet is pretty good. Kinda went on a bender for eating whatever I want the past couple of weeks but I needed to. I needed to get my discipline back after going off for a bit

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