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  1. #1
    pitchindude's Avatar
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    Adderall Question- fat burning

    I was diagnosed a long time ago with ADHD so I've been on adderall a long time and a question occurred to me;

    Does adderall have any significant effects on fat loss?

    Before we start with the "don't abuse" and "dangerous" comments, fear not, I've no plans for using it for that purpose or upping my dose, just curious.

  2. #2
    DanB is offline Banned
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    I never used it with the intention as a fat burner just a pre workout but in theory i would say yes since it a closely related to amphetamine

  3. #3
    Rwy's Avatar
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    I have known people who started using adderall that lost a lot of weight. Prescribed from a Dr also.

    But I must chime in as I think that shit is absolute poison and every dr out there tries putting you on it.

    I have really bad add and I tried it once I felt like a blew a kilo up my nose. No thanks

  4. #4
    frank13's Avatar
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    i don't think so i was on it as a kid i guess it could suppress your appetite but that's it i really don't think it will do anything for fat loss/fat burning your on Adderall still as an adult most of the time they try to get u off as an adult because remember long term Adderall use can causes psychosis

  5. #5
    pitchindude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank13
    i don't think so i was on it as a kid i guess it could suppress your appetite but that's it i really don't think it will do anything for fat loss/fat burning your on Adderall still as an adult most of the time they try to get u off as an adult because remember long term Adderall use can causes psychosis
    I was aware of potential long term side effects and the doc has been slowly tapering off the dosage every couple months. Working towards coming off it all together

  6. #6
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    I never used it with the intention as a fat burner just a pre workout but in theory i would say yes since it a closely related to amphetamine
    Adderall IS amphetamine! Adderall is a mixture of 75% Dextroamphetamine and 15% Levoamphetamine. The XR variant includes 2 different types of Dextroamphetamine: saccharate and sulfate. Within Adderall XR also includes: amphetamine aspartate and sulfate.

    I was diagnosed with ADD when I was a child. However, never used any synthetic medications due to the fact that because I was under 18 I had no say in how my condition was to be treated, and my parents did not want to take the medicated route. However, a little over a year ago I asked my doctor for Adderall and i've been using it ever since (XR, as that is the only available one in Canada - we don't have immediate release here). I don't use it every day, but only when I really need it. If I find my focus and motivation wandering severely on a particular day or something, i'll take 20mg. Amphetamines all have fat loss effects, HOWEVER, most of the weight loss reported by people using it is likely from:

    1. Its dehydration effects
    2. Its appetite suppressive effects

    Ephedrine, Clenbuterol , Caffeine, Amphetamines, etc. are all related to one another in the same family. Ephedrine is actually a key ingredient in the production of Methamphetamine. But i'm not going to get into that, lol. In the end, it all depends on the dose you are using (obviously). I use 20mg when required. I don't believe 20mg is enough to elicit any noticeable fat loss, even when taken on a regular basis. I have heard of some extremely severe cases of ADD where the person was perscribed upwards of 120mg per day (yes, this is pretty extreme). Would the person see fat loss effects there? Yeah, likely. But that's pretty extreme, as I said. The most i've ever taken was 60mg and that was quite a kick. You're asking for trouble when you start to rove around or above 80mg. For those who are perscribed that much or more, it is obviously determined by the person's doctor that they require that much for whatever reason. And the goal here is not fat loss, lol.

    If you want fat loss, look into ECA or Clen , or any other fat burning compound. Adderall, although it posesses some fat burning properties, is not as efficient for this purpose as other compounds are. There ARE some actual significant anabolic effects to Adderall but I am absolutely not going to get into that or discuss the details of this at all, lest we have a bunch of morons who start taking amphetamines recreationally thinking that they're going to bulk up because of a few little details I mentioned.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    I have known people who started using adderall that lost a lot of weight. Prescribed from a Dr also.

    But I must chime in as I think that shit is absolute poison and every dr out there tries putting you on it.

    I have really bad add and I tried it once I felt like a blew a kilo up my nose. No thanks
    I have something to say about this. I understand that you tried Adderall and that you didn't enjoy it, but calling it poison? One could easily call AAS 'poison', but i'm sure you'd disagree! When it comes to Adderall or any ADD assisting medications, it all depends on how you use it and not every med is for everyone. I'm sure you'd agree with me on that if I said the same thing about AAS. Everything has the potential to do harm or good. From all my years studying life sciences, work as a personal trainer, involved in the gym and fitness world, etc., I can unequivocally say: everything is bad for you, and at the same time everything is good for you.

    I was perscribed adderall because I was diagnosed with ADD at approximately 7 years old. As I mentioned, I only started using it a little over one year ago, and it has benefited me beyond imagine with things i've struggled with my whole life - all from moderate use. I wish I had access to Adderall in my younger days during elementary school and highschool. I struggled SO horribly with focus and motivation, both on the immediate level (such as during classes and studying) as well as on a large general level (such as focus on overall goals in life in general). I don't even take it every day, and there are some times when I may go a week or more without having to use it. It might not have helped you, but I feel it has helped me immensely, and i'm sure that a lot of other people in the same situation as me would say the same thing.

    Do I agree with doctors automatically giving the parents of an ADD diagnosed child things like this and then force the kid to use it? No. The decision to use this to help oneself should be a conscious one made by the person themselves. If that means waiting until the child hits 16 or something before he/she can make their own decision on whether they feel they'd like to try using Adderall/Ritalin/whatever to help them, then so be it. But then we get into this issue of parents and the whole "DON'T TELL ME HOW TO RAISE MY KIDS" crap, and i'm not going there.

    Just my $0.02 on your comment about it being 'poison'.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank13 View Post
    i don't think so i was on it as a kid i guess it could suppress your appetite but that's it i really don't think it will do anything for fat loss/fat burning your on Adderall still as an adult most of the time they try to get u off as an adult because remember long term Adderall use can causes psychosis
    This is very true, as excessively high dopamine levels have been linked to Schizophrenia and psychosis. But you'd have to be taking some pretty high amounts of Adderall and/or for extremely long periods of time for that to manifest itself. Still something to watch out for.

  8. #8
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    Adderall IS amphetamine! Adderall is a mixture of 75% Dextroamphetamine and 15% Levoamphetamine. The XR variant includes 2 different types of Dextroamphetamine: saccharate and sulfate. Within Adderall XR also includes: amphetamine aspartate and sulfate.

    I was diagnosed with ADD when I was a child. However, never used any synthetic medications due to the fact that because I was under 18 I had no say in how my condition was to be treated, and my parents did not want to take the medicated route. However, a little over a year ago I asked my doctor for Adderall and i've been using it ever since (XR, as that is the only available one in Canada - we don't have immediate release here). I don't use it every day, but only when I really need it. If I find my focus and motivation wandering severely on a particular day or something, i'll take 20mg. Amphetamines all have fat loss effects, HOWEVER, most of the weight loss reported by people using it is likely from:

    1. Its dehydration effects
    2. Its appetite suppressive effects

    Ephedrine, Clenbuterol , Caffeine, Amphetamines, etc. are all related to one another in the same family. Ephedrine is actually a key ingredient in the production of Methamphetamine. But i'm not going to get into that, lol. In the end, it all depends on the dose you are using (obviously). I use 20mg when required. I don't believe 20mg is enough to elicit any noticeable fat loss, even when taken on a regular basis. I have heard of some extremely severe cases of ADD where the person was perscribed upwards of 120mg per day (yes, this is pretty extreme). Would the person see fat loss effects there? Yeah, likely. But that's pretty extreme, as I said. The most i've ever taken was 60mg and that was quite a kick. You're asking for trouble when you start to rove around or above 80mg. For those who are perscribed that much or more, it is obviously determined by the person's doctor that they require that much for whatever reason. And the goal here is not fat loss, lol.

    If you want fat loss, look into ECA or Clen , or any other fat burning compound. Adderall, although it posesses some fat burning properties, is not as efficient for this purpose as other compounds are. There ARE some actual significant anabolic effects to Adderall but I am absolutely not going to get into that or discuss the details of this at all, lest we have a bunch of morons who start taking amphetamines recreationally thinking that they're going to bulk up because of a few little details I mentioned.

    I have something to say about this. I understand that you tried Adderall and that you didn't enjoy it, but calling it poison? One could easily call AAS 'poison', but i'm sure you'd disagree! When it comes to Adderall or any ADD assisting medications, it all depends on how you use it and not every med is for everyone. I'm sure you'd agree with me on that if I said the same thing about AAS. Everything has the potential to do harm or good. From all my years studying life sciences, work as a personal trainer, involved in the gym and fitness world, etc., I can unequivocally say: everything is bad for you, and at the same time everything is good for you.

    I was perscribed adderall because I was diagnosed with ADD at approximately 7 years old. As I mentioned, I only started using it a little over one year ago, and it has benefited me beyond imagine with things i've struggled with my whole life - all from moderate use. I wish I had access to Adderall in my younger days during elementary school and highschool. I struggled SO horribly with focus and motivation, both on the immediate level (such as during classes and studying) as well as on a large general level (such as focus on overall goals in life in general). I don't even take it every day, and there are some times when I may go a week or more without having to use it. It might not have helped you, but I feel it has helped me immensely, and i'm sure that a lot of other people in the same situation as me would say the same thing.

    Do I agree with doctors automatically giving the parents of an ADD diagnosed child things like this and then force the kid to use it? No. The decision to use this to help oneself should be a conscious one made by the person themselves. If that means waiting until the child hits 16 or something before he/she can make their own decision on whether they feel they'd like to try using Adderall/Ritalin/whatever to help them, then so be it. But then we get into this issue of parents and the whole "DON'T TELL ME HOW TO RAISE MY KIDS" crap, and i'm not going there.

    Just my $0.02 on your comment about it being 'poison'.
    Are they not a variant of amphetamine and speed aka amphetamine is what i was refering to, i knew it contained mainly dextro but couldnt remember the other, these are slightly modified by basically adding the dextro from what i orginally refered to, or at least that is how i always understood it but i could be wrong

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    Are they not a variant of amphetamine and speed aka amphetamine is what i was refering to, i knew it contained mainly dextro but couldnt remember the other, these are slightly modified by basically adding the dextro from what i orginally refered to, or at least that is how i always understood it but i could be wrong
    They are all amphetamines, and Adderall is just a trade name of a mixture of them in a certain percentage (75% Dextro and 25% Levo). Speed is amphetamines, lol. Its just a street term, and also refers to Methamphetamines as well. Dextroamphetamine and Levoamphetamine ARE the two amphetamines - they are stereoisomers. As I mentioned, Adderall contains a mixture of the two. Vyvanse, for example, contains 100% Dextroamphetamine (it is actually a proamphetamine, meaning once ingested, the body turns it into Dextroamphetamine by removal of a lyseine amino acid that was attached to it). These are all amphetamines, and the different trade names (Adderall, Vyvanse, Strattera, Benzedrine, etc. etc.) are all just different mixtures of the two in different proportions, or possibly contain 100% of one type.

    Ritalin, which is Methylphenidate, is NOT an amphetamine. It is a psychostimulant, but it is something different. Same thing with cocaine... a psychostimulant that operates in much the same manner as amphetamines, but is NOT an amphetamine and belongs to a different class of compounds.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    This is very true, as excessively high dopamine levels have been linked to Schizophrenia and psychosis. But you'd have to be taking some pretty high amounts of Adderall and/or for extremely long periods of time for that to manifest itself. Still something to watch out for.
    yea your right but that's why they try to get u off of it as an adult but if u were prescribed it and then planned on upping the dose for fat loss or something i could see u having some problems

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    Quote Originally Posted by frank13 View Post
    yea your right but that's why they try to get u off of it as an adult but if u were prescribed it and then planned on upping the dose for fat loss or something i could see u having some problems
    Yeah i'd never EVER reccomend anyone to attempt to use Adderall or any amphetamines for the purpose of fat loss. Dumb idea. And most of the weight loss comes from a lack of eating due to the appetite suppressant effects. Clenbuterol , for example, is a billion times more effective at fat loss than Adderall. So why would anyone want to use Adderall for that purpose when they could use Clen anyways?

  12. #12
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    They are all amphetamines, and Adderall is just a trade name of a mixture of them in a certain percentage (75% Dextro and 25% Levo). Speed is amphetamines, lol. Its just a street term, and also refers to Methamphetamines as well. Dextroamphetamine and Levoamphetamine ARE the two amphetamines - they are stereoisomers. As I mentioned, Adderall contains a mixture of the two. Vyvanse, for example, contains 100% Dextroamphetamine (it is actually a proamphetamine, meaning once ingested, the body turns it into Dextroamphetamine by removal of a lyseine amino acid that was attached to it). These are all amphetamines, and the different trade names (Adderall, Vyvanse, Strattera, Benzedrine, etc. etc.) are all just different mixtures of the two in different proportions, or possibly contain 100% of one type.

    Ritalin, which is Methylphenidate, is NOT an amphetamine. It is a psychostimulant, but it is something different. Same thing with cocaine... a psychostimulant that operates in much the same manner as amphetamines, but is NOT an amphetamine and belongs to a different class of compounds.
    Yes i understand the ritalin etc it conpletely different, but I always thought speed was simple amphetamine (salts could be the full offical name im not sure on that), the base of it all so to speak, and when it dextro it is altered to include this and therefore a variant of the orginal recipe so to soeak which (orginal) isnt added, modified etc etc im trying to think of an analagy that will but my point across better but im overtired and my head dosnt want to help me out today lol

    I orginally said that is a varient of amphetanine which you just confirmed, now enough trying to confuse me today im an easy victim today
    Last edited by DanB; 10-13-2012 at 12:29 PM.

  13. #13
    gymfu's Avatar
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    From what I understand about the stuff is it suppress you appetite. No fat burning properties about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    Yes i understand the ritalin etc it conpletely different, but I always thought speed was simple amphetamine (salts could be the full offical name im not sure on that), the base of it all so to speak, and when it dextro it is altered to include this and therefore a variant of the orginal recipe so to soeak which (orginal) isnt added, modified etc etc im trying to think of an analagy that will but my point across better but im overtired and my head dosnt want to help me out today lol

    I orginally said that is a varient of amphetanine which you just confirmed, now enough trying to confuse me today im an easy victim today
    I think you need some Adderall, bro!

  15. #15
    senorrebo is offline Associate Member
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    Clen is a lot less likely to lead to issues like cardiac hypertrophy. Your resting heart rate goes through the roof on adderall, or at least mine always did. Not a good thing. Also, within two days of stopping adderall, I couldn't NOT eat way too much.

  16. #16
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    I think you need some Adderall, bro!
    Haha funny you should say that, i took some ephedra earlier and it helped a little

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    Quote Originally Posted by senorrebo View Post
    Clen is a lot less likely to lead to issues like cardiac hypertrophy. Your resting heart rate goes through the roof on adderall, or at least mine always did. Not a good thing. Also, within two days of stopping adderall, I couldn't NOT eat way too much.
    Everyone responds differently.

    I personally feel the exact opposite from you. My body tolerates Adderall quite well, and I have never had issues with blood pressure or heart rate. Yes, heart rate does climb above normal when on Adderall, but I have never had anything go 'through the roof'. ON THE OTHER HAND, Clenbuterol is something i've vowed to myself 3 years ago that I would never ever use ever again. Heart rate went up on that, and although it was nothing extreme, it was much higher than Adderall makes my heart rate rise. I definitely felt an effect on cardiac tissue, though. When I can FEEL the vibrations of my heartbeat through my bed when laying down... that's a huge red flag. After the 4th or so cycle of Clen , I told myself i'd never use Clen again.

    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    Haha funny you should say that, i took some ephedra earlier and it helped a little
    Oh yes, as I mentioned earlier Ephedrine is related to amphetamines and operates through a few similar pathways.

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    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    Everyone responds differently.

    I personally feel the exact opposite from you. My body tolerates Adderall quite well, and I have never had issues with blood pressure or heart rate. Yes, heart rate does climb above normal when on Adderall, but I have never had anything go 'through the roof'. ON THE OTHER HAND, Clenbuterol is something i've vowed to myself 3 years ago that I would never ever use ever again. Heart rate went up on that, and although it was nothing extreme, it was much higher than Adderall makes my heart rate rise. I definitely felt an effect on cardiac tissue, though. When I can FEEL the vibrations of my heartbeat through my bed when laying down... that's a huge red flag. After the 4th or so cycle of Clen , I told myself i'd never use Clen again.

    Oh yes, as I mentioned earlier Ephedrine is related to amphetamines and operates through a few similar pathways.
    Oh yes im well clued up on my preworkout tools, i am actually in the process of bringing one of my cocktails into shops and online retailers over here

    And this is ephedra, no underdosed hcl for Dan!

  19. #19
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    While I would not suggest anyone take any amphetamine for wieght loss, as a treatment for ADD or ADHD it can be a Godsend. I have a close friend who suffers pretty severly from ADHD without adderal he can talk to you on 6 different subjects at the same time. On adderal he can maintain a normal conversation. So it certainly has its place in psychiatry.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Adderall IS amphetamine! Adderall is a mixture of 75% Dextroamphetamine and 15% Levoamphetamine. The XR variant includes 2 different types of Dextroamphetamine: saccharate and sulfate. Within Adderall XR also includes: amphetamine aspartate and sulfate.

    I was diagnosed with ADD when I was a child. However, never used any synthetic medications due to the fact that because I was under 18 I had no say in how my condition was to be treated, and my parents did not want to take the medicated route. However, a little over a year ago I asked my doctor for Adderall and i've been using it ever since (XR, as that is the only available one in Canada - we don't have immediate release here). I don't use it every day, but only when I really need it. If I find my focus and motivation wandering severely on a particular day or something, i'll take 20mg. Amphetamines all have fat loss effects, HOWEVER, most of the weight loss reported by people using it is likely from:

    1. Its dehydration effects
    2. Its appetite suppressive effects

    Ephedrine, Clenbuterol , Caffeine, Amphetamines, etc. are all related to one another in the same family. Ephedrine is actually a key ingredient in the production of Methamphetamine. But i'm not going to get into that, lol. In the end, it all depends on the dose you are using (obviously). I use 20mg when required. I don't believe 20mg is enough to elicit any noticeable fat loss, even when taken on a regular basis. I have heard of some extremely severe cases of ADD where the person was perscribed upwards of 120mg per day (yes, this is pretty extreme). Would the person see fat loss effects there? Yeah, likely. But that's pretty extreme, as I said. The most i've ever taken was 60mg and that was quite a kick. You're asking for trouble when you start to rove around or above 80mg. For those who are perscribed that much or more, it is obviously determined by the person's doctor that they require that much for whatever reason. And the goal here is not fat loss, lol.

    If you want fat loss, look into ECA or Clen , or any other fat burning compound. Adderall, although it posesses some fat burning properties, is not as efficient for this purpose as other compounds are. There ARE some actual significant anabolic effects to Adderall but I am absolutely not going to get into that or discuss the details of this at all, lest we have a bunch of morons who start taking amphetamines recreationally thinking that they're going to bulk up because of a few little details I mentioned.

    I have something to say about this. I understand that you tried Adderall and that you didn't enjoy it, but calling it poison? One could easily call AAS 'poison', but i'm sure you'd disagree! When it comes to Adderall or any ADD assisting medications, it all depends on how you use it and not every med is for everyone. I'm sure you'd agree with me on that if I said the same thing about AAS. Everything has the potential to do harm or good. From all my years studying life sciences, work as a personal trainer, involved in the gym and fitness world, etc., I can unequivocally say: everything is bad for you, and at the same time everything is good for you.

    I was perscribed adderall because I was diagnosed with ADD at approximately 7 years old. As I mentioned, I only started using it a little over one year ago, and it has benefited me beyond imagine with things i've struggled with my whole life - all from moderate use. I wish I had access to Adderall in my younger days during elementary school and highschool. I struggled SO horribly with focus and motivation, both on the immediate level (such as during classes and studying) as well as on a large general level (such as focus on overall goals in life in general). I don't even take it every day, and there are some times when I may go a week or more without having to use it. It might not have helped you, but I feel it has helped me immensely, and i'm sure that a lot of other people in the same situation as me would say the same thing.

    Do I agree with doctors automatically giving the parents of an ADD diagnosed child things like this and then force the kid to use it? No. The decision to use this to help oneself should be a conscious one made by the person themselves. If that means waiting until the child hits 16 or something before he/she can make their own decision on whether they feel they'd like to try using Adderall/Ritalin/whatever to help them, then so be it. But then we get into this issue of parents and the whole "DON'T TELL ME HOW TO RAISE MY KIDS" crap, and i'm not going there.

    Just my $0.02 on your comment about it being 'poison'.
    I am glad it has worked well for you and I should not have made such a general statement. I know quite a few people who were prescribed it and they ended up becoming addicted to it. Getting sick when they wanted to stop. Could not sleep so then they started using another pill to sleep or it started giving them anxiety so they were prescribed xanax. Its not like this is just a few people either its all over the internet of peoples whole demenor chamged when taking it.

  21. #21
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    I have some addies that say in the side "amphetamine salts". They are XR and fat lose does come from taking it. As others have said, it is not from anything other that suppressing appetite, which is not good for bodybuilding. I like to take it at work, but I dont eat when I do. I can take it at 8am and not eat all day. Thats not good.

  22. #22
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth
    I have some addies that say in the side "amphetamine salts". They are XR and fat lose does come from taking it. As others have said, it is not from anything other that suppressing appetite, which is not good for bodybuilding. I like to take it at work, but I dont eat when I do. I can take it at 8am and not eat all day. Thats not good.
    are they generic from a paki site by any chance?

  23. #23
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    are they generic from a paki site by any chance?
    No. I dont know how to get them online,unfortunaltly. They are from my local pharmacy. The 20mgs are solid blue caps, the 30mg are orange and clear. Blues have all white beads, the orange/clear have dark orange and light orange beads. I only take half the beads at a time because I cant get them often. I usually get a few here and there.

  24. #24
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    adderall is a amphetamine and yes in low dosage will burn up fat but if you have not fat for it to burn it can start to eat muscle tissue so your diet is important if your on them everyday.

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