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  1. #1
    OKCity is offline Junior Member
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    What should i do?


    I am a new board member. I'll start out with some stats of mine. I'm 25, I've been lifting for about 7 years but religiously for about 3 years. I was a junior/high school and junior college wrestler ( which I believe that it contributed to stunting my growth!). After college, I enlisted into the army (currently in) ..5 years now. I'm 6ft, currently 190 lbs but right at 11% BF. I have takin some ill call it experimental cycles as I say that I mean I truly had no idea what I was doing...poor diet, improper form, not a very good workout regimen, no SERM OR AI. Which included...Test, dbol , and stab at Tren . Which I think contributed to my nxt issue as it was my last poorly constructed cycle. Currently battling what I think is a minor minor issue of GYNO from a 17-methyl PH. But I have done my research and I'll say C_bino is a life saver! Iv read his gyno reversal thread which has luckily for me began to reverse this issue of mine. Following his regimen just as stated in his thread.

    Since I have became serious about lifting I'm eating clean and lifting 5-6 days with some good cardio 3 days a week.

    Currently on hand I have: 10ml Tren
    10ml deca
    PHs I have on hand are: Tren, superdrol, and some halotest-25.
    AI- liquid letro (cemproducts)
    SERM- nolvadex (cemproducts)

    Just wanted to say hi, and look forward to LEARNING something! Really want to know what my next move should be...mess with the Tren or deca...or these PH?? Which would obviously be after my gyno issue is completed.

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by OKCity View Post

    I am a new board member. I'll start out with some stats of mine. I'm 25, I've been lifting for about 7 years but religiously for about 3 years. I was a junior/high school and junior college wrestler ( which I believe that it contributed to stunting my growth!). After college, I enlisted into the army (currently in) ..5 years now. I'm 6ft, currently 190 lbs but right at 11% BF. I have takin some ill call it experimental cycles as I say that I mean I truly had no idea what I was doing...poor diet, improper form, not a very good workout regimen, no SERM OR AI. Which included...Test, dbol , and stab at Tren . Which I think contributed to my nxt issue as it was my last poorly constructed cycle. Currently battling what I think is a minor minor issue of GYNO from a 17-methyl PH. But I have done my research and I'll say C_bino is a life saver! Iv read his gyno reversal thread which has luckily for me began to reverse this issue of mine. Following his regimen just as stated in his thread.

    Since I have became serious about lifting I'm eating clean and lifting 5-6 days with some good cardio 3 days a week.

    Currently on hand I have: 10ml Tren
    10ml deca
    PHs I have on hand are: Tren, superdrol, and some halotest-25.
    AI- liquid letro (cemproducts)
    SERM- nolvadex (cemproducts)

    Just wanted to say hi, and look forward to LEARNING something! Really want to know what my next move should be...mess with the Tren or deca...or these PH?? Which would obviously be after my gyno issue is completed.

    Thanks guys!

    there is a god. im very happy to hear about your success using Bino's protocol for your minor gyno issue....more than you know.
    Last edited by MickeyKnox; 10-13-2012 at 09:21 AM.

  3. #3
    Live for the PUMP's Avatar
    Live for the PUMP is offline Senior Member
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    That is great you were able to reverse it in time. It is all about catching it quick enough. Well now you know to take an AI on cycle to prevent gyno. To run anything you stated above you need to get a test base. Those are going to shut your natty test production down. So you will need test as a base.

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Thank you for your service my man!
    Bad news is that you have nothing there in your stash to make a cycle with. You have NO test. Honestly scrap all the crap except the deca and the tren (save those for down the road) and just get yourself 20ML of Test E 250mg/ML and do a FIRST good cycle of Test E @ 500 mg per week (divided equally 250mg Mon/Thur).

    Make sure you use the AI and I would include Clomid in your PCT

  5. #5
    OKCity is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    Thank you for your service my man!
    Bad news is that you have nothing there in your stash to make a cycle with. You have NO test. Honestly scrap all the crap except the deca and the tren (save those for down the road) and just get yourself 20ML of Test E 250mg/ML and do a FIRST good cycle of Test E @ 500 mg per week (divided equally 250mg Mon/Thur).

    Make sure you use the AI and I would include Clomid in your PCT
    Thx fellas! I agree test is a NEED a want. But I don't know where to get it. U did comment on my source post and I did edit it. It's just in the military I don't like discussing it with folks cuz you just don't know who is who. But I'll keep searching...hard!

    That's for the advice. Appreciate it

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by OKCity View Post
    Thx fellas! I agree test is a NEED a want. But I don't know where to get it. U did comment on my source post and I did edit it. It's just in the military I don't like discussing it with folks cuz you just don't know who is who. But I'll keep searching...hard!

    That's for the advice. Appreciate it
    OKC...The only suggestion I can give you is the same as I told another new member last week. Find a big meat head gym. Be kool and ask the biggest bastard in there for some help. Most of these guys want to help...just be careful and stay in contact with this board so that you do not do anything unsafe.

    Also...many have seen that you have obviously been sourcing. Do not give personal info out here and do NOT trust anyone that comes to you as a source on here. Many a new guy has been scammed by lurkers trying to pedel their goods

  7. #7
    OKCity is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    OKC...The only suggestion I can give you is the same as I told another new member last week. Find a big meat head gym. Be kool and ask the biggest bastard in there for some help. Most of these guys want to help...just be careful and stay in contact with this board so that you do not do anything unsafe.

    Also...many have seen that you have obviously been sourcing. Do not give personal info out here and do NOT trust anyone that comes to you as a source on here. Many a new guy has been scammed by lurkers trying to pedel their goods
    Good stuff! Thx brother

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You'll need to get at least 30ml of test for a decent cycle. Things happen and you need to have more than enough on hand. No one wants to get stuck without it right in the middle or end.

    Talk to employees at your gym. They will know who you can trust. Make friends w/them first and evaluate each one before asking the first time. Stay away from trainers unless they come highly recommended.

    Good Luck

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    You'll need to get at least 30ml of test for a decent cycle. Things happen and you need to have more than enough on hand. No one wants to get stuck without it right in the middle or end.

    Talk to employees at your gym. They will know who you can trust. Make friends w/them first and evaluate each one before asking the first time. Stay away from trainers unless they come highly recommended.

    Good Luck
    20 ML of E if dosed at 250mg/ML is plenty as well OP...just depends on the ester and the dosing!

  10. #10
    OKCity is offline Junior Member
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    see i used to have a great guy to get it from...however he went to jail. thats why im left with what i have, and resulted to some PHs. but got it 20 to 30 ml of some test e. im going to run this twice before doing anything else. however i did make a thread about which AI is best while on cycle. what do you guys recommend? some say letro, and i have seen other ones...which do you guys actually use with test? and does your AI change when using say TREN , or DECA ?

  11. #11
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OKCity View Post
    see i used to have a great guy to get it from...however he went to jail. thats why im left with what i have, and resulted to some PHs. but got it 20 to 30 ml of some test e. im going to run this twice before doing anything else. however i did make a thread about which AI is best while on cycle. what do you guys recommend? some say letro, and i have seen other ones...which do you guys actually use with test? and does your AI change when using say TREN, or DECA?
    Arimedex or Aromasin is fine. Letro is stronger than what you need for that test cycle. AI's can change some based on compounds used and dosages but let's walk before we run huh????

  12. #12
    OKCity is offline Junior Member
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    trackin! walk before run. but its good to know for future situations no? the more i know the less i have to ask, at some point and time ill use it but only when its appropriate. armidex with test...and i can get off ar-r yeah?

  13. #13
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by OKCity View Post
    trackin! walk before run. but its good to know for future situations no? the more i know the less i have to ask, at some point and time ill use it but only when its appropriate. armidex with test...and i can get off ar-r yeah?
    It's called liquidex but yes....

  14. #14
    OKCity is offline Junior Member
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    thanks lunk1. hey can you see how many post i have? i want to see profile but i cant even see mine to see how many i have. i know there is a 50 post min, but is there a time limit as well?

  15. #15
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by OKCity View Post
    thanks lunk1. hey can you see how many post i have? i want to see profile but i cant even see mine to see how many i have. i know there is a 50 post min, but is there a time limit as well?
    You have 57 as of this one and I believe there is a 30 day requirement as well

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